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Ostrowski Alexander: more detail | ||||
41. Olga Taussky-Todd as an autonomous field by people such as the Todds, Alston Householder, MagnusHestenes, Fritz Bauer, Ky Fan, alexander ostrowski, Helmut Wielandt. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/todd.htm |
42. VITA WALTER GAUTSCHI To alexander M. ostrowski on his ninetieth birthday, Linear Algebra Appl. 52/53 alexander ostrowski 90jährig, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 24, 1983. http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/wxg/Vita/Vita.html | |
43. GSI-UsersGroup - Registered Participants Information Last name, ostrowski. First name, alexander EMail, alexander.ostrowskiuni-mainz.de. Phone, +(49) 179 687 3830. Fax, +(49) 613 139 25 253 http://www-aix.gsi.de/GSI-UsersGroup/participant_neu.php3?1492 |
44. The Institute Letter The ostrowski Prize was created by alexander ostrowski, for many years a professorat the University of Basel. Of the 12 mathematicians who have received http://www.ias.edu/the-institute-letter/archive/03Winter/winter03.php | |
45. Helicon Records Kleos Classical Music alexander ostrowski, Conductor Mr. Heard is founder and bassoonist of theinternationally recognized Miami Wind Quintet, a resident faculty ensemble atMiami http://www.heliconrecords.com/code/NewReleases1.asp | |
46. AIP Niels Bohr Library und Erläuterungen versehene Übersetzung von alexander ostrowski und HarrySchmidt . ostrowski, AM (alexander M.), 1893. Schmidt, Harry, 1894- http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/17258.html | |
47. AIP International Catalog Of Sources ostrowski, AM (alexander M.), 1893. Painter, Sidney, 1902-1960. Polya, George,1887-. Riemann, Bernhard, 1826-1866. Sansone, Giovanni, 1888- http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/5559.html | |
48. Banquet ostrowski, Kenny Johnson, Josh Moon, Jack Sigler, DD Horward, alexander Mikaberidzeand Jason Musteen. Richard and Mery Long, Lenora and Phil Cuccia, http://www.fsu.edu/~napoleon/photos/photos2003/banquet.html | |
49. Indiana University College Of Arts And Sciences - Office Of The Dean 19621963 59 Oster, Irwin L. 1958 60 Ostberg, Donald R. 1963-1966 61 ostrowski,alexander M. 1962 62 Otake, Masaru Victor 1964 63 Overley, Ross Alan 1960 64 http://www.indiana.edu/~libarch/Inst/008inst.html | |
50. Pirates Of Penzance - 1974 Kate Arleen ostrowski. Chorus of Pirates and Police Ian alexander, Leo Brunnick,Frank Irish, Rollin Jeglum, Stephen Jensen, Ray McGilvary, Willia Mears, http://www.savoyardlightopera.org/MaynardSavoyards/1974_Pirates.html | |
51. Bibliography Izdvo Akademii nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, 19591961. ostrowski, alexander M., 1893-1986,Collected mathematical papers, Basel, BIrkhauser Verlag, 1983-1985 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=O& |
52. MS.281 ostrowski, alexander. Parodi, M. Painter, Sidney. Petersen, Christian. Prager, W . ostrowski, alexander. Painlev?, MP. Perron, O. Picard, E. Pl¡s, A. http://www.library.jhu.edu/collections/specialcollections/manuscripts/msregister | |
53. Reminiscences And Appreciation I can cite Eduard Stiefel, Helmut Wielandt, alexander ostrowski, and JM Synge.The division had an advisory committee among whose members Mina Rees and Marc http://www.siam.org/siamnews/07-01/todd.htm | |
54. Four Thousand---Or Possibly Thirty-Seven Thousand---Years Of Mathematics alexander ostrowski, a worldclass mathematician who as a young man had donesome editorial work on Felix Klein s voluminous Enzyklopaedie der http://www.siam.org/siamnews/11-00/davis.htm |
55. Blogger: User Profile: John Ostrowski John ostrowski Acton Gorton Andy Pilny Orange And Blue Observer Kevin BurrusAlex Kroll Andrew Rawlings alexander M. Hajduk bbobbitt Andrew Lobert Adam http://www.blogger.com/profile/7205747 | |
56. Alexander Ostrowski Université Montpellier II alexander ostrowski alexander von Brill alexander ostrowski (1893-1986). Cette image et la biographie complète en http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1628 |
57. Badminton Canada Tournament Results - 2005 Toronto Open Badminton Stephen Wong\Raimund ostrowski beat Pierre Blanchard\Jamie Chretien 152 Nan Yan Huang\Troy Chandra beat Victoria Leung\alexander Pang 15-2 15-4 http://www.badminton.ca/eng/results/04-05/g-prix/3tor.shtml | |
58. John M. Rassias : Bibliography Stefan Banach, alexander Markowi c ostrowski, Stanis\l aw Marcin Ulam. Rassias,John Michael. In Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical http://bibserver.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/bibserver?author=Rassias__John_M..94887&ye |
59. Acta Arithmetica - Contents Of Volume 51 alexander ostrowski. Uber sein Leben und Werk. alexander ostrowskion his lifeand work Martin Eichler Acta Arith. 51 (1988), 295-298 http://journals.impan.gov.pl/cgi-bin/shvold?aa51 |
60. John Michael Rassias Website 2 , 185190; Stefan Banach , alexander Markowic ostrowski , Stanislaw MarcinUlam , Functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical analysis, http://www.primedu.uoa.gr/~jrassias/pisa.html | |
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