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41. School Of Nursing And Midwifery florence nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery. Offers diplomas to postgraduate degrees. Includes list of courses and continuing education opportunities. http://www.kcl.ac.uk/nursing/ | |
42. Scoutinggroep Florence Nightingale, Ridderkerk De Website van Scoutinggroep florence nightingale te Ridderkerk http://www.florence-nightingale.nl/ | |
43. Malaspina Great Books - Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) Ever Yours, florence nightingale Selected Letters. Browse Books, Music, Art,Books from Alibris florence nightingale Books from Amazon florence http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_890.asp | |
44. Home Set in over 200 acres of parkland surrounding Embley Park, former home of florence nightingale. Near Romsey in Hampshire. http://www.wellowgolfclub.co.uk | |
45. Literary Encyclopedia: Nightingale, Florence florence nightingale, author and activist, was born in florence and welleducatedwith her sister Parthenope in history, mathematics and languages by their http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=3343 |
46. United States Historical Society Online Doll Shop - Nurse Gifts, Florence Nighti Nonprofit organization dedicated to awareness of America's culture and history. Presents exhibits of florence nightingale, fashion dolls of history from Smithsonian, Great Painter Series, and Angel sculptures. Includes background, and current projects. http://www.ushsdolls.com/ | |
47. Krankenpfleger Aus Österreich Krankenpfleger aus sterreich; Hobbys, Lebensmotto, florence nightingale, Italienurlaub, Photos, Chinareise uvm. http://members.aon.at/alois.krenn/ | |
48. Literary Encyclopedia: List Works () Notes on Nursing What It Is and What It Is Not nightingale, florence How people may live and not die in India - nightingale, florence http://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?aut=Nightingale, Florence&golist=true&exa |
49. Florence Nightingale: Claydon House An article by Lucinda Lambton about the house and its association with florence nightingale. http://www.countryjoe.com/nightingale/claydon.htm | |
50. NIGHTINGALE, FLORENCE nightingale, florence. Nurse statistician (1820 1910). She was a famous nurse,of course. She also was an accomplished mathematician. http://www.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/NIGHTINGALE.html | |
51. Biography: Florence Nightingale, Nurse, Renewer Of Society (18 May 1910) florence nightingale, Nurse, Renewer of Society 18 May 1910. The commemorationof florence nightingale is controversial. On the one hand, she doubted or http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/JEK/05/18.html | |
52. The Friends Of Florence Nightingale House A registered charity which aims to help and financially support the work and development of the Aylesbury Hospice. The Friends provide funding for the day to day running of the Hospice and specific projects. http://www.ffnh.org.uk/ |
53. Florence Nightingale - Britannia Biographies A brief biography of florence nightingale. florence nightingale received anunusually broad classical education from her wealthy father, http://www.britannia.com/bios/nightingale.html | |
54. The Florence Nightingale Museum A tribute to the famous nurse. Includes opening hours, location and directions as well as background information her life and work. http://www.florence-nightingale.co.uk/index.htm | |
55. Florence Nightingale Since her only sibling was an older sister, florence nightingale enjoyed much There was no reason why florence nightingale could not have been a http://www.hyperhistory.net/apwh/bios/b2fnightingale12is.htm | |
56. Willkommen Bei Der Kaiserswerther Diakonie Aktuelles und Historisches aus allen Bereichen der Kaiserswerther Diakonie und des florencenightingale-Krankenhauses in D¼sseldorf-Kaiserswerth bieten diese Seiten. http://www.kaiserswerther-diakonie.de | |
57. Florence Nightingale nightingale, florence, 18201910, English nurse, the founder of modern nursing florence nightingale was the first woman to be given the British Order of http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0835657.html | |
58. Nightingale's Nursing, Attendants, Home Care - Florence, SC Find out about nursing, home care, and senior care services available throughout the florence metropolitan area. http://www.nightingalesnursing.net/ | |
59. Nightingale, Florence nightingale, florence Portrait of florence nightingale by an unknown artist.(Image © The Art Archive/Royal Palace Madrid/Album/Joseph Martin) http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0017684.html | |
60. Florence Nightingale: Facts And Extensive Reading List Sam Wellman s heroes of history, writers, missionaries, evangelists, preachers,scientists, explorers, Livingstone, nightingale, ten Boom, Billy Graham, http://www.heroesofhistory.com/page56.html | |
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