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21. The Online Books Page: Browse Authors With Titles: Owen Maureenno Travels Jour ozanam, jacques Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy , also by EdwardRiddle, trans. by Charles Hutton (frame and JavaScript-dependent page http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=atitle&index=20477& |
22. AIP Niels Bohr Library and improved with many additions and observations, by Charles Hutton With near one hundred quarto plates. by ozanam, jacques, 16401717. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/16039.html | |
23. Earth Sciences Information Centre :: Logan Legacy Fund - Conservation Activities ozanam, jacques, 16401717. Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy / Firstcomposed by M. ozanam lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged, http://ess.nrcan.gc.ca/esic/llf/conservation_e.php | |
24. Frédéric Ozanam - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia before Frédéric through jacques ozanam (16401717), an eminent mathematician . ozanam was the leading historical and literary critic in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frédéric_Ozanam | |
25. Rare Mathematics Titles ozanam, jacques,, Tables des sinus, tangentes et secantes; e, 1685. Euclid. ozanam, jacques,, Recreations mathematiques et physiques, 1700 http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/rarebook/science/math2.htm | |
26. Catalogue De La Bibliothèque Du Château D'Oron Translate this page Auteur, ozanam, jacques *. Titre, Méthode de lever les plans et les cartes deterre et de mer avec toutes sortes dinstrumens et sans instrumens. http://dbserv1-bcu.unil.ch/oron/detailaut.php?&Num=4438 |
27. Catalogue De La Bibliothèque Du Château D'Oron Translate this page Auteur, ozanam, jacques. Titre, La Méchanique où il est traité des machinessimples et composées. Edition, C. Jombert, Paris. Annee, 1720 http://dbserv1-bcu.unil.ch/oron/detailaut.php?&Num=4409 |
28. CNUM - 8PY9 : Récréations Mathématiques Et Physiques Translate this page Reproduction intégrale de (Récréations mathématiques et physiques) par ozanam,jacques. Auteur(s), ozanam, jacques. Auteur(s) http://cnum.cnam.fr/SYN/8PY9.html | |
29. Catalogue Des Ouvrages (par Auteurs) Translate this page ozanam, jacques Consulter 8PY9 Récréations mathématiques et physiques (1778, 4 vol.)Petetin, jacques-Henri-Désiré Consulter 8SAR21 Nouveau mécanisme de http://cnum.cnam.fr/RUB/cata.html | |
30. The Galileo Project ozanam, jacques. 1. Dates Born Bouligneux (principaltiy of Dombes), 1640Died Paris, c. 1717 (Nouvelle biographie générale says 3 April 1717; http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/ozanam.html | |
31. The Galileo Project Scientific Societies Memberships None Connections Taught jacques ozanam,Claude Gasper Bachet de Meziriac; corresponded with Fermat and Bachet. Sources http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/billy.html | |
32. MPQ structurés (Jean-Noël Chazalviel, François ozanam, jacques Peretti) http://pmc.polytechnique.fr/organisation/page_mpq/mpq.htm | |
33. Imago Mundi - Jacques Ozanam. Translate this page ozanam (jacques), mathématicien, né en 1640 à Bouligneux en Bresse, m. en 1717,vécut longtemps de quelques leçons et du jeu, puis se fit une réputation par http://www.cosmovisions.com/Ozanam.htm | |
34. Treasures Of The NOAA Library Catalog Of Images By jacques ozanam. 1750. Plate VI, page 62. Call Number TA544 .O97 1750. 24.libr0024. A Universal Instrument. Methode de lever les plans et les cartes de http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/library/libind1.htm | |
35. Treasures Of The NOAA Library Catalog Of Images By jacques ozanam. 1750. Plate I, page 20. Call Number TA544 .O97 1750. 56.libr0056. In Methode de lever les plans et les cartes de terre et de mer avec http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/library/libind2.htm | |
36. Introducing Knight's Tours Three open tours of the 8×8 board were supplied to the editor of the 1725 editionof jacques ozanam s Récréations Mathématiques et Physiques (vol.1, http://homepages.stayfree.co.uk/gpj/ktn.htm | |
37. Eighteenth-Century E-Texts -- O into the Interior of New South Wales (Gutenberg). ozanam, jacques (16401717).Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy (page images at Cornell) http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/18th/o.html | |
38. Knight's Tour Notes, Part Cx: Biobibliography 1221, manuscript, has the second asSuli tour. ozanam, jacques (b. Brescia 1640 d. Paris 3 April 1717); Recreations Mathematiques et Physiques 1725. http://www.ktn.freeuk.com/cx.htm | |
39. Rediscovery Of The Knight's Tour The subject first reappeared in jacques ozanam s Récréations Mathématiques etPhysiques, which was a compilation in the tradition of CG Bachet s Problèmes http://www.ktn.freeuk.com/1b.htm | |
40. A Conference To Be Held At The ozanam, jacques (16401717), 1803 Recreations in mathematics and natural First composed by M. ozanam, lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged, http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/activities/history/display.htm | |
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