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41. Constellation Perseus The king of the island wished to date Danaë and sent perseus away to kill theMedusa. perseus was a favorite of Athena and the wingfooted god, Hermes. http://www.coldwater.k12.mi.us/lms/planetarium/myth/perseus.html | |
42. PERSEUS - Merchant Bank And Private Equity Fund Management perseus, LLC is a merchant bank and private equity fund management company withoffices in Washington, DC and New York City. http://www.perseusllc.com/ | |
43. PERSEUS - Merchant Bank And Private Equity Fund Management perseus, LLC is a merchant bank and private equity fund management company withofces in Washington, DC and New York City. http://www.perseusllc.com/intro.htm | |
44. Redirect JavaScript-browsers This site is now located at http//www.attalos.com. http://hydra.perseus.tufts.edu/ | |
45. The Perseus Foundation The perseus Foundation is proud to present Diagnosis Cancer, A Resource GuideFor Pet If I were asked what the mission of The perseus Foundation is, http://www.perseusfoundation.org/page2.html | |
46. Perseus Update In Progress Searchable in Latin or English. Contains links to source material. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/resolveform?lang=Latin |
47. Perseus (constellation) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia perseus Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaShamed at having nothing to give, perseus left to get him Medusa s head. perseus took the eye and would not return it until they had given him http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseus_(constellation) | |
48. Perseus Biography of perseus (180BC120BC) There are only two references to perseusand these both occur in the writings of Proclus. They give no indication of http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Perseus.html | |
49. Classics.lsa.umich.edu/tourform.html perseus ProjectQuiz, facts, and behind the scenes tidbits from cast and crew members. http://classics.lsa.umich.edu/tourform.html |
50. Perseus Table Of Contents With accompanying English translations and links to dictionaries, commentaries, grammars, and other tools. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cache/perscoll_Greco-Roman.html | |
51. The Mythology Of The Constellations: Perseus perseus was one of the great heroes of classical mythology. perseus accomplishesit, however, by the aid of Pluto, Mercury and Minerva. http://www.comfychair.org/~cmbell/myth/perseus.html | |
52. Perseus 1, Greek Mythology Link. perseus 1 was, as a child, cast into the sea in a chest together with his By accident, they say, perseus 1 killed his grandfather, the man who had sent http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Perseus1.html | |
53. Euclid, Elements (ed. Thomas L. Heath) Pages giving the full Heath text of Euclid's Elements, together with the Greek text. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=euc. toc |
54. Perseus The main body of perseus, surrounding the bright star Mirfak (Alpha perseus ishome to the famed Double Cluster, not seen here but visible in the photo http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~kaler/sow/per-p.html | |
55. Clinical Trials Database An inprogress list of available veterinary oncology clinical trials http://www.perseusfoundation.org/page13.html | |
56. Chandra :: Photo Album :: Constellation Perseus A collection of images taken by the Chandra Xray Observatory, including imagedescriptions, constellations, an X-ray sky map and comparisons with images in http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/constellations/perseus.html | |
57. M. Tullius Cicero, Orations: Three Orations On The Agrarian Law, The Four Agains English translation by Yonge with link to Latin original text, notes and lexica. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=cic. catil. init. |
58. Chandra :: Photo Album :: Perseus A :: 07 Jun 00 A collection of images taken by the Chandra Xray Observatory, including imagedescriptions, constellations, an X-ray sky map and comparisons with images in http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/perseus/ | |
59. Texts In Perseus For Browsing: English English translations in hypertext. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Texts/chunk_TOC.html | |
60. Images Of Perseus And Medusa, By Cellini, 1545-54, Florence, Italy. Digital Imag Images of perseus and Medusa, by Cellini, 154554, Florence, Italy. Many details.Digital Imaging Project Art historical images of European and North http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/lanzi/lanzi.html | |
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