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61. Macclesfield Collection The Macclesfield Collection consists of the papers of william Jones and John Henry, c 16181677, oughtred, william the younger, oughtred, william, http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/macclesfield/ | |
62. Portsmouth And Macclesfield Collections Letter from william oughtred to Elias Allen. 9597/13/5/215. (August 20 1638)Language English Author oughtred, william, 15741660 http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/portsmouth_and_macclesfield/summary.php?select=57&date= |
63. Genealogy Data TEMPLE, william (5 Bt.) Birth Apr 1694 Death 10 Apr 1760 Nash House, Kemsey,Worcs. UK Gender Male Spouse. oughtred, Henry (Sir) Gender Male http://home.st.net.au/~susanp/dat6.html | |
64. Salt Springs Cemetery - Brant County, Ontario oughtred, william, b. 1776, d. 1849, h/o Mary oughtred oughtred, william, d.24 Apr 1907, 81 yrs, h/o Jane oughtred Patton, Ann, d. 2 Jun 1872, 40 yrs, http://www.interment.net/data/canada/ontario/brant/onondaga/saltsprings/ | |
65. About "The Oughtred Society" Meet william oughtred, inventor of the modern slide rule; learn about the historyand background of the oughtred Society and its principles; join or renew http://mathforum.org/library/view/19687.html | |
66. Math Forum Electronic Newsletter The organization was named for william oughtred, an English clergyman andmathematician who is Meet william oughtred, inventor of the modern slide rule; http://mathforum.org/electronic.newsletter/mf.intnews6.47.html | |
67. Science, Civilization And Society william oughtred. Vicar and mathematician, inventor of the slide rule, b. william oughtred was vicar of Shalford, Surrey and later rector of Albury. http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/science society/lectures/illustrations/lec |
68. The Galileo Project Florian Cajori, william oughtred, a Great SeventeenthCentury Teacher of Mathemetics, AJ Turner, william oughtred, Richard Delamain and the Horizontral http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/oughtred.html | |
69. The Galileo Project G7T23 Florian Cajori, william oughtred, (LondonChicago, 1916). QA29 .O8C2 AJTurner, william oughtred, Richard Delamain and the Horizontal Instrument in http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/delamain.html | |
70. Index oughtred, william, 492 50 Our Back Cover Files and Other Things, 522 77 OurFront and Rear Covers, 472 56 Our Front Cover Blacksmith s Shop http://www.eaiainfo.org/chronicleindexo.htm | |
71. SUBJECT INDEX EAIA CHRONICLE Vol 41-46 L - R oughtred, william, calculating rule, 41, 2, 24*. oxyoke, 45, 1, 11*. oxen, shoeing,45, 4, 102*. oxen, shoeing, 46, 1, 34*. oxen, vs horse vs mule http://www.eaiainfo.org/csubl_r.htm | |
72. Computer Hall Of Fame At The San Diego Computer Museum william oughtred; Inventor of the slide rule; David Packard; Cofounder ofHewlett-Packard; John H. Patterson; Founder of National Cash Register, http://www.computerhalloffame.org/ |
73. Rare Math Books At The University Of Michigan oughtred, william, 15751660. 1647 The key of the mathematicks new forged and So wrote Florian Cajori in william oughtred. A Great Seventeent-Century http://www.lib.umich.edu/spec-coll/rick.html | |
74. Biografia De Oughtred, William Translate this page oughtred, william. (Eton, 1575-Albury, 1660) Matemático inglés. Introdujo losactuales signos de multiplicación y división y perfeccionó el método de Viète http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/o/oughtred.htm | |
75. OUGHTRED Children. 1. william oughtred (Esq.) 2. Catherine oughtred. Married 2 IdoneaL ENGLEYS william oughtred (Esq.) Father Thomas oughtred (Sir Knight) http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/OUGHTRED.htm | |
76. William Oughtred - The Inventor Of The Circular Slide Rule : Educalc.net Hewlett Packard HP Calculator, hp 12c platinum, amir , HP 10BII, HP 17BII, HP19B,HP 19BII+, HP 32SII, HP 32SII, HP 38G, HP 48G, HP 48G+, HP 48GX, http://www.educalc.net/253088.page | |
77. Index From Code By Charles Petzold oughtred, william, 239 output devices, 105, 231, 26162. P parity, 81 Pascal,Blaise, 239 Pascal programming language, 362 Paterson, Tim, 332 http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/books/index/4677.asp | |
78. Bookofjoe: Oughtred Society In the 1620s william oughtred, an obscure selftaught mathematician, discoveredthat he could quickly perform mathematical operations using two logarithmic http://www.bookofjoe.com/2005/03/oughtred_societ.html | |
79. William Shakespeare,Rex Gibson, Twelfth Night (Cambridge School Shakespeare S.) Cajori, Florian william oughtred, A Great SeventeenthCentuWaters) Calvin,william H. The Ascent of Mind IceWashington) Calvin, william H. How the http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews22639.html | |
80. Universal Book Of Mathematics: List Of Entries oughtred, william (15741660) oval Ovid s game Ozanam, Jacques (1640-1717) Pacioli,Luca (1445-1517) packing Padovan sequence. See plastic number palindrome http://www.daviddarling.info/works/Mathematics/mathematics_entries.html | |
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