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21. Nat' Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs V.81 (2002) Biographical Memoirs Volume 81 WILLIAM FOGG OSGOOD March 10, 1864July 22, He had three children by Mrs. Teresa Ruprecht osgood william Ruprecht, http://www.nap.edu/books/0309084768/html/246.html | |
22. Civil War Memorial, Darke Co., Ohio: M-O 21 1019-1862 Co I 40th OVI RL ORR William P Capt 30 5- 2-1864 Co C 152nd OVIRL OSGOOD Edward W Cpl 23 9-18-1861 Co E 40th OVI RL osgood william C Capt http://www.usroots.com/~compugen/darke/cwmm-o.htm | |
23. Camden, NJ 1850 Federal Census INDEX File This Census Was pg0031a.txt 33b 4 Osgood Mary 29 N. Jersey pg0031a.txt 33b 3 osgood william 37 N.Jersey pg0031a.txt 33b 6 osgood william L. 4 N. Jersey pg0031a.txt 23b http://ftp.us-census.org/pub/usgenweb/census/nj/camden/1850/indx-n-o.txt | |
24. Records Template Osgood Mary Selina, 71, Clevedon, 26thJuly, 1934, STAN. osgood william, 61,5 Chapel Hill, 21stFeb, 1928, STAN. osgood william, 9mths, 8thFeb, 1866, STAN http://www.clevedon-civic-society.org.uk/burials/burialnop.htm | |
25. Editions Jacques Gabay - William Fogg OSGOOD Translate this page Reprints Encyclopedie des sciences Mathematiques, Abel, Borel, Fourier, Galois,Gauss, Hilbert, Lagrange, Laplace, Maxwell, Molk, Newton, Poincare, http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=OSGOOD William Fogg |
26. Andrew. Gordon - Search For New And Used Student Books At FacultyOfCinema.com - O. Lomen David Lovelock Brad G. osgood william G. McCallum Andrew Pasquale Written by William G. McCallum Daniel E. Flath Andrew M. Gleason Sheldon http://facultyofcinema.com/findBy_AuthName/find_Andrew._Gordon.html | |
27. 1821 Land Lottery GA - O Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Http GH (Orps)Chatham 41 8Henry Osburn Reps Jr. Gwinnett Bridges 48 14Houston OsgoodRebecca (Wid) Liberty Mells 34 8Monroe osgood william Liberty Bradwells 125 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/deeds/1821/1821o.txt |
28. Books Written By William G. McCallum - Medical Textbook Books Written By william G. McCallum Sheldon P. Gordon, David O. Lomen,David Lovelock, Brad G. osgood, william G. McCallum, Andrew Pasquale http://www.medicaltextbook.com/textbooks/author/William G. McCallum | |
29. Books Written By Brad G. Osgood - Medical Textbook Books Written By Brad G. osgood william G. McCallum, Daniel E. Flath, Andrew M.Gleason, Sheldon P. Gordon, Patti Frazer Lock, David Mumford, http://www.medicaltextbook.com/textbooks/author/Brad G. Osgood | |
30. Jossey-Bass::General Calculus Brad G. osgood, william G. McCallum, Andrew Pasquale, Douglas Quinney, David Lovelock, william G. McCallum, Douglas Quinney, Brad G. osgood, http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-2723.html?&sort=TITLE&sortDirectio |
31. Jossey-Bass::Calculus, Single Variable, 3rd Edition Brad G. osgood, william G. McCallum, Andrew Pasquale, Douglas Quinney, WayneRaskind, Karen Rhea, Jeff TecoskyFeldman, Joe B. Thrash, Thomas W. Tucker http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471408263.html | |
32. Wiley::General Calculus David Mumford, william G. McCallum, Brad G. osgood, Andrew Pasquale, Brad G. osgood, william G. McCallum, Andrew Pasquale, Douglas Quinney, http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-2723.html?&sort=TITLE&sortDirection=ASC& |
33. Wiley::Calculus, Single And Multivariable, Textbook And Student Solutions Manual David Lovelock, David Mumford, william G. McCallum, Brad G. osgood, AndrewPasquale, Douglas Quinney, Wayne Raskind, Karen Rhea, Jeff TecoskyFeldman http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471163228.html | |
34. Charles E. Osgood, William H. May, And Murray S. Miron / Cross-Cultural Universa Charles E. osgood, william H. May, and Murray S. Miron. This volume is the firstto result from one of the largest crosscultural social science projects http://www.press.uillinois.edu/pre95/0-252-00426-4.html | |
35. Flath Daniel Gleason Andrew M Gordon Sheldon P Hughes Hallett Deborah Mccallum W David Lomen, David Lovelock, Brad G. osgood, william G. McCallum, william G.McCallum, Brad G. osgood, Andrew Pasquale Applied Calculus http://www.isbn.pl/A-Flath-Daniel-Gleason-Andrew-M-Gordon-Sheldon-P-Hughes-Halle | |
36. Fracture Mechanics - New And Used Books osgood, william Fogg. MECHANICS NY Macmillan Company, 1937. xv, 495 p. 1st Edition.Hardbound with no DJ. Spine is a bit faded. http://www.isbn.pl/3125-Fracture-Mechanics.html | |
37. TomFolio.com: SKI TOURING An Introductory Guide, Osgood, William Illustrator: Il SKI TOURING An Introductory Guide, osgood, william Illustrator Illustrated byGrace A. Brigham. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookdetailssu.asp?b=38349&m=40 |
38. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member osgood, william F. Date of Birth, March 10, 1864. Elected to NAS, 1904. Date ofDeath, July 22, 1943. Biographical Memoir HTML PDF. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/nasdece.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58MVPR?opendocu |
39. Pratt Cemetery Annex, Mason, NH osgood, william Maynard Date of Birth 1872. Date of Death 14 Aug 1950. Spouse william Maynard osgood. Children are listed in this record. http://home.earthlink.net/~georgeo/prattcemannex.htm | |
40. I1994: Lucretia DAKE (11 AUG 1830 - 19 APR 1872) Patty osgood william Francis WOODCOCK.BIRTH 7 JAN 1908, IA; DEATH 31 AUG 1973. Father Francis Marion WOODCOCK http://home.earthlink.net/~awoodc/html/d0000/g0000062.html | |
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