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21. Ockham William Of From FOLDOC Recommended Reading William of Ockham, Opera Philosophica (Franciscan, 1975);William of Ockham, Philosophical Writings A Selection, tr. by Philotheus http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Ockham William of |
22. William Of Ockham WILLIAM OF OCKHAM. born between 1290 and 1300 (Thomas Aquinas b. 1224, d. 1274).-entered Franciscan order (and was later assaulted by the pope for his http://www.victorshepherd.on.ca/Course/Philosophy/william_of_ockham.htm | |
23. British Academy - William Of Ockham: Dialogus An ongoing project to provide william of ockham s Dialogus in Latin and English.The Latin is currently complete. http://www.britac.ac.uk/pubs/dialogus/ockdial.html | |
24. William Of Ockham William of Ockham. also called WILLIAM OCKHAM, Ockham also spelled OCCAM, bynameVENERABILIS INCEPTOR (Latin Venerable Enterpriser ), http://wwwradig.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~dressler/ockham.html | |
25. William Of Ockham An overview of ockham s thought by Paul Vincent Spade. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ockham/ | |
26. Robert Wagner - About William Of Ockham Biography of this philosopher. http://www.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~rwagner/me/ockham.html | |
27. The Ecole Glossary Brief profile of the originator of ockham's razor. http://www2.evansville.edu/ecoleweb/glossary/ockham.html | |
28. William Of Ockham [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] william of ockham, the Franciscan school man, nominalist, and doctor invincibilis, was born at ockham in 1280 and died in Munich on April 10, 1349. http://www.iep.utm.edu/o/ockham.htm | |
29. William Of Ockham [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Unsigned article which provides an overview of major concepts in ockham. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/o/ockham.htm | |
30. Archival Information For "William Of Ockham" More results from plato.stanford.edu CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA william of OckhamVisit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopediaand more. http://plato.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/encyclopedia/archinfo.cgi?entry=ockham |
31. William Von Ockham Ein Artikel im Philosophenlexikon . http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/ockham.htm | |
32. Ockham Biography of william of ockham (12881348) william of ockham s name issometimes written william Occam. He is also known as the More than Subtle http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ockham.html | |
33. References For Ockham References for the biography of william of ockham. G Leff, william of ockhamThe Metamorphosis of Scholastic Discourse (1975). MJ Loux (ed. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Ockham.html | |
34. Medieval Philosophy A study of Duns Scotus, william of ockham and other fourteenth century philosophers, and of medieval elements in Descartes and other early modern philosophers. Course notes by R.J. Kilcullen. http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/medph.html | |
35. Ockham And The Dialogus The best way of becoming acquainted with william of ockham would be to read AS william of ockham, A Letter to the Friars Minor and Other Writings, ed. http://www.britac.ac.uk/pubs/dialogus/wock.html | |
36. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: William Of Ockham Biographical article on the fourteenthcentury Franciscan philosopher. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15636a.htm | |
37. William Of Occam william of ockham, born in the village of ockham in Surrey (England) about 1285,was the most influential philosopher of the 14th century and a http://wotug.ukc.ac.uk/parallel/www/occam/occam-bio.html | |
38. Occam's Razor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Walter of Chatton was a contemporary of william of ockham (12871347) who tookexception to Occam s Razor and ockham s use of it. In response he devised his http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_Razor | |
39. Aus Der Summa Logicae Des William Von Ockham (ca Ausz¼ge aus der Summa Logicae des william von ockham zu Intention, Universalien und Suppositionslehre. http://www.uni-rostock.de/fakult/philfak/fkw/iph/strobach/veranst/mittelalter/OC | |
40. Occam's Razor Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy william of ockham . Hyman, Arthur and James J.Walsh, Philosophy in the Middle Ages 2nd ed. http://skepdic.com/occam.html | |
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