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81. Ketch Wellness - Miscellaneous nicomachus of gerasa recorded the process and it was picked up by Iamblichusbefore 350 AD We inherit the work of Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, http://www.ketchwellness.com/(xgefnc45sgdjefatjwd4yxnz)/Products.aspx?m=3&CID=Mi |
82. A Mithraic Ritual The statement of nicomachus of gerasa the musician and mystic (second centuryAD), is still clearer; for he not only tells us about the vowels and http://www.hermetic.com/pgm/mithraic.html | |
83. NES/MAA Regional Dinner Meetings - Spring 2004 explorer, and student of D Alembert; and end with recent extensions of thework of the second century (AD) mathematician, nicomachus of gerasa. http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/nesmaa/regdinnermts2005.html | |
84. Jay Kappraff Kappraff, J. The Arithmetic of nicomachus of gerasa and its. Applications toSystems of ProportionNexus Network Journal (an http://www-ec.njit.edu/~kappraff/personal.html | |
85. The Research Notebook Of A Beleaguered Hack.: Struik: A Concise History Of Mathe nicomachus of gerasa (c. 100 CE) was one of the earliest Alexandrian mathematiciansof the Roman era. His Arithmetic Introduction is the most complete http://arsenal.media.mit.edu/notebook/archives/000104.html | |
86. A Second Summary Of Great Books Collected works Apollonius of Perga Conic Sections nicomachus of gerasa Introduction to Arithmetic Marcus Aurelius The Meditations Apuleius The http://www.radix.net/~bobg/books/summary2.html | |
87. Harmony / Harmonic - Pertaining To Simulaneous Musical Sounds nicomachus of gerasa. c. 100 AD. Manual of Harmonics . English translation andcommentary by Flora Rose Levin (ed.), Phanes Press, Grand Rapids MI, 1994, http://tonalsoft.com/enc/h/harmonic.aspx | |
88. FAQ - Great Books Academy philosophy (Socrates, Plato), cartography and history (Herodotus, Thucydides),social studies, and even math (Euclid, nicomachus or gerasa). http://www.greatbooksacademy.org/faq.html | |
89. Footnotes music4 by eg Aristoxenus of Tarentum (fourth century BC), nicomachus ofGerasa (second century), Ptolemy (second century), Aristides Quintilianus (?late http://www-jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~mma29/essays/dissertation/footnode.html | |
90. Physics And Music thought flourished throughout antiquity in such theorists as nicomachus ofGerasa and Ptolemy and was transmitted into the Middle Ages by Boethius. http://www.angelfire.com/wv/jeanwilson/music.html | |
91. Abstracts For MAA INDIANA SECTION MEETING, APRIL 1-2, 2005 At IPFW Two first century (AD) manuscripts, the Introduction to Arithmetic, by Nicomachusof gerasa and Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato by Theon of http://www.ipfw.edu/math/maa2005/jtabs.html | |
92. Spring 2003 Sectional Meeting Of The Allegheny Mountain Section Of Abstract In the first century AD, the Introduction to Arithmetic, by Nicomachusof gerasa and Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato by Theon of Smyrna http://mallard.ds.psu.edu/~ecb5/MAA-Spring-03/tattersall.html |
93. Relics From The Dawn Of Time I saw old editions of the works of Archimedes, Apollonius, Clavius, Nicomachusof gerasa, Ptolemy (Regiomantanus translation), Diophantus of Alexandria, http://www.maa.org/features/relics.html | |
94. ALC III,3: Mathematics Pure And Applied both Mohammedan and Christian, the Introduction to Arithmetic of Nicomachusof gerasa, who lived about one hundred years after the birth of Our Lord. http://www.domcentral.org/study/ashley/arts/arts303.htm | |
95. Progressioni Geometriche by Martin Luther D Ooge, with notes by Frank Egleston Robbins and Louis http://utenti.quipo.it/base5/numeri/progrgeom.htm | |
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