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Neile William: more detail |
61. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results william neile Born 7 Dec 1637 in Bishopsthorpe (near York), England Died 24Aug 1670 in White Waltham, Berkshire, England Show birthplace location http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=550&term1=b |
62. SKCM: S.Charles: History-St. Charles And The Church Of England the Arminian influence in the Church especially with the appointment of suchmen as Richard neile, Lancelot Andrewes and william Laud to the episcopate. http://www.skcm.org/SCharles/History/history_Charles.html | |
63. Encyclopedia: Bishop Of Durham In 1093 Bishop william demolished the old Durham Minster. william James16061617; Richard neile 1617-1627; George Monteigne 1628; John Howson 1628-1632 http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Bishop-of-Durham | |
64. The National Archives National Register Of Archives Browse The neile, Richard (15621640) Archbishop of York (1). neile, william (1637-1670)Mathematician (1). Neill, Alexander Sutherland (1883-1973) Educationalist (4) http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/person_NE.htm | |
65. History Today: The Educational Archive Of Articles, News And Study Aids For Teac With an air of conspiracy, he was ushered into the presence of Andrewes and hisfellow Arminians, Richard neile and william Laud, and charged to tell them http://www.historytoday.com/dm_getArticle.asp?gid=17654 |
66. Newton's Diverging Parabola An other name for the curve was derived from william Neil(e) (16371670) whodiscovered the curve in 1657 neile s parabola. This very keen mathematician http://www.2dcurves.com/cubic/cubicn.html | |
67. Adj. Gen. 5th Reg. Cavalry Index neile, WAD C neile, william AD C Nell, Pleasant I Neuman, Alexander S. G, GNewell, Mitchell M, M Newland, Jesse B Niles, Hubbard S. H, K Nolan, Harden R. M http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/statewide/military/civilwar/adjutant/5/ | |
68. Adj. Gen. 5th Reg. Cav. Co. C Private, neile, william AD, Modina, Mo, Aug. 12, 61, Aug. 12, 61, Promoted SergeantJanuary 1, 1863. Private, Nordyke, MT, Modina, Mo, Aug. 12, 61, Aug. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/statewide/military/civilwar/adjutant/5/ | |
69. Bishops Of Durham 16061617, william James. 1617-1627, Richard neile. 1628, George Monteigne.1628-1632, John Howson. 1632-1659, Thomas Morton. 1660-1672, John Cosin http://www.genuki.bpears.org.uk/NBL/Bishops.html | |
70. Kendrick's Lincoln Cathedral • Chapter IV — List Of Bishops william Wickham (15841594), Dean of Lincoln; translated to Winchester, 1594; d . Richard neile (1614-1617), Bishop of Rochester, 1608-1610; of Lichfield http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Places/Europe/Great_Britain/Engl | |
71. University Of Oregon Libraries Bishop william Morris O neile and the voices of Universal of Los Angeles, Calif.. PERFORMERS william Morris O neile, vocals ; and the Universal http://libweb.uoregon.edu/music/Discographies/Gospel/gospelmo.html | |
72. 1670@Everything2.com English atrsonomer and mathematician william neile. French highwayman ClaudeDuval, captured and hanged in England. English general George Monck, http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=1670 |
73. Bishops And Archbishops Of York 69) Richard neile, 16321640 70) John williams, 1641-1650 90) william Temple,1929-1942 91) Cyril Forster Garbett, 1942-1955 92) Arthur Michael Ramsey, http://www.bishopthorpepalace.co.uk/bishopsofyork.html | |
74. 1918 Directory: Page 2 Gas works william street W. Tallentire. manager and Union Workhouse - Clerk,James Calvert; master, John H. Oneile; matron, Mrs Oneile; http://www.lurganancestry.net/recordsonline/1918directory/1918page2.html | |
75. The Bishops, Priors And Deans Of Durham william of St Carileph (108196), Richard Fox (1494-1501), william VanMildert (1826-36) Robert of Holy Island (1274-83), Richard neile (1617-27) http://www.dur.ac.uk/~dla0www/c_tour/lists.html | |
76. Historical Succession Of Bishops Of Rochester In The Church Of England 1605, william Barlow. 1608, Richard neile. 1611, John Buckeridge. 1628, Walter Curil.1630, John Bowle. 1638, John Warner. 1666, John Dolben http://www.rochester.anglican.org/bishops/historicalsuccession.html | |
77. RICHARD NEILE - LoveToKnow Article On RICHARD NEILE When at Rochester he appointed william Laud as his chaplain and gave him several neile sat regularly in the courts of starchamber and high commission. http://87.1911encyclopedia.org/N/NE/NEILE_RICHARD.htm | |
78. Dec 14 - Author Anniversaries Alan Hugh M neile 1934 Prof, Sydney Herbert GAIGER 1935 Prof, Charles RICHET (Beckwith) QUINTANA 1987 william FIFIELD 1989 Andrei (Dmitriyevich) http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/dec14.htm | |
79. Mar 6 - Author Anniversaries Alan Hugh M neile 1872 Johan BOJER 1874 Nikolai Alexandrovich BERDYAEV william Christian BIER 1982 Ayn(=Alissa) RAND, nee ROSENBAUM, ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/mar6.htm | |
80. BANGLAPEDIA: Fort William College Fort william College an orientalist training centre set up by Governor had a Department headed by neile B Edmonstone, then a Persian translator to the http://banglapedia.search.com.bd/HT/F_0170.htm | |
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