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         Pythagoras Of Samos:     more books (27)
  1. Pythagoras of Samos: Ancient Greek Logodynamics by Gregory Zorzos, 2009-05-02
  2. Pythagoras, der Weise von Samos: Ein Lebensbild (German Edition) by Eduard Baltzer, 1983
  3. People From Samos Prefecture: Ancient Samians, Pythagoras, Epicurus, Aristarchus of Samos, Conon of Samos, Aesop, Melissus of Samos
  4. Samos The Island of Pythagoras by No Author, 1995
  5. Samos ~ Pythagoras' Island: Tourist Guide by Not Stated, 1981-01-01
  6. The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Other Pythagorean Fragments (Dodo Press) by Pythagoras of Samos, 2008-11-14
  7. PYTHAGORAS AND PYTHAGOREANISM: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by W. Guthrie, 2006
  8. PYTHAGORAS: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Religion</i> by Bruno Centrone, 2005
  9. Pythagoras: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Mathematics</i> by William Arthur Atkins, Philip Edward Koth, 2002
  10. Pythagoras: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  11. PYTHAGORAS AND THE PYTHAGOREANS: An entry from Gale's <i>Arts and Humanities Through the Eras</i>
  12. PYTHAGORAS: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>Encyclopedia of Food and Culture</i> by Mikal E. Saltveit, 2003
  13. PYTHAGORAS: An entry from Gale's <i>Arts and Humanities Through the Eras</i>
  14. PYTHAGORAS AND PYTHAGOREANISM [ADDENDUM 1]: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Charles Kahn, 2006

61. Von Samos, Pythagoras (um 570 V.Chr. - Um 480 V.Chr.)
Die Seite beinhaltet eine Kurzbiographie des griechischen Philosophen und Mathematikers.
Pythagoras von Samos Kurze Biographie Anaximandros und Thales nach Milet Akusmata (siehe unten), herauszufinden und ihr Leben danach zu gestalten. Sie wollten das Wissen ihres Meisters nur bewahren und tradieren. Hauptpunkte seiner Lehre Akusmata Beispiele: - "Nicht ohne Licht reden!" Seelenlehre Zu der pythagoreischen Lebensweise Mathematik/Zahlenlehre In der Mathematik kamen die Pythagoreer zu bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen, wie zum Beispiel: - Lehrsatz des Pythagoras (a +b = c ), nach dem die Summe der beiden Kathetenquadrate eines rechtwinkligen Dreiecks dem Hypotenusen-Quadrat gleicht. Die pythagoreische Lehre sieht in den Zahlen das eigentliche Geheimnis und die Bausteine der Welt. Jede der Grundzahlen (1- 10) hat ihre eigene Kraft und Bedeutung. Quellen Wedemeyer, Inge von (Hrsg.): Pythagoras: Weisheitslehrer des Abendlandes Ahlerstedt: Param, 1988 Kleine Geschichte der antiken Philosophie Mannheim: F. A. Brockhaus GmbH 1986 Kathrin Niemeyer

62. Pythagoras - Geometry
Thales was about 50 years senior to pythagoras, and Miletus and samos are veryclose geographically, so it may be that pythagoras actually studied under
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A Collection of Essays and Lessons for Junior and Senior High School
A. Brief History of Geometry to the time of Pythagoras

B. The Postulational Method

C. The Regular Polygons and Polyhedrons

D. The Section

Introduction: In the three essays prior to this one, I outlined the influence of the Pythagoreans on Western science and philosophy, and in particular their contributions to mathematics in the areas of number theory and algebra. The interested reader will have recognised the significance of geometry in all these discoveries. This final essay on the Pythagoreans will attempt to describe some of their contributions to, and influence on, the body of geometry. A. Brief History of Geometry to the time of Pythagoras As has been discussed in the earlier essays, there are few surviving works from this period. Much of what follows is generally accepted as the history of geometry at this time. The principal source of information concerning very early Greek geometry is the Eudemian Summary which is found in the introduction to Proclus' (500 A.D.) "Commentary of Euclid, Book I". Unfortunately the original reference, "The History of Geometry" by Eudemus (370 B.C.), who was a pupil of Aristotle, is lost. This book apparently gave a full account of the developments in geometry to about 335B.C. It is believed that Proclus had reference to it for his summary. What follows is from Proclus' summary of geometry up to Pythagoras as described in Allman The Eudemian Summary attributes the origins of geometry to the Egyptians. It claims that the Egyptians invented geometry to restore the land boundaries which had been destroyed by the annual inundation of the Nile. Eudemus credits Thales of Miletus (ca. 640 - 548 B.C.) as having brought geometry into Greece :

63. Pythagoras [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
Originally from samos, pythagoras founded at Kroton (in southern Italy) a societywhich was at once a religious community and a scientific school.
Pythagoras (fl. 530 BCE.) It is stated that he was a disciple of Anaximander, his astronomy was the natural development of Anaximander's. Also, the way in which the Pythagorean geometry developed also bears witness to its descent from that of Miletos. The great problem at this date was the duplication of the square, a problem which gave rise to the theorem of the square on the hypotenuse, commonly known still as the Pythagorean proposition (Euclid, I. 47). If we were right in assuming that Thales worked with the old 3:4:5 triangle, the connection is obvious.
The author of this article is anonymous. The IEP is actively seeking an author who will write a replacement article.

64. Pythagoras And The Pythagoreans
Page 132 pythagoras, son of Mnesarchos, a native of samos, left his fatherlandto escape the tyranny of Polykrates (533/2 or 529/8 BC).
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans,
Fragments and Commentary

Arthur Fairbanks, ed. and trans.
The First Philosophers of Greece
(London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1898), 132-156.
Hanover Historical Texts Project

Scanned and proofread by Aaron Gulyas, May 1998.
Proofread and pages added by Jonathan Perry, March 2001.
Fairbanks's Introduction

Passages in Plato referring to the Pythagoreans

Passages in Aristotle referring to the Pythagoreans
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans: Passages in the Doxographists
Fairbanks's Introduction
[Page 132] Pythagoras, son of Mnesarchos, a native of Samos, left his fatherland to escape the tyranny of Polykrates (533/2 or 529/8 B.C.). He made his home for many years in Kroton in southern Italy, where his political views gained control in the city. At length he and his followers were banished by an opposing party, and he died at Metapontum. Many stories are told of his travels into Egypt and more widely, but there is no evidence on which the stories can be accepted. He was a mystic thinker and religious reformer quite as much as a philosopher, but there is no reason for denying that the doctrines of the school originated with him. Of his disciples, Archytas, in southern Italy, and Philolaos and Lysis, at Thebes, are the best known. It is the doctrine of the school, not the teaching of Pythagoras himself, which is known to us through the writings of Aristotle. Literature: :-On Pythagoras: Krische

65. MathematikerInnen - Pythagoras von Samos
Translate this page pythagoras von samos. Wir wissen nicht viel von pythagoras und nichts ist eindeutigfestlegbar. Er lebte vermutlich bis etwa 500 vor Christus.

Leonhard Euler Pierre de Fermat Carl Friedrich Gauss ... Emmy Noether Pythagoras von Samos Bertrand Russell Mandelbrot und Sierpinski Thales von Milet Spiel ... MathematikerInnen
Pythagoras von Samos
Seine besonderen Interessen waren die Geometrie und die Zahlentheorie. Der und die sind nach ihm benannt.

Diese Seite auf Englisch

66. Pythagoras Von Samos
Translate this page pythagoras von samos war ein griechischer Mathematiker und Philosoph, der im 6 . pythagoras Ruf als Weiser von samos hatte sich zu der Zeit schon in ganz
Pythagoras von Samos
Pythagoras von Samos Quelle Pythagoras von Samos
Das Leben des Philosophen
Pythagoras knüpfte mit seiner Philosophie an Anaximander und seiner Lehre vom Apeiron an, ergänzte sie aber wesentlich, indem er die Zahl als zusätzliches Prinzip einführte. "Alles ist Zahl" - dieser Satz wird den Pythagoräern zugeschrieben, und er verdeutlicht, dass sie die Zahl als eine die gesamte Natur konstituierende Kraft betrachteten. Erstmals in der griechischen Philosophie wird diese Rolle damit einem abstrakten Prinzip zugeschrieben.
In diesem Zusammenhang ist der Begriff der Inkommensurabilität wichtig. Der Überlieferung nach entdeckte ein Schüler von Pythagoras namens Hippasos an einer geometrischen Figur inkommensurable Strecken und wurde dafür auf Pythagoras Anordnungen ertränkt. Gleichgültig, ob diese Geschichte der Wahrheit entspricht oder nicht – die Existenz inkommensurabler, d.h., nicht "mit einem gemeinsamen Maß messbarer" Strecken war eine mit dem Weltbild der Pythagoräer schwer vereinbare Entdeckung. Denn sie bedeutet, dass es Strecken gibt, für die das Verhältnis der Längen nicht durch natürliche Zahlen ausgedrückt werden kann (in heutiger Sprechweise: das Verhältnis ist nicht rational, sondern irrational).
Man nimmt an, dass dieser Umstand am Pentagramm, einem für die Pythagoräer wichtigen Symbol, mittels Wechselwegnahme (der geometrischen Version des euklidischen Algorithmus) gemacht wurde: Das Verhältnis der Seite zur Diagonale ist beim regelmäßigen Fünfeck irrational. Es kann aber auch sein, dass die Inkommensurabilität am Quadrat (Seite und Diagonale) entdeckt wurde, entweder ebenfalls geometrisch, oder mit Hilfe des pythagoräischen Lehrsatzes und dem bei Euklid zu findenden zahlentheoretischen Beweis (heute: ist irrational). (Der "pythagoräische Lehrsatz", auch "Satz des Pythagoras", über das rechtwinkelige Dreieck ist allerdings wesentlich älter. Er verdankt seinen Namen der Zuschreibung durch Euklid.)

67. Pythagoras - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Pythagoras
Information about pythagoras in the Columbia Encyclopedia®. life of pythagoras, He migrated from his native samos to Crotona and established a secret
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Cite / link Email Feedback Pythagoras Pythagoreans are best known for two teachings: the transmigration of souls transmigration of souls or metempsychosis [Gr.,=change of soul], a belief common to many cultures, in which the soul passes from one body to another, either human, animal, or inanimate. Click the link for more information. and the theory that numbers constitute the true nature of things. The believers performed purification rites and followed moral, ascetic, and dietary rules to enable their souls to achieve a higher rank in their subsequent lives and thus eventually be liberated from the "wheel of birth." This belief also led them to regard the sexes as equal, to treat slaves humanely, and to respect animals. The highest purification was "philosophy," and tradition credits Pythagoras with the first use of the term. Beginning with the discovery that the relationship between musical notes could be expressed in numerical ratios (see Greek music Greek music

68. Pythagoras, Phoenician/Greek Mathematician
pythagoras was born on the island of samos in 568 BC to a Phoenician merchant pythagoras left samos and went to southern Italy in about 518 BC (some say
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Pythagoras (569 BC - 475 BC)
The first pure mathematician and an important figure in the development of mathematics
A compelling and breathtaking novel about the first philosopher - Pythagoras.
Karim el Koussa

Pythagoras the Mathemagican
Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos in 568 BC to a Phoenician merchant from Tyre called Mnesarchus . His mother, Pythais was a native of Samos. He is often described as the first pure mathematician. He is an extremely important figure in the development of mathematics yet we know relatively little about his mathematical achievements. Unlike many later mathematicians, where at least we have some of the books which they wrote, we have nothing of Pythagoras's writings. The society which he led, half religious and half scientific, followed a code of secrecy which certainly means that today Pythagoras is a mysterious figure. We do have details of Pythagoras's life from early biographies which use important original sources yet are written by authors who attribute divine powers to him, and whose aim was to present him as a god-like figure. What we present below is an attempt to collect together the most reliable sources to reconstruct an account of Pythagoras's life. There is fairly good agreement on the main events of his life but most of the dates are disputed with different scholars giving dates which differ by 20 years. Some historians treat all this information as merely legends but, even if the reader treats it in this way, being such an early record it is of historical importance.

69. The History Of Pythagoras And His Theorem
pythagoras was born in the island of samos in ancient Greece1. pythagoras ofsamos. pythagoras father s name was Mnesarchus and may have been a
The History of Pythagoras and his Theorem In this section you will learn about the life of Pythagoras and how it is that the theorem is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. Be aware that there are no good records about the life of Pythagoras, so the exact dates and other issues are not known with certainty. In addition, the names of some of the people as well as the places where Pythagoras lived may have different spellings. Pythagoras was born in the island of Samos in ancient Greece . There is no certainty regarding the exact year when he was born, but it is believed that it was around 570 BC That is about 2,570 years ago! Those were times when a person believed in superstitions and had strong beliefs in gods, spirits, and the mysterious. Religious cults were very popular in those times.
Pythagoras of Samos Pythagoras' father's name was Mnesarchus and may have been a Phoenician. His mother's name was Pythais. Mnesarchus made sure that his son would get the best possible education. His first teacher was Pherecydes, and Pythagoras stayed in touch with him until Pherecydes' death. When Pythagoras was about 18 years old he went to the island of Lesbos where he worked and learned from Anaximander, an astronomer and philosopher, and Thales of Miletus, a very wise philosopher and mathematician. Thales had visited Egypt and recommended that Pythagoras go to Egypt. Pythagoras arrived in Egypt around 547 BC when he was 23 years old. He stayed in Egypt for 21 years learning a variety of things including geometry from Egyptian priests . It was probably in Egypt where he learned the theorem that is now called by his name.

70. Philosophy: Philosophers: P: Pythagoras-of-samos Spirit And Sky
pythagorasof-samos A variety of texts relating to pythagoras and Pythagoreanteachings. (Added Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 115164
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71. Pythagoras Von Samos
Translate this page pythagoras von samos Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon.
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Pythagoras von Samos (ca. 540 - 500 v. u. Z.)
Themistokleia und vielleicht auch des Pherekydes. Er war Mann der Theano von Kroton sowie Vater von Arignote, Myia, Damo , Telauges und Mnesarchos. Die im Buch I der Slg. der pythagoreischen Lehren des Iamblichos Schule der Pythagoreer Der nach Pythagoras benannte Satz des Pythagoras war schon weit vor ihm in der babylonischen Mathematik bekannt.
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72. Pythagoras Hotel - Samos Island, Greece
pythagoras Hotel. samos Island (Vathi), Greece The pythagoras Hotel is locateddirectly on Roditses Beach, 5 minutes walk from the centre of Vathi, Pythagoras Hotel
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Address: 12 Kallistratou Street, Samos Island (Vathi) Telephone: Fax: Price: (See Current Prices Here (Help keep accurate... To add or correct information for this listing, please use the listing update form Description Provided by the Owner The Pythagoras Hotel is located directly on Roditses Beach, 5 minutes walk from the centre of Vathi, the Capital town of Samos. From our balconies and terraces you can sit back and relax whilst gazing over the beautiful Samos Bay. We have double, twin, triple and four person dormitory rooms. Each room has its own bathroom with 24 hour hot-water, linen and private balcony. Our restaurant, open daily from 6:45am until 1:00am, offers traditional Greek cuisine along with old favourites like hamburgers, sandwiches and a great English breakfast. Why not enjoy the best sunset that Samos has to offer whilst sipping on a beverage from our fully stocked bar at cost price. For your convienience we can offer full internet access at great rates and free satelite television. Make a Reservation (Online Booking)...

73. Biography Of Pythagoras
pythagoras was born on the island of samos, Greece in 569 BC, and died about 500BC in pythagoras left samos in disgust for its ruler Polycrates.
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Biographies of Mathematicians - Pythagoras
Lesson Overview
Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos, Greece in 569 BC, and died about 500 BC in Metapontum, Lucania. He traveled extensively in Egypt, learning math, astronomy and music. Pythagoras was also a healer, a wrestler, and was politically active. Pythagoras was a Greek Mathematician born in 569 B.C. who studied math, music, and astronomy.
His Life
Pythagoras left Samos in disgust for its ruler Polycrates. He settled in Cretona, a Greek colony in southern Italy. There he founded a movement with religious, political and philosophical goals. To facilitate his movement, he created a school where his followers lived and worked. He had many devoted followers who were called Pythagoreans. They had to adhere to certain strict rules. Obedience, silence, abstinence from food, simplicity in dress and possessions, and the habit of frequent self examination were required of the Pythagoreans. They also believed in immortality and transmigration of souls. Pythagoras created a strict order where his followers worked with Pythagoras to make new discoveries and theories.

74. Pythagoras Von Samos Zitate Und Sprüche -
Translate this page pythagoras von samos Zitate und Sprüche - von Samos/zitate.html
English Espa±ol Deutsch Fran§ais Willkommen bei Wir haben die besten Zitate und Spr¼che. Zitate Homepage-Tools Suche Community ... Z Pythagoras von Samos Platz (Punkte: 1775) Themen W¶rter Denken Die k¼rzesten W¶rter, n¤mlich 'ja' und 'nein' erfordern das meiste Nachdenken. Pythagoras von Samos
griechischer Mathematiker und Philosoph Antoine de Saint-Exupery Pythagoras von Samos 1 / 2 Carl Sandburg Kommentare Biografie Mail ... Z Andere Webseiten Witze Fun-Pics Spiele Zitate-Verzeichnis

75. Pythagoras Von Samos Biografie
pythagoras von samos 1 / 2 Carl Sandburg von Samos/biografie.html
English Espa±ol Deutsch Fran§ais Willkommen bei Wir haben die besten Zitate und Spr¼che. Zitate Homepage-Tools Suche Community ... Z Pythagoras von Samos Platz (Punkte: 1775) Themen W¶rter Denken Die k¼rzesten W¶rter, n¤mlich 'ja' und 'nein' erfordern das meiste Nachdenken. Pythagoras von Samos
griechischer Mathematiker und Philosoph Antoine de Saint-Exupery Pythagoras von Samos 1 / 2 Carl Sandburg Kommentare Biografie Mail ... Korrekturen Pythagoras von Samos Er lebt um 550 v. Chr. Themen-Index A B C ... Z Andere Webseiten Witze Fun-Pics Spiele Zitate-Verzeichnis

76. Pythagoras Hotel Samos Greece
Book pythagoras Hotel in samos, Greece online. Confirmed reservations for pythagorasHotel backpacker hostel in samos, Greece.
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77. Pythagoras Hotel - Samos, Greece Youth Hostels
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The Pythagoras Hotel is located directly on Roditses Beach, 5 minutes walk from the centre of Vathi, the Capital town of Samos. From our balconies and terraces you can sit back and relax whilst gazing over the beautiful Samos Bay. We have double, twin, triple and four person dormitory rooms. Each room has its own bathroom with 24 hour hot-water, linen and private balcony. Our restaurant, open daily from 6:45am until 1:00am, offers traditional Greek cuisine along with old favourites like hamburgers, sandwiches and a great English breakfast. Why not enjoy the best sunset that Samos has to offer whilst sipping on a beverage from our fully stocked bar at cost price. For your convienience we can offer full internet access at great rates and free satelite television.
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78. Pythagoras Van Samos: (569-475 V. Chr.)
pythagoras moeder was Pythais uit samos. Waarschijnlijk had hij twee of driebroers. In zijn jeugd kreeg pythagoras een goede opleiding; hij kreeg onder
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Pythagoras van Samos
(569-475 v. Chr.)
In de Amerikaanse schoolboekjes kun je lezen dat Pythagoras "professor was aan de universiteit van Crotona". Onzin natuurlijk, want in de tijd van Pythagoras bestonden er nog geen universiteiten. Pythagoras was een Griekse wijsgeer die zich vooral bezighield met filosofie - en een beetje wiskunde Volgens sommige bronnen woonde Pythagoras eerst een tijd in Egypte en daarna als krijgsgevangene in Babylon (het huidige Bagdad), voordat hij naar Samos terugkeerde. Zeker is dat hij vanuit Samos naar Croton in Zuid-Italië vertrok om een kolonie te stichten. Dit kan gebeurd zijn in 530 voor Christus, maar ook pas in 518 voor Christus. In Croton richtte Pythagoras een filosofische en religieuze gemeenschap op. De kern van deze gemeenschap werd gevormd door de "mathematikoi". Zij werden onderwezen door Pythagoras zelf en volgden strenge leefregels. De basis van het geloof van de gemeenschap werd door Pythagoras in enkele "geloofsaxioma's" samengevat:
  • Op het diepste niveau is de werkelijkheid wiskundig van aard Filosofie kan gebruikt worden voor geestelijke zuiverheid De ziel kan zich verheffen tot eenheid met het goddelijke Bepaalde symbolen (bijvoorbeeld getallen) hebben een geloofswaarde Alle leden van de gemeenschap moeten volledige trouw en geheimhouding zweren
Een ander belangrijk punt uit de filosofie van Pythagoras was de overtuiging dat de ziel onsterfelijk was en na de dood overging in een ander lichaam. Dat hoefde niet noodzakelijk dat van een mens te zijn. Pythagoras was dan ook een grote tegenstander van het eten van vlees - volgens zijn filosofie was het dan immers mogelijk om je eigen grootouders op te eten!

79. Pythagoras December 2001: Pythagoras Van Samos
pythagoras van samos door Jean Belle. pythagoras De Griek uit de oudheid, die inde wiskunde een zeer bijzondere plaats inneemt en waarnaar dit tijdschrift
door Jean Belle home laatste nummer rubrieken database ... adressen
Pythagoras december 2001
Pythagoras van Samos
door Jean Belle
Een wijs man
Pythagoras was niet onvermogend en kon daarom als ondernemende en weetgierige jongeman verre reizen maken door het Midden-Oosten teneinde oosterse wijsheid en kennis op te doen. Pythagoras moet toen ook het gebruik van de tulband geleerd hebben, een praktische hoofdbedekking voor de met zon overgoten gebieden. Het is niet ondenkbaar dat hij, na terugkeer in zijn moederland, deze hoofdbedekking bleef dragen. De in Griekenland gevonden sculptuur uit de periode 500-400 voor Christus, bekend als 'Man met tulband', zou mogelijk een afbeelding van hem kunnen zijn, maar de noodzakelijke gegevens voor het bewijs ontbreken. Figuur 4 Figuur 5 . Een driehoek met zijden waarvan de lengten zich verhouden als 3 : 4 : 5 wordt daarom soms ook wel de Egyptische driehoek genoemd. Men kent ook de Indische driehoek : hierbij verhouden de lengten van de zijden zich als 5 : 12 : 13. De hoek tegenover de langste zijde is recht wegens 5 . Elke driehoek, waarvan de zijden a, b en c zich verhouden als gehele getallen en voldoen aan de betrekking a

80. 1000 - Pythagoras Von Samos Zitat
Translate this page Die große Sammlung für Zitate, Sinnsprüche und Aphorismen. von Samos/
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