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21. Calabria Michael D Nightingale Florence - New And Used Books Calabria Michael D nightingale florence new and used books - calabria michaeld nightingale florence, Books, new and used books, isbn, price compare, http://www.isbn.pl/A-calabria-michael-d-nightingale-florence/ | |
22. Jewish Nightingale Florence Singer, MP3's, Jewish Event Specialist, Klezzmer, Having survived two concentration camps, Florences mother instilled in her adeep sense THE JEWISH NIGHTINGALE TAKE THE OY TRAIN KLEZMER ENSEMBLE http://www.florencesinger.com/nightingale.html | |
23. The Collection Of Nightingale Florence, 1820 - 1910, Reformer Of Hospital Nursin Works by Florence Nightingale, and works by various authors, the property of, orcontaining contributions by Florence Nightingale, on subjects including http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/Nightingale/Nightingale.html | |
24. HTML Translation Of SGML/EAD Document By Tim Green nightingale florence, 1820 1910, Reformer of Hospital Nursing FlorenceNightingale, 1820 - 1910, was born in Florence and educated in nursing by the http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/Nightingale/m.html | |
25. Florence_Nightingale In 1858, Florence Nightingale was elected the first female member of the Royal In 1883 Queen Victoria awarded Florence Nightingale with the Royal Red http://copernicus.subdomain.de/Florence_Nightingale | |
26. ICXr[P[Fm Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.bk1.co.jp/author.asp?authorid=120000217290000 |
27. Florence Nightingale Indepth information of this pioneer in nursing and a brief overview of some ofher works. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REnightingale.htm | |
28. Country Joe McDonald's Florence Nightingale Tribute Tribute to nursing's pioneer. http://www.countryjoe.com/nightingale/ | |
29. The Florence Nightingale Museum The florence nightingale Museum celebrates the excellent contribution to nursingof florence nightingale, the Lady with the Lamp of the Crimean War, http://www.florence-nightingale.co.uk/ | |
30. Florence Nightingale Biography highlighting her contributions to mathematics. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/nitegale.htm |
31. Clendening History Of Medicine Library: Nightingale Letters Exhibition of photographs and letters of florence nightingale pertaining to the history of nursing http://clendening.kumc.edu/dc/fn/ | |
32. Welcome To Nightingale Middle School Community based secondary school for grades 68. Departments, staff and student information. http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/Nightingale_MS | |
33. The Florence Nightingale Museum 2 Block with florence nightingales affectionate Easter wishes 1878 LDFNM 0153 (ink on flyleaf) Offered to Miss Huguenin with florence nightingales http://www.florence-nightingale.co.uk/handlist5.htm | |
34. Page Moved! Read noted quotes, plus browse links to biographical information. http://www.geocities.com/~bread_n_roses/wwa/nightin.htm | |
35. GROUP FLORENCE Grup hastaneleri ve bilgiler. http://www.florence.com.tr |
36. USHS Online Doll Shop - Florence Nightingale And Clara Barton Historical Dolls Offers sales of collectibles including plates, eagle statues, Renoir umbrellas, and florence nightingale. http://www.ushsdolls.com/onlineshop/onlineshop.html | |
37. Main Raises funds to provide grants for UK nurses' study at home and abroad, in various categories. http://www.florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/ | |
38. Florence Nightingale Biography florence nightingale Biography For More Information florence nightingaleflorence nightingale lived a long and remarkable life. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/4277/nightingale.html | |
39. Victorians Resources for school projects on the Victorian era. Music, images of the Queen, the phonograph, florence nightingale and Education. http://www.snaithprimary.eril.net/victoria.htm | |
40. The Collected Works Of Florence Nightingale Copyright © The Collected Works of florence nightingale. Site Design by VincentConsulting. http://www.sociology.uoguelph.ca/fnightingale/ | |
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