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81. Biografia De Thabit Ibn Qurra Translate this page thabit ibn qurra. (Harran, 836-Bagdad, 901) Sabio árabe. Dedicado en especial alas matemáticas y la astronomía, reformó el sistema de Tolomeo y tradujo y http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/t/thabit.htm | |
82. Uczony Heretyk - Nowinki Matematyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Dokladna data urodzin Tabita ibn Qurry (thabit ibn qurra) nie jest znana; miescisie w przedziale lat 824836. Wiadomo natomiast, ze Tabit pochodzil z http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/matematyka/200102/20010219-001.asp | |
83. Ummah.com Print_a Science Feature Muslim Scientists thabit ibn qurra (836 CE). thabit ibn qurra ibn Marwan alSabial-Harrani was born in the year 836 CE at Harran (present Turkey). http://www.ummah.org.uk/science/printscfeature.php?scfid=13 |
84. Encyclopedia: Thabit Ibn Qurra Encyclopedia Ulugh Begthabit ibn qurra abu lHasan ibn Marwan alSabi alHarrani, Births DeathsFebruary 18 - thabit ibn qurra, Arab astronomer and mathematician Categories http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Thabit-ibn-Qurra | |
85. Institute For The Secularisation Of Islamic Society thabit ibn qurra was a pagan. Hunain ibn Ishaq was a Christian. AlFarabi taughtsecret doctrines and was also persecuted. ibn Sina was Persian and didn t http://www.secularislam.org/visitors/28.htm | |
86. ۞ Categorie:Filosoof - In De IzyNews Encyclopedie thabit ibn qurra (meer over thabit ibn qurra thabit ibn qurra abu l Hasan ibnMarwan alSabi al Harrani (* ? 826 te Carrhae in Mesopotamië (nu Harran in http://www.izynews.com/nl_e/Categorie:Filosoof | |
87. Alcuin - Ihre Datenbank Mit Mittelalterlichen Autoren Und Werken Translate this page Rhazes, Liber introductorius in medicinam parvus , thabit ibn qurra, hiis que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagesti) , thabit ibn qurra, http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/Philosophie/Infotek/phil/view/Werki | |
88. Las Matemáticas En El Islam Medieval Translate this page Una nueva prueba del teorema de thabit ibn qurra fue suministrada a finales delsiglo thabit ibn qurra (a quien con justicia mencionaremos una vez más, http://www.transoxiana.org/0105/chaparro_math_islam.html | |
89. Biblioteca Translate this page thabit ibn qurra. 891 LIBRO SOBRE EL INSTRUMENTO QUE INDICA LAS HORAS thabit ibnqurra. 1239? TRACTATUS DE QUADRANTE Sacrobosco http://www.bernisol.com/biblioteca.htm | |
90. NEWSLETTER DoldSamplonius, Y. 1996 The Book of Assumptions by thabit ibn qurra (836-901).In History of Mathematics The States of the Art. Eds. J. Dauben, http://www.ou.edu/islamsci/Newsletter4.html | |
91. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra Isidorus of Miletus Ivory, James thabit ibn qurra, al-?abi? al- ?arrani Theaetetus Theodorus of Cyrene http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
92. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 860, dc 880) *SB; thabit ibn qurra (836901) *MT; al-Fadl al-Nayrizi (c. 900-905) *SB; Ibrahim ibn Sinan ibn thabit ibn qurra (909-946) *SB; Manjula (c. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
93. TIMELINE 9th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE 18 Feb 901 Arab mathematician thabit ibn qurra dies in Baghdad, Iraq. 907 or908 Muslim ibn Ahmed alLeiti, Abu Obeida, also called Sahib al-Qible, http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline9.html | |
94. Mais Quand Commence Le Ramadan ? - Ciel Et Espace Translate this page La théorie de thabit ibn qurra (824-901), plus sophistiquée, tient compte de Même si les conclusions de thabit ibn qurra nétaient pas exactes, http://www.cieletespace.fr/cat/mais_quand_commence_le_ramadan.html | |
95. Blog Matematico Translate this page Il grande matematico arabo Al-Sabi thabit ibn qurra al-Harrani (826-901) dimostròil notevole teorema fissato n intero positivo, se i numeri p = 3 2n-1 http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/aprile-maggio-03.html | |
96. Welkom Bij Het FOK!fotoboek naam, thabit ibn qurra. woonplaats, Baghdad. geslacht, Man. geb. datum,000000-00. relatie, nee. kleur ogen. schoenmaat. beroep, Wetenschapper http://fotoboek.fok.nl/user.fok?id=46507 |
97. Islamic Astronomy By Owen Gingerich translator of mathematical and astronomical works was a pagan named thabitibn qurra. thabit was originally a money changer in the marketplace of Harran http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/phys/alshukri/PHYS215/Islamic astronomy.htm | |
98. Ibn QUARRA thabit ibn Quarra was born in 836 in Harran, now known as Turkey and died in 901in Baghdad (Iraq); thabit was a great Muslim mathematician and astronomer. http://algana.co.uk/FamousNames/Q/quarra.htm | |
99. Zayd Ibn Thabit And The Glorious Quran Excluding the Prophet himself, Zayd ibn thabit and Imam al Bukhari undoubtedly The Prophet Meets the Young Ansar Zayd ibn thabit is Zayd ibn thabit ibn http://www.irfi.org/articles/articles_251_300/zayd_ibn_thabit_and_the_glorious.h | |
100. Asia Times Online Community And News Discussion - What; S Worse Jabir ibn Haiyan, alKindi, al-Khwarizmi, al-Fargani, al-Razi, thabit ibnQurra, al-Battani, Hunain ibn Ishaq, al-Farabi, Ibrahim ibn Sinan, al-Masudi, http://forum.atimes.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2845 |
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