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61. CV With WW Fortenbaugh, Lyco of Troas and Hieronymus of rhodes Text, Translation, posidonius and FirstCentury Stoicism. Conference on Post-Hellenistic http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~sawhite/CV.html | |
62. A History Of Science Volume I - Part II posidonius, we may note in passing, was a contemporary and friend of Cicero star which barely rose above the southern horizon at rhodes as compared with http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/sci/history/AHistoryofScienceVolume | |
63. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY: The Ethical Period spend time in Athens studying again with the Epicureans and the Platonists,and continued his studies in rhodes with posidonius, the Stoic philosopher. http://radicalacademy.com/adiphilethical2.htm | |
64. Philosophy At The University Of Edinburgh posidonius on the growing argument , in rhodes, Twenty Four Centuries, (AthensThe Academy of Athens, 1996) 113122. The nature of the good moral agent , http://www.philosophy.ed.ac.uk/staff/scaltsas.html | |
65. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Stoics And Stoic Philosophy and of posidonius, (13540) who transferred the school to rhodes, posidonius at once a savant, historian, geographer, mathematician, astronomer and http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14299a.htm | |
66. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Eclecticism among the Stoics by Boethus, Panetius of rhodes, (about 180110 BC),posidonius (about 50 BC), and later on by the neo-Cynics, Demetrius and Demonax http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05276a.htm | |
67. The Practical Surveyor - Research posidonius, Egypt and rhodes, 100 BC, 4389.4. Abelseda, Arabia, 827, 3804.6.Albazen, Arabia, 1100, 3774.4. Fernal, France, 1528, 4006.9 http://www.orbitals.com/books/tps/research.html | |
68. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent posidonius, whose major astronomical works are lost, was in rhodes (see that posidonius probably the most brilliant mind behind the rhodes school http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1468-4004.2000.41610.x | |
69. Literary Encyclopedia: Cicero, Marcus Tullius Ciceros tour of Greece and Asia Minor (7977) included studies with Antiochusin Athens and in rhodes with the Stoic posidonius. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=884 |
70. Eratho About a century later, posidonius copied this feat, using the star Canopus ashis light source and the cities of rhodes and Alexandria as his baseline. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/cosmostar/html/cstars_eratho.html | |
71. RHODES LA PETITE JERUSALEM Translate this page de deux grands intellectuels grecs, qui vécurent longtemps à rhodes posidonius,philosophe stoïcien, et le célèbre Apollonius, poète et grammairien. http://sefarad.realroot.com/lm/040/4.html | |
72. Giocchino Jack Urso: The Antikythera Mechanism posidonius was from island of rhodes, where the Antikythera Mechanism is thoughtto originate. The technology behind the Antikythera Mechanism stems from http://home.nycap.rr.com/mismedia/Urso_Antikythera Mechanism.htm | |
73. Astrology And Religion Among The Greeks And Romans: Lecture III. The Disseminati The almost total loss of the works of posidonius prevents us from appreciating In his school at rhodes he had long been the master of the masters of the http://www.sacred-texts.com/astro/argr/argr08.htm | |
74. Scaltsas 1996 posidonius on the Growing Argument , in rhodes, Twenty Four Centuries,published by the Academy of Athens (Athens), pp. 113122. http://archelogos.com/xml/authors/Scaltsas.htm | |
75. POSIDONIUS - LoveToKnow Article On POSIDONIUS posidonius (c. 13050 BC), nicknamed the Athlete, Stoic philosopher, When hesettled as a teacher at rhodes (hence his surname the Rhodian ) his fame http://32.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PO/POSIDONIUS.htm | |
76. Biographie De Cicéron - Histoire Et Géographie Translate this page également par les doctrines artistotélicienne et stoïcienne), de Zénon et dePhèdre (épicuriens) à Athènes, et du savant stoïcien posidonius à rhodes. http://histoireetgeographie.free.fr/index.php?2004/03/07/169-biographie-de-cicer |
77. Spinoza Et Nous - Philosophie De L'affirmation - Convergences Et Divergences Ave Translate this page Panétius ou Panaitios philosophe stoïcien grec de rhodes, posidonius ou Posidonios philosophe stoïcien grec installé à rhodes, http://www.spinozaetnous.org/modules.php?name=Tutoriaux&rop=navig&did=53&eid=140 |
78. The Round Earth And Christopher Columbus Some writers reported that the Greek posidonius used the greatest height of the island of rhodes further north (near the southwestern tip of Turkey). http://www.iki.rssi.ru/magbase/REFMAN/STARGAZE/Scolumb.htm | |
79. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De Bouquins Translate this page rhodes fut colonisée par des Grecs doriens qui fondèrent trois cités-États, et le lieu où son disciple posidonius établit une école de philosophie. http://www.bouquins.tm.fr/extrait.asp?code=2-221-06800-9 |
80. Cicéron rhodes, il suit ceux du stoïcien posidonius (Poseidoniosdans notre exposé sur le ) , ainsi que le rhéteur Molon. http://fleche.org/lutece/progterm/ciceron/ciceron0.html | |
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