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Peurbach Georg: more detail | ||||
61. From Euclid To Newton Claudius Ptolemy (circa 85circa 165) georg von peurbach (1423-1461) Johann In 1460 georg von peurbach, professor of astronomy at the university of http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/University_Library/exhibits/math/nofr.html | |
62. International Conference On Astronomical Instruments And Archives In Cheongju 20 The transmission of georg von peurbach s theoricae novae planetarum (new theoryof the planets) in 17th century China JOCHI Shigeru (Taiwan) http://nhamuseum.org/conference2002/english.html | |
63. PLS Programma Then in 1456 georg von peurbach attempted to determine by using parallax thedistance of Following upon peurbachs calculation, one of his students, http://www.nd.edu/~pls/programma/March98/cronin.html | |
64. Gudrun Wolfschmidt A Historian Looks At Astronomy In The Classroom. georg peurbach (14231461) discovered the deviation of the compass.11 The earliesttablet dial ( Klapp-Sonnenuhr ) with a compass and with indicated http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/math/ign/xyz/ca00-v5.htm |
65. LIBRARIES In Vienna, Bessarion had the opportunity to meet with important men of letters,such as georg peurbach, Niccolaus da Cusa and the young Regiomontanus, http://www.libraries.gr/nonmembers/en/libraries_markiani.htm | |
66. Department Of Chinese Transition With Special Reference to georg von peurbach s Writings, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (georg von peurbach)? ? ? ? ?, http://www.hku.hk/rss/rs2001/rpg_4100_gen.html | |
67. The Book Of Earths: Wheels Upon Wheels (From Theoricæ Novæ; georg peurbach, 1581.) but after a while the astronomersfound themselves entangled in such a maze of centrics and excentrics, http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/boe/boe31.htm | |
68. Timeline - Scientific Revolution: Chronological Timeline: Copernicus To Newton - 1472 georg peurbach s New Theory of the Planets (1454) sought to reconcilegeometric descriptive models for predicting planetary motions by employing http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/05-sr-lng-tim | |
69. Johann Müller Regiomontanus Y La Reforma Del Calendario Translate this page A los 11 años ingresó a la Universidad de Leipzig ya los 16 se marchó a Viena endonde estudió con georg von peurbach. En 1461 fue nombrado profesor de http://www.astromia.com/biografias/regiomontanus.htm | |
70. Astrologix Artikel Ernst Hentges - Regiomontanus Translate this page Bereits in Wien hatte Regiomontanus gemeinsam mit peurbach eine Übersetzung Die Stellung, welche georg von Trapezunt nebst seinen Söhnen seinem Kritiker http://astrologix.de/artikel/geschichte/ehentges_regiomontanus.html |
71. December Centre Meeting georg peurbach, an Austrian scholar, published a book called New Theories of thePlanets in 1454. Johann Muller, better known as Regiomontanus, http://ottawa.rasc.ca/observers/2000/an0001pa.html | |
72. Nowe Teorie Planet - Nowinki Astronomiczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat georg peurbach urodzil sie 30 maja 1423 r. w austriackiej miejscowosci peurbachw poblizu Linzu. Studiowal na uniwersytetach niemieckich, francuskich i http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/astronomia/200104/20010409-002.asp | |
73. Lecture 4 georg peurbach (14261461) initiated the challenging task of translating theAlmagest directly from Greek into Latin. After peurbach s untimely death, http://eee.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/ExploringtheCosmos/lecture4.html | |
74. Dekker A pupil of von Gmunden, georg peurbach, is reported to have made globes and manyother instruments. peurbach who at the university lectured on Roman poets, http://www.coronelli.org/news/2002/dekker_e.html | |
75. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page peurbach, georg (30.5.1423 - 8.4.1461) Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (1765 - 1825)Phragmen, Lars Edvard (1863 - 1937) Picard, Charles Emile (1856 - 1941) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
76. Comentario Peurbach Translate this page Entre las obras de georg von peurbach (Peuerbach, 1423 - Viena, 1461) destaca laTheoricae novae planetarum (Nuremberg, 1472), uno de los tratados sobre el http://www.roa.es/Biblioteca/exposiciones/ptolomeo/Catalogo/peurbach2.html | |
77. Comentario Peurbach Translate this page georg von peurbach (Peuerbach, 1423 - Viena, 1461) estudió inicialmente en Vienapara después viajar a Italia, donde completaría su formación y establecería http://www.roa.es/Biblioteca/exposiciones/ptolomeo/Catalogo/peurbach.html | |
78. Bellagio Proceedings: Titles Of Contributions Even in Vienna, as a student of, and collaborator with, georg peurbach, andespecially during his stay in Italy (14611467) where he was in contact with http://www.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/transmath/proceedings/abstracts.html | |
79. Das Astrologische Wirken Des Regiomontanus Translate this page georg von Trapezunt (latin. trapezuntius), einer der Wiedererwecker der griechischen Bereits in Wien hatte Regiomontanus gemeinsam mit peurbach eine http://www.astrotexte.ch/sources/hent02.html | |
80. Biblioteca Histórica Marqués De Valdecilla De La UCM Translate this page Theoricae Novae Planetarum (1454) de georg von peurbach (1423-1461), editada enNuremberg, 1472, y que se editó 56 veces hasta mediados del siglo XVII.. http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/foa/exposiciones/10Fisica/exposicion_fisica.htm | |
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