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Oka Kiyoshi: more detail | |||||||
61. Patentee Index oka, kiyoshi; Rodriguez, Francisco; and Ishikawa, Yoshi 06891595 Cl. 35540.Capitol Cups, Inc. See. Giraud, Jean Pierre 06889455 Cl. 40-324. http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/patog/week19/OG/patentee/alphaC.htm | |
62. International League Against Epilepsy Chair kiyoshi Morimoto, Members Eiji oka, Teiichi Onuma, Masashi Sasa, MitsumotoSato, Akira Sengoku. 3) Commission of Classification and http://www.ilae-epilepsy.org/Visitors/Chapters/japan.cfm | |
63. Recent Acquisitions Complex analysis in several variables memorial conference of kiyoshi oka scentennial birthday Kyoto/Nara 2001. Mathematical Society of Japan, 2004. http://math.lib.umn.edu/nov04.html | |
64. 5th ISARC - Tokyo 1988 TOC - IAARC APPLICATION OF INPIPE VISUAL INSPECTION ROBOT TO PIPING INTERNAL SURFACE LININGShoji Nagano, Yoshiyuki oka, JGC Corporation kiyoshi Ozawa Kazumasa Kato http://www.iaarc.org/frame/publish/proceedings/isarc05toc.htm | |
65. April 2005 kiyoshi oka, 20 Francesco Siacci, 21 Teiji Takagi, 22 Michael Francis Atiyah,23 Sheila Scott Macintyre. 24 Oscar Zariski, 25 Felix Christian Klein, 26 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/April2005.html | |
66. Mathematics Natural Sciences Library - New Holdings Complex analysis in several variables memorial conference of kiyoshi oka scentennial birthday Kyoto/Nara 2001 / Kimio Miyajuma et al.. cc2004. http://www.admin.ias.edu/mnlib/newholdings_previous.htm | |
67. Plasma Physics Library; New Books - December 1999 oka, kiyoshi; Tada, Eisuke / JAERITech 99-055 (08/../99) The Joint Project forHigh-Intensity Proton Accelerators. Joint Project Team of JAERI and KEK http://www.pppl.gov/library/dec99.html | |
68. Plasma Physics Library; New Books - November 1999 Development of Pipe Welding, Cutting Inspection Tools for the ITER Blanket.by oka, kiyoshi et al./JAERITech 99-048 (07/../99) http://www.pppl.gov/library/nov99.html | |
69. Fields Of Sewage kiyoshi oka, Toronto s senior engineer in charge of biosolids was quoted assaying, It s hot enough to kill any bacteria. But pellets have their own http://www.foodsecurity.net/news/newsitem.php3?nid=1881&tnews=news |
70. Master Theses (2003) Natsuki oka, Assoc. Prof. Masahiro ARAKI, Prof. Yasuaki KUROE kiyoshi SHIBAYAMA,Assoc. Prof. Hiroaki HIRATA, Prof. Koichiro WAKASUGI http://www.dj.kit.ac.jp/seminar/2003/master-list-en.php | |
71. LIBRIS Nyförvärvslista oka, kiyoshi, 19011978. Sur les fonctions analytiques de plusieurs variables /par kiyoshi oka. - Tokyo Shoten, 1961. - 234 s. P. Penrose, Roger, 1931 http://www.ub.uu.se/linne/ang/okt04a.htm | |
72. Dr. Satoru MORITA Hamamatsu 432-8561 Japan Department Of Systems kiyoshi Kawamura, Yasuhiro Funabashi, Satoru Morita, Kazumi Omata, Kenichi Oshio, Yuko Osana, Yasuhiro Funabashi, Kotaro oka, and kiyoshi Kawamura, http://tamori0.sys.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/homeE.htm | |
73. Oka: Sur Les Fonctions Analytiques De Plusieurs Variables. VII. Sur Quelques Not SUR QUELQUES NOTIONS ARITHMÉTIQUES); PAR M. kiyoshi oka. Introduction. CeMémoire (1) est le septième d une série dont les précédents sont I. Domaines http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/item?id=BSMF_1950__78__1_0 |
74. Intenal Medicine Contents Vol.36 No.10 kiyoshi oka, Koichi Hayashi, Tomonori Nakazato, Taichi Suzawa, Keiji Fujiwaraand Takao Saruta; Torsades de Pointes Complicating Pentamidine Therapy of http://www.naika.or.jp/im/im36/im3610.html | |
75. HITACHI : Irrigation Project To Contribute To The Greening Of Deserts In Egypt kiyoshi oka, Power Electric Machine Design Dept., Generator System Div., Power Industrial Systems Div., Power Industrial Systems, Hitachi, Ltd. http://www.hitachi.com/rev/archive/2003/2005655_12606.html | |
76. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results kiyoshi oka Born 19 April 1901 in Osaka, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan Died 1March 1978 in Nara, Japan Click the picture above to see a larger version http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=150&term1=b |
77. Natural Life Magazine #81 - Sludge Pellets Ignite In Farm Field kiyoshi oka, of Torontos Works Department, confirmed that the pellets had beenheating up in the storage silo at the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant on http://www.life.ca/nl/81/pellets.html | |
78. Publication Lines ZAISHUN JIN, NORIHIRO TERAMOTO, KAZUHIKO HAYASHI, YIXUAN LIU, GUISHUNJIN, TAKASHI oka, kiyoshi TAKAHASHI, TADASHI YOSHINO and TADAATSU AKAGI http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/byori-2/2-byori/e-pub.htm | |
79. Kiyoshi Oka Université Montpellier II Translate this page kiyoshi oka (1901-1978). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1622 |
80. November 2001: New Truck Loading And Odour Control Facilities At Ashbridges Bay kiyoshi oka and John Bryson, City of Toronto. In spring 2001, the City of Torontocommissioned its new stateof-the-art truck loading and odour control http://www.esemag.com/1101/ashbridges.html | |
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