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61. MSN Encarta - Florence Nightingale nightingale, florence (18201910), British nurse, hospital reformer, Born inflorence, Italy, on May 12, 1820, nightingale was raised mostly in http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577963/Florence_Nightingale.html | |
62. MSN Encarta - Florence Nightingale Article about Ms nightingale. http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761577963 |
63. Nightingale, Florence - Great Men And Women Of The World Biography of florence nightingale and related links of interest. http://homepage.oanet.com/jaywhy/nightingale.htm | |
64. Florence Nightingale, Avenging Angel Information supplemental to a book by that title. http://www.florence-nightingale-avenging-angel.co.uk/index.html | |
65. Nightingale, Florence - Grandes Personnalités Mondiales http://homepage.oanet.com/jaywhy/nightingale_f.htm | |
66. Historia - Nightingale, Florence florence nightingale Nurse, improved hospital conditions (18201910). When florencelived, hospitals in England were unsanitary places where disease could http://www.liquidleaf.com/historia/nightingale.html | |
67. Glbtq >> Social Sciences >> Nightingale, Florence Famous as the mother of modern nursing, florence nightingale was a tough reformerwho fought for her right to a career and an individual identity in the http://www.glbtq.com/social-sciences/nightingale_f.html | |
68. Reader's Companion To Military History - - Nightingale, Florence Through personal connections, florence nightingale, who had no training in nursingor hospital administration, secured control of the nurses and the funds http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/mil/html/mh_037200_nightingalef.htm | |
69. Florence Nightingale Resources on one of the most famous nurses in history. From the About.com Guide to Women's History. http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/nightingale/index.htm | |
70. Florence Nightingale Cook, Sir Edward Tyas, The Life of florence nightingale, London Macmillan, 1914.Huxley, Elspeth, florence nightingale. New York CP Putnams Sons, 1975. http://www.freedomtocare.org/page68.htm | |
71. Florence Nightingale: The Lady With The Lamp - Page 1 florence nightingale was distinctly not the romantic, retiring Victorian gentlewoman most of us imagine. florence nightingale was a bright, tough, driven professional, a brilliant organizer and statistician, and one of the most influential women in 19thcentury England. http://womenshistory.about.com/library/prm/blladywiththelamp1.htm | |
72. Nightingale, Florence -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia nightingale, florence (18201910). In 1854 the English nurse florence nightingaletook a small band of volunteers to Turkey to care for soldiers wounded in http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9276097 | |
73. Nightingale, Florence -- Encyclopædia Britannica nightingale, florence English nurse and the founder of trained nursing as aprofession for women. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9055815 | |
74. Nightingale, Florence. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 nightingale, florence. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ni/Nighting.html | |
75. Nightingale, Florence. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2 nightingale, florence. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002. http://www.bartleby.com/59/10/nightingalef.html | |
76. Nightingale, Florence Famous Quotes Famous quotes by nightingale, florence Instead of wishing to see more doctorsmade by women joining what there are, I wish to see as few do 1820-1910 http://www.borntomotivate.com/FamousQuote_FlorenceNightingale.html | |
77. NMH.UK: Florence Nightingale Last photograph of florence nightingale The second daughter of William Edward All the available surviving writing of florence nightingale will be http://www.shef.ac.uk/~nmhuk/adltnur/people/nitngle.html | |
78. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE - LoveToKnow Article On FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE nightingale, florence (I82019I0), younger daughter of William Edward nightingaleof Ernbley Park, Hampshire, and Lea Hurst, Derbyshire, was born at florence http://13.1911encyclopedia.org/N/NI/NIGHTINGALE_FLORENCE.htm | |
79. Clendening History Of Medicine Library: Nightingale Letters AUTHOR, nightingale, florence, 18201910. TITLE, As Miss nightingale said florence nightingale through her sayings a Victorian perspective / edited http://clendening.kumc.edu/dc/fn/holdings.html | |
80. Nightingale, Florence (1820-1910) Florence Nightingale Was The florence nightingale was named for florence, Italy, where she was born on May The secretary of war asked florence nightingale to take charge of nursing. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/whm/html/fnightingale.html | |
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