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         Plucker Julius:     more books (18)
  1. Julius Plückers Gesammelte Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen: Bd. Physikalische Abhandlungen, Hrsg. Von Fr. Pockels (German Edition) by Alfred Clebsch, Julius Plücker, et all 2010-06-13
  2. Julius Plückers Gesammelte Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen: Bd. Mathematische Abhandlungen, Hrsg. Von A. Schoenflies (German Edition) by Alfred Clebsch, 2010-02-09
  3. System Der Analytischen Geometrie, Auf Neue Betrachtungsweisen Gegründet, Und Insbesondere Eine Ausführliche Theorie Der Curven Dritter Ordnung Enthaltend (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-01-11
  4. Einleitung in Die Elektrostatik: Die Lehre Vom Magnetismus Und Die Elektrodynamik (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, August Beer, 2010-02-28
  5. Analytisch-Geometrische Entwicklungen, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-03-22
  6. Theorie Der Algebraischen Curven: Gegründet Auf Eine Neue Behandlungsweise Der Analytischen Geometrie (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-03-16
  7. Neue Geometrie Des Raumes Gegründet Auf Die Betrachtung Der Geraden Linie Als Raumelement (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-01-09
  8. Analytisch-Geometrische Entwicklungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-01-11
  9. Theorie Der Algebraischen Curven: Gegründet Auf Eine Neue Behandlungsweise Der Analytischen Geometrie (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-04-03
  10. Einleitung in die Elektrostatik, die Lehre vom Magnetismus, und die Elektrodynamik. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von Julius Plucker.
  11. Neue geometrie des raumes gegründet auf die betrachtung der geraden linie als raumelement. Von Julius Pluecker. Mit einem Vorwort von A. Clebsch. by Julius Plücker, 1899-01-01
  12. Julius Plücker
  13. Ueber die Constitution der elektrischen spectra der verschiedenen gase und dampfe. Contained in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Volume 107 pages 497-539. by Julius Plucker , 1859-01-01
  14. Ueber die Constitution der elektrischen Spectra der verschiedenen Gase und Dämpfe. by Julius von (1801-1868). PLÜCKER, 1859-01-01

81. AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: P
plucker julius Plücker julius 18011868 German mathematician. Plücker julius 1801-1868 plucker julius. Plumer of Messines 1st Viscount
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Paul of Olmütz

Peter the Great
Saint Peter of Luxemburg
Peter the Great

Don Pedro of Castile
Petrus Sabbatius

Flavius Justinianus
Prince Regent Publius Vergilius Maro Vergil A B C D ... Z

82. Brainstorms: Engineering & Darwinian Theory
1859 German mathematician and physicist julius plucker experiments with invisible cathode rays. 1861 - Italian priest, Abbe Caselli, uses tin foil on

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This topic is comprised of pages: 1 Author Dennis L. Feucht
Member # 231
posted 07. April 2002 15:13 In a discussion on Phil Johnson's list-server, Forrest Mims commented on how some knowledge of human design would be of benefit in assessing evolutionary biology, especially by the biologists. Bill Demski thought I should post my (edited) comments, prompted by Forrest, in response.
Forrest's comment is important but often overlooked in the scientific debate about life's development. Science depends almost entirely on analytic investigative skills, though they are often applied in a creative way. Engineering is the discipline whose distinctive subject-matter is design. For biologists to speak authoritatively against design, some experience with design and demonstration of understanding of design principles would add much credibility to such arguments. However, engineering (design) embodies a wide range of principles and methods that do not appear in the field of biology. Some biologists, such as Mike Behe, have an appreciation for the nontriviality of design principles, recognizing for instance that Murphy's Law ("If it can go wrong, it will.") applies also to the development of living systems.
It is no wonder to me, as an engineer, that so many engineers lean toward ID. Try to design a nontrivial system and you develop an innate appreciation for the meaning of irreducible complexity. "Tinker toys for biologists" [an idea Forrest put forward, to give biologists some experience with design principles] is not a bad idea. The rapid development of biotech and molecular engineering will provide this opportunity and bring evolutionary biology and engineering into closer proximity. That will be interesting to watch.

83. T E L E H O R
1859 A német matematikus, fizikus julius plucker katódsugarakkal kísérletezik. 1873 Willoughby Mith és Joseph May angol tudósok feljegyzik,
A "television" kifejezés elsõ megjelenése Constantin Persky elõadásában az 1900-as párizsi Világkiállítás keretében megrendezett Nemzetközi Elektromosság Konferencián.
Dr. Korn fakszimile apparátusával XI. Pius pápa fotóját rádióhullámokkal továbbítja Rómából Maine-ba (USA). Az elsõ "drót"-képet még aznap leközli a New York World c. lap.
. október 3. Jenkins elsõ nyilvános bemutatója a haditengerészet rádióállomását használva: a képeket (egyelõre még nem beszélhetünk televízióról a mai értelemben, ezek állóképek voltak) washingtoni irodájából a haditengerészet NOF állomására telefonvonalon továbbította ahonnan már "drót nélkül" érkezett vissza a jel Washingtonba.
. december 29. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin (1889-1982), orosz származású amerikai feltaláló szabadalmaztatja az "ikonoszkópot", egy elektronikus kameracsövet, amely A.A. Campbell-Swinton 1911-es javaslatát követi. Zworykin fejlesztése több ponton épít Tihanyi Kálmán szabadalmaira.

84. Many Students (often In The More Theoretical Fields) Proudly Trace
Great^6 Grandfather Christian Felix Klein (PhD 1868) Coadvised by julius plucker and Rudolf Lipschitz Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
Many students (often in the more theoretical fields) proudly trace their academic lineage back to Gauss, Church, et al. Though some find this a point worth bragging over, I've always believed that having famous academic ancestors was less an indication of future success than an indication that academiaa small world todaywas an even smaller world 50, 100, or 400 years ago. Trees fanout fast. Poorly advised students are less likely to become professors. Professors co-advise. To test this hypothesis, I looked up my ancestry, and sure enough it goes back to Vannevar Bush and Huffman, no small fry in 20th century science. This page used to say that I suspected if I had complete records they would go back to Newton or Gauss. Well, thanks to I have better records and it actually does go back to Gauss! It also goes back to Poisson, Lagrange, Euler, Bernoulli (Johann advised Jacob), Leibniz, and Fourier. I wonder if I could trace it back to Aristotle... Academic Genealogy for James Hendricks as far back as is known: Great Great Great Great Grandfather Prof. Vannevar Bush (3/11/1890 - 6/30/1974) Taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EE Great Great Great Grandfather Prof. Samuel Hawks Caldwell (1904 - ) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EE Great Great Grandfather Prof. David A. Huffman (1925 - 10/7/99) University of California at Santa Cruz, Founded CS Department Great Grandfather Prof. Richard Y. Kain University of Minnesota, ECE Grandfather Prof. Arvind (Minnesota 1973) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EECS Advisor (1) Prof. James Hoe (MIT 2000) Carnegie Mellon University, ECE Wow... This eventually actually does go to Gauss! Great^7 Grandfather ... To be completed later ... Great^6 Grandfather Christian Felix Klein (PhD 1868) Co-advised by Julius Plucker and Rudolf Lipschitz Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg Great^5 Grandfather Carl Louis Ferdinand Lindemann (PhD 1873) Universitat Konigsberg Great Great Great Great Grandfather Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld (PhD 1891) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Munchen Great^4 Great Great Great Grandfather Prof. Ernst Adolph Guillemin (PhD 1926) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, EE Great Great Great Grandfather Prof. Bill Kirby Linvill (MIT 1949) Stanford University, EE Great Great Grandfather Prof. Bernie Widrow (MIT 1956) Stanford University Great Grandfather Prof. Dick Mattson (He showed the OPT algorithm for caches, as well as how to simulate all sizes of a LRU cache at once.) Stanford University Grandfather Prof. Yale Patt University of Michigan, ECE Advisor (2) Prof. Greg Ganger Carnegie Mellon University, ECE

85. Inledning
Hans namn är julius plucker och han gjorde upptäckten år 1859. Heinrich Geissler, julius plucker, Sir W. Cookes, Karl F. Braun, VK Zworykin,
CRT står för Cathode Ray Tube och översatt till svenska betyder det katodrörstub. Den här tekniken används i våra tv-apparater och vissa dataskärmar. Men det hela började år 1855 då en man vid namnet Heinrich Geissler uppfinner Geissler tuben. Det är en tub med vakuum, dvs utan luft. Vid ett senare tillfälle så modifieras Geisslers tuben av en engelsman som heter Sir William Crookes. Han var även den förste som bekräftade att elektroner finns, då en tysk matematiker som upptäckte dessa. Hans namn är Julius Plucker och han gjorde upptäckten år 1859. Men fortfarande så fanns det inget som liknade den tekniken som vi har idag. Det var först år 1897 som det hela började ta form. En tyst vid namnet Karl Ferdinand Braun uppfinner oscilloskopet. Han kallar den för Brauns Tub och den är föregångaren till dagens tv och radar tuber.
Men det tar inte slut där, utvecklingen fortsätter. År 1929 tar en ryss och utvecklar det hela, han tillverkar en ny tub vilket kommer att kallas för kinescope. Den här tuben är mer anpassad för tv. Denna ryssens namn är då Vladimir Kosma Zworykin. Till slut så lanseras den första tv-apparaten av Allen B. Du Mont och året är nu 1931.
Heinrich Geissler, Julius Plucker, Sir W. Cookes, Karl F. Braun, V. K. Zworykin, Allen B. DuMont

86. Events Leading To J. J. Thomson's Electron In 1897
The electron had its genesis in the glow discharge studies of the German school of julius plucker and company, who viewed their Kathodenstrahlen as a form

Previous abstract
Graphical version Next abstract Session K3 - One Hundred Years of Electrons.
INVITED session, Wednesday afternoon, March 19
Room 1203A, Conv. Center
Events Leading to J. J. Thomson's Electron in 1897
Per F. Dahl The electron had its genesis in the glow discharge studies of the German school of Julius Plucker and company, who viewed their Kathodenstrahlen as a form of aetheral wave propagation. Next on the scene came the Victorian amateur scientists, personified by the incomparable William Crookes, who interpreted the rays in terms of material particulate behavior. Back on the Continent, meanwhile, there was Heinrich Hertz and his disciple Philipp Lenardthe latter with his metallic ``window'' and all it stood for. In England, an experimental rivalry ensued between J. J. Thomson and Arthur Schuster, who nearly beat ``J.J.'' to his corpuscle in 1890, while in Paris, about then, Jean Perrin's cathode ray studies were provoked by the lingering anti-atomic stance of his academic countrymen. The chronicle culminated in the charge-to-mass experiments of 1896-97, in which Emil Wiechert and Walter Kaufmann narrowly missed the electron in favor of Thomson and his classic e/m determinations. Part K of program listing

87. Cathod Ray Tubes - CRT [ Accès Général ] Définition Infographie
Translate this page a été mis au point en 1897 par Karl F. Braun dans la foulée du travail effectué auparavant par julius plucker, William Crook et Ambrose Fleming.
tube à rayons cathodiques, TRC
cathod ray tubes - CRT
infographie, vidéo - (n.m.) Mode d'affichage constitué principalement d'un canon à électrons et d'un système de déviation verticale et horizontale qui oriente le faisceau vers un écran à luminophores. Le faisceau d'électrons balayant l'écran, de droite à gauche, de haut en bas, excite les luminophores qui recouvrent la surface de l'écran et forment le spot. Dans le domaine de l'informatique tout comme dans les domaines médical, militaire et scientifique, le sigle anglais CRT est utilisé pour désigner un moniteur. On dit aussi tube image, cinéscope.
Tube à l'origine du balayage électronique, l'oscilloscope à rayons cathodiques a été mis au point en 1897 par Karl F. Braun dans la foulée du travail effectué auparavant par Julius Plucker, William Crook et Ambrose Fleming. Le tube à rayons cathodiques a été développé entre 1930 et 1940 pour les radars de télévision ; il a été utilisé pour la première fois comme sortie graphique d'ordinateur en 1950, par le système américain de surveillance aérienne SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment). Mais c'est en 1963 qu'Ivan E. Sutherland, du Massachusetts Institute of Technology, l'intègre au premier système véritablement infographique et crée le Sketchpad.

88. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Julius Plücker
According to our current online database, julius Plücker has 1 students and 21455 descendants. We welcome any additional information.

89. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science
Please select from the list of Scientists below:
Abel, Frederick Augustus

Abernethy, John

Achard, Franz Carl

Adams, Jack
Zeppelin, Ferdinand, Graf von

90. ¢Æ¹æ¼Û±â¼úÀ» ¼±µµÇÏ´Â KBS Å×Å©¼¾Å¸¢Æ
Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
½º¿þµ§ÀÇ Jons Berzelius SeleniumÀ̶õ ¹°Áú ßâ ¼º°ø Edmond Becquerel ºûÀÇ Àü±âÈ­ÇÐÈ¿°ú ¹ß°ß Alexander Bain Æѽ¹Ð¸® Àü½Å Àü¼Û Á¦¾È. ±Ý¼Ó¿¡ »õ°ÜÁø ±Û¾¾¸¦ ½ºÄµÇÏ¿© È­ÇмººÐÀÌ µé¾îÀÖ´Â ¿ëÁö¿¡ Á¢ËÇÏ¿© È­»óÀ» Àç»ýÇÏ´Â ÀåÄ¡¿´À½. µ¿±âÈ­µÈ Àü¼Û ½½ºÅÛÀÌ Á¦¾ÈµÇ¾úÀ½ F. Bakewell ȸÀüÇÏ´Â ½ºÄ³´× µå·³À¸·Î Æѽ¹Ð¸® °³¼± µ¶ÀÏ ¹°¸®ÇÐÀÚ Julius Plucker À½±Ø¼± ½ÇÇè 5¿ù ¿µ±¹ÀÇ °úÇÐÀÚÀÎ Willoughby Mith¿Í Joseph MayÀÌ SeleniumÀ̶ó´Â ¹°ÁúÀÌ ºû¿¡ Á¢ËÇßÀ» ¶§ Àü±â°¡ ÅëÇÑ´Ù´Â »ç½Ç ¹ß°ß. ÀÌ ±¤Àüµµ¼ºÀÌ Ä«¸Þ¶ó Æ©ºê¿¡ ¾²ÀÌ°Ô µÊ M. Senlacq Æѽ¹Ð¸®¿¡ Selenium »ç¿ë Á¦¾È
William Crookes À½±Ø¼± Á¸À縦 Áõ¸íÇÏ´Â °ü(Tube) °³¹ß ¿µ±¹ÀÇ Shelford Bidwell Á¤ÁöÈ­»óÀ» ½ºÄ³´×ÇÏ°í Àü¼ÛÇϴµ¥ SeleniumÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ »çÁøÀü¼ÛÀåÄ¡ ½¿¬ µ¶ÀÏÀÇ °úÇÐÀÚ Paul Gottlieb NipkowÀÌ Selenium°ú ºü¸£°Ô ȸÀüÇÏ´Â µð½ºÅ©·Î ¾ÀÀ» ºÐ¼®ÇÏ´Â Nipkow Disk·Î ºÒ¸®´Â ÀåÄ¡¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Æ¯Çã ëµæ. ±â°èÀûÀÎ ÀåÄ¡·Î ¼¼°è ÖÊÀÇ TV ½ºÄ³´× ½½ºÅÛÀ¸·Î ¾Ë·ÁÁ® ÀÖÀ¸¸ç ¿òÁ÷ÀÌ´Â ¹°¼ÀÇ ½ºÄ³´× ¿ø¸®¸¦ Á¤¸®ÇÏ¿´À½. ¸¸ÀÏ Nipkow µð½ºÅ©°¡ æºÐÈ÷ ºü¸£°Ô ȸÀüÇÏ¿´´Ù¸é ÀÌ·ÐÀûÀ¸·Î µ¿¿µ»óÀÇ ÀçÇöÀÌ °¡´ÉÇÏ¿´À» °ÍÀÓ. Oberlin Smith ÀÚ±â¹æ½ÄÀÇ ·¹ÄÚµù ÀÌ·Ð ¹ß°ß Hertz ÀüÆÄ ¼Û½Å ¹× ¼ö½Å

91. Histoire
450 av. J.-C. Le mot atome vient du grec atomos qui signifie : qu'on ne peut diviser Leucippe et son disciple
* La Aristote
le feu
(chaud et sec)
l'air (chaud et humide)
l'eau (froid et humide)
la terre (froid et sec)
* La
- les techniques de purification : distillation, filtration, cristallisation, bain-marie,
Joseph Dalton
Louis Joseph Gay-Lussac
Nous pouvons citer ; Cavendish (1731-1810) Scheele (1742-1786) Priestley (1733-1804) Black (1728-179) Lavoisier (1743-1794) La solution Conclusion . La force qui lie les atomes est de nature Julius Plucker Jean Perrin S'agit-il d'une onde ou de particules en mouvement ? Joseph Thomson Henri Becquerel Deux ans plus tard, Pierre et Marie Curie En1903, deux scientifiques anglais, Ernest Rutherford et Les atomes peuvent donc se casser. Niels Bohr U Werner Heisenberg . Maintenant, un petit Sources documentaires :

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