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81. Link Translate this page The wladyslaw orlicz Centenary Conference and Function Spaces VII 2003.7.21-7.25http//orlicz.amu.edu.pl. 03.1.9, Symposium ? http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kenkyubu/2003-link.html |
82. NaszaGazeta wladyslaw Belina Prazmowski, Gustaw orlicz - Dreszer, Boleslaw Wieniawa -Dlugoszowski, wladyslaw Wejtko, zatwierdzony przez wladze w Warszawie. http://archiwum2000.tripod.com/490/komaro.html | |
83. Beskid Infos Translate this page des 20 pays du monde dans le cadre de la Conférence Internationale desMathématiciens, consacrée aux recherches du Professeur wladyslaw orlicz. http://www.beskid.com/wmview.phpb?ArtID=1941 |
84. INTERIA.PL - Fakty 1990 zmarl wladyslaw orlicz, matematyk, twórca poznanskiej szkoly naukowej wzakresie analizy matematycznej. powrót http://wiadomosci.interia.pl/wiadomosci/kal?blockName=PKL |
85. Faculty Of Science Poom Kumam, Some Geometric Property in Modular Spaces The wladyslaw OrliczCentenary Conference and Function Spaces VII, Faculty of Mathematics and http://science.kmutt.ac.th/research_lpublic_th.html | |
86. ½ÅÂøµµ¼2004³â11¿ù 510.8 B22 v.64, orlicz centenary volume proceedings of the conferences theWladyslaw orlicz centenary conference and function spaces VII, Poznan , http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/newly_publish04_11.htm | |
87. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http Pascal Orji, Cyril U. Orlandi, Gianni Orlando, Giuseppe Orlicki, AndrzejOrlicz, wladyslaw Orlik, PP Orlov, Yuri V. Ornstein, DS Ortega, Antonio Ortega, http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/photos |
88. Author Index - O wladyslaw Orliczmathematician 1903 1990, wiki, google. Victor V. Orlovastronomer,spires, google, reference of paper 32.57. http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/~phx1mr/author/o.html | |
89. Research Functional Analysis Workshop, Joensuu, Finland, June 2024, 2004; The WladyslawOrlicz Centenary Conference and Function Spaces VII, Poznan, http://home.hia.no/~vegardl/research.php3 | |
90. Eurozine - Article Translate this page Dies war der Tisch von Stefan Banach, Hugo Steinhaus, Stanislaw Ulam, WladyslawOrlicz, Antoni Lomnicki, Stanislaw Mazur. Der jüngste von ihnen, Banach, http://www.eurozine.com/article/2004-08-17-bakula-de.html | |
91. BibScout - Sonstige (CSN) Gesammelte Abhandlungen / Wolfgang Krull. http://titan.bsz-bw.de/bibscout/SA-SP/SF1000-SF9900/SF.9900 | |
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