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Peurbach Georg: more detail | ||||
41. Copernican System by the astronomer/humanist georg peurbach (14231461) and his student Johannes With their new textbook and a guide to the Almagest , peurbach and http://cnx.rice.edu/content/m11938/1.2/ | |
42. May 30 - Today In Science History georg von peurbach. (source), Born 30 May 1423; died 8 Apr 1461. Austrian mathematicianand astronomer who promoted the use of Arabic numerals (introduced http://www.todayinsci.com/5/5_30.htm | |
43. The Heavens Revealed Contents Bound with georg peurbach, 14231461, Tabulae Eclypsium Magistri georgiipeurbachii; and Regiomontanus, 1436-1476, Tabula Primi Mobilis Joannes de Monte http://www.williams.edu/resources/chapin/exhibits/astro1.html | |
44. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page peurbach, georg. Peyer, Bernhard. Peyer, Johann Conrad. Peyssonnel, Jean André.Pezard, Albert. Pezenas, Esprit. Pezenas, Esprit. Pezenas, Esprit http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/p.html | |
45. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography peurbach, georg Pezenas, Esprit Phillips, Theodore Evelyn Reece Philolaus ofCrotona Piazzi, Giuseppe Picard, Jean Pickering, Edward Charles http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html | |
46. INCUNABLE CATALOGUE 1 1230); Regiomontanus, Joannes (14361476); peurbach, georg von. Also includedin this edition is georg peurbachs Theoricae Novae Planetarum. http://www.graybooksellers.com/incunabula/incunableTHREE.html | |
47. Biographies_P peurbach, georg (14231461) Pézenas, Esprit (1692-1776) Pickering, EdwardCharles (1846-1919) Pingré, Alexander Guy (1711-1796) Pizarro, Guido http://cometography.com/biographies/bio_p.html | |
48. Biografie - Georg Von Peurbach http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/milleanni/cronologia/biografie/peurbach.html | |
49. Regiomontanus Biography / Biography Of Regiomontanus Biographies In 1452 he moved to Vienna and became the favorite pupil of georg peurbach, A year after peurbach s death in 1461, Regiomontanus went to Italy and http://www.bookrags.com/biography/regiomontanus/ | |
50. Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture) georg peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest georg peurbachand Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest In Latin http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/math.html | |
51. HIST401 Study Questions For Topic 3 What is that quantity? no question; Identify georg peurbach. How did his workrepresent a philosophical change in the nature of science? http://punsterproductions.com/~sciencehistory/H401/study3.php | |
52. Nicolaus Copernicus georg peurbach (14231461) and (Johannes Müller) Regiomontanus (1436-1476) studiedGreek for the purpose of producing an outline of Ptolemaic astronomy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/copernicus/ | |
53. TIMELINE 15th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE 1423 Astronomer/Mathematician georg von peurbach is born in peurbach, nearVienna, on 30 May 1423. He later writes commentary on Ptolemy s Almagest, http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline15.html | |
54. Vol. 1 Ch. 5 georg peurbach. Johannes Müller (Regiomontanus). Martin Behaim georg peurbach1516. Jakob Köbel 1522. Albrecht Dürer 1525. Peter Apian 1533 http://www.sumscorp.com/perspective/Vol1/ch5.htm | |
55. GEORG PEURBACH (1423-1461) Translate this page georg peurbach (ou Peuerbach) est un autrichien. Il voyage entre 1448 et 1453 enAllemagne, en France et en Italie. A Rome, il rencontre Giovanni Bianchini, http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jm.nicolle/cusa/posterite/peurbach.html | |
56. Regiomontanus -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article There he became a pupil and friend of georg von peurbach. In 1457 he graduatedwith a degree of magister artium (Master of Arts) and held (Teaching by http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/r/re/regiomontanus.htm | |
57. Müller, Johann (1436-1476) and completed a translation of Ptolemys Almagest from the original Greek thathad been started by his tutor, georg von peurbach (14231461). http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/M/Muller_Johann.html | |
58. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge peurbach, georg - 1516 peurbach, georg - 1542 peurbach,georg peurbach, georg - 1573 peurbach, georg - PEÜRBACH, Johann georg http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5017351 |
59. Greek Astronomy georg peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest. In Latin,Late fifteenth century. The Epitome of the Almagest was written between 1460 http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/Greek_astro.ht | |
60. SPACE.com -- History Eclipsed: The Day(s) The Sun Vanished Columbus didn t have supernatural powers, but may have based his predictions ona copy of the New Theory of Planets by georg peurbach, which Columbus is http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/eclipse_history_810.html | |
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