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         Mydorge Claude:     more detail
  1. Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) (French Edition) by Claude Mydorge, 2010-09-10
  2. Examen Dv Livre Des Recreations Mathematiqves: Et De Ses Problemes En Geometrie, Mechanique, Optique, & Catoptrique. Où Sont Aussi Discutées & Restablies ... Physiques Y Proposees (French Edition) by Jean Leurechon, Claude Mydorge, 2010-03-16
  3. Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) (French Edition) by Claude Mydorge, 2010-09-10

41. Roberwal, Gilles Personne De (1602-1675)
to Paris where he met and befriended members of the Mersenne circle (especiallyclaude Hardy, claude mydorge, ƒtienne Pascal and Blaise Pascal) in 1628.
Category: ParallelfŸhrungen (Parallel guides) Item Number: Description: Vollkommene HebelparallelfŸhrung, Oberschalige Waage (Complete Parallel Lever Guide, Top-pan Scale) Biographical Information: Though Reuleaux used the name Roberwal, he was probably referring to Gilles Personne de Roberval (1602-1675). Roberval came from a poor French family, and received no formal schooling. At an early age Roberval left his family and traveled throughout the French countryside, learning mathematics from various classes given at different universities, and earning a living as a mathematics tutor. His travels eventually took him to Paris where he met and befriended members of the Mersenne circle (especially Claude Hardy, Claude Mydorge, ƒtienne Pascal and Blaise Pascal) in 1628. Four years later he was appointed professor of philosophy in the CollŽge de Maitre Gervais, and in 1634 he received the Ramus chair of mathematics in the CollŽge Royale (in 1655 he also received the Gassendi chair of mathematics). RobervalÕs involvement with the advancement of mathematics spanned several different disciplines. Not only did he promote the use of the geometry of infinitesimals, but he also wrote on finding areas, algebra, analytical geometry, and he developed methods for integration (computing the definite integral of sin x). But more importantly for the history of kinematics, Roberval was one of the first mathematicians to work on the composition of movements and methods of drawing a tangent to a curve, essentially founding kinematic geometry.

42. Planar Curves - Numericana
likes of Pierre Hérigone (15801643), claude mydorge (1585-1647), GirardDesargues (1591-1661), Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655), Jean Beaugrand (1595-1640),
home index units counting ... physics
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, Ph.D.
Planar Curves
No one ignorant of geometry admitted
Entrance of Plato's Academy in Athens, founded 387 BC

43. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results
claude mydorge Born 1585 in Paris, France Died July 1647 in Paris, France Showbirthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index

44. Catalogue
See also claude mydorge. EVELYN, JOHN, FRS Memoirs illustrative of thc Life andWritings of, edited by William Bray, FSA 2 vols. 4to. 1819.
BABINGTON, JOHN, Pyrotechnia: or, A Discourse of Artificiall Fire works. Whereunto is annexed a short treatise of Geometrie. Folio. 1635
BACON, ROGER. Frier Bacon his discovery of the miracles of art nature and magick. Faithfully translated out of Dr. Dee's own copy, by T. M. and never before in English. London Printed for Simon Miller, at the Starre in St. Pauls Church-yard. 12mo. 63 pages. 1659.
BATE, JOHN, The Mysteries of Nature and Art in four severall parts. The first of water-works: the second of fire-works: the third of drawing, washing, limping, painting, and engraving: the fourth of sundry experiments. 4to. 1634. The second edition. 1635.
BECHERUS, J. J. Character, pro Notia Linguarum universali. 8vo. Franc. 1661.
BEDWELL, WILLIAM._See Peter Ramus. BESSON JACQUES. Il Theatro de gl' Instrumenti e Machine con una brieve dichiaration di tutte le figure di F. Beroaldo. Folio. Lione, 1582.

45. Addenda
Sce also claude mydorge. EVELYN, JOHN, li .RS Memoirs illustrative of thc Lifeand Writings of, edited by NVilliam Bray, FSA 2 vols. 4to. 1819.
No. 5. Cipher writing. At page 398, reference is made to a Cipher letter, engraved in " The Life," at page 180. It was written by the Marquis, as now appears, at Dublin, thc 29th of September, 1645. The author having made out the character, is able to supply the following Key, or alphabet.
Curiously enough it is the document given at page 139, so that Carte must have obtained a deciphered copy as well. But the words, " the King of the assent," should be " the King of his assent." The words, " towards your Execllency" (in the 10th line) are not in the original. Also the words, " And my intention was ever to acquaint your honour herewith," should be " and mine intent was ever to acquaint you herewith." There is no signature to the original, but the written direction shows it was from the Earl of Glamorgan. We have now authentic proof of the construction and character of at least one Cipher method of writing adopted by the Marquis, eighteen years prior to the publication of the " Century." No. 53.

claude mydorge (15851647), a French geometer and friend of Descartes, publisheda work De sectioni bus conicis in which he greatly simplified the cumbrous
CONIC SECTION The definitions given above reflect the intimate association of these curves, but it frequently happens that a particular conic is defined by some special property (as the ellipse, which is the locus of a point such that the sum of its distances from two~ fixed points is constant); such definitions and other special properties are treated in the articles ELLIPSE, HYPERBOLA and PARABOLA. In this article we shall consider the historical development of the geometry of conics, and refer the reader to the article GEOMETRY: Analytical and Projective, for the special methods of investigation. But the greatest Greek writer on the conic sections was Apollonius of Perga, and it is to his Conic Sections that we are indebted for a review of the early history of this subject. Of the eight books which made up his original treatise, only seven are certainly known, the first fouI in the original Greek, the next three are found in Arabic translations, and the eighth was restored by Edmund Halley in 1710 from certain introductory lemmas of Pappus. The first four books, of which the first three are dedicated to Eudemus, a pupil of Aristotle and author of the original Eudemian Summary, contain little that is original, and are principally based on the earlier works of Menaechmus, Aristaeus (probably a senior contemporary of Euclid, flourishing about a century later than Menaechmus),Euclid and Archimedes. The remaining books are strikingly original and are to~be regarded as embracing Apolloniuss own researches.

47. Historian Fabri De Peiresc S Quest For A Method To Calculate
what other observersthe state treasurer claude mydorge and the priest Marin He politely asked the Dupuys if mydorge had measured the latitude of

48. Pioneers And Imitators (from Number Game) --  Encyclopædia Britannica
interest was exploited by French mathematicians claude mydorge, whose Examen dulivre des récréations mathématiques was published in 1630, and Denis Henrion

49. 1585: Information From
Ronsard, Pierre de (French poet), claude mydorge University of Franeker João Pessoa (city of northeast Brazil). More . Copyrights
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping In the year Construction Pope Paul V builds the Acqua Marcia-Pia aqueduct, the first new aqueduct in Italy since the Aqua Alexandriana of 226, 1644 years earlier. See also ce Construction Materials Mathematician Thomas Harriot [b. Oxford, England, 1560, d. London, July 25, 1621] and Bohemian metallurgist Joachim Gans (the first Jew in the English colonies of the New World) set up the first scientific laboratory in the New World, a small smelting operation designed to test ores for gold and silver. It is part of Sir Walter Raleigh's first colony on Roanoke Island (Virginia), a settlement that is evacuated in 1586. A second colony in the same region is started in 1587, but disappears without a trace. Remains of the Harriot-Gans laboratory will be discovered in 1991. See also 1520 Materials 1614 Chemistry Mathematics De thiende ("the tithe, or tenth"), also known by its French translation as La disme

50. Library Of Sir Thomas Browne: Information From
Amsterdam 1613; claude mydorge, Examen du Livre des recreations Mathematiques,Paris 1639; Abraham Ortelius, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Antwerp 1574
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Library of Sir Thomas Browne Wikipedia Library of Sir Thomas Browne
No single document gives better evidence of the erudition of Sir Thomas Browne , physician, philosopher and encyclopedist than the 1711 Sales Auction Catalogue of the Library of Sir Thomas Browne . It also provides an insight into the proliferation, distribution and availability of books printed throughout 17th century Europe which were purchased in increasing number by the intelligentsia, aristocracy , priest, physician or educated merchant-class. Thomas Browne graduated from the University of Leiden in , having previously studied at the Universities of Montpellier and Padua for his medical degree. Upon his establishment in Norwich as a physician he was able to begin a lifetime's bibliophilia , building a private library, acquiring and no doubt reading many of an estimated 1500 titles. Browne was adept in no less than five contemporary languages ( French Italian Spanish Dutch and Danish Greek and Hebrew these languages as well as the predominant written form of the Renaissance namely Latin are all represented in his Library.

51. Fireworks Collection
With this edition, attributed to claude mydorge (15851647), there now are overa dozen 17th-century examples of this series scattered throughout various
special collections @brown university library
Dupee Fireworks Collection
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The Paul R.Dupee Jr. '65 Collection on Fireworks Home Page
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The architecture and landscape gardening of the exposition. A pictorial survey of the most beautiful of the architectural compositions of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition with an introduction by Louis Christian Mullgardt ... ,
San Francisco: Paul Elder and Company, 1915.
This "pictorial survey," with descriptive titles written by Maud Wotring, Raymond and John Hamlin, contains photographs of the spectacular firework displays that were part of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, held in San Francisco during September, 1915. (Not in Philip)
The boy's holiday book, for all seasons. Containing complete instructions for angling, swimming, conjuring, the making of fireworks, cricket, archery, gymnastics, and various games for boys ... ,
London: G. H. Davidson, [ca. 1850].

52. References For Mydorge
References for the biography of claude mydorge. References for claude mydorge.Version for printing. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography
References for Claude Mydorge
Version for printing
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • Janus
  • M Cantor, II (Leipzig, 1913), 673-674; 768-769.
  • Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR June 2004 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 53. Hardy_Claude
    Biography of claude Hardy (15981678) Hardy introduced mydorge to Descartes.Hardy, in his capacity as a lawyer, worked for the Parliament in Paris from
    Claude Hardy
    Born: 1598 in Le Mans, France
    Died: 5 April 1678 in Paris, France
    Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Version for printing
    Claude Hardy was a practising lawyer and took part in the weekly meetings of Roberval Mersenne and others. He was also a friend of Gassendi and Mydorge . Hardy introduced Mydorge to Descartes Hardy, in his capacity as a lawyer, worked for the Parliament in Paris from 1625. A year later he was certainly attached to the court of justice in Paris as a counsellor. In 1630 he published Examen and in 1638 Refutation . These works dealt with the problem of the duplication of the cube and Hardy pointed out a fallacy which had arisen regarding this problem. Hardy took part in many of the mathematical discussions and arguments of the time but his greatest contribution was his knowledge of Arabic and other languages which enabled him to make important Latin translations of Euclid 's Data and other books. Despite the fact that he introduced Mydorge to Descartes , Hardy supported Descartes when the two had a dispute over Fermat 's method of maxima and minima, a forerunner to the calculus.

    54. Bénallal ~ Thèse
    Translate this page Ses amis, Étienne Pascal, claude mydorge, claude Hardy et Gilles de Robervalréunis autour du Père Mersenne, ont salué le manuscrit, ainsi que René
    Localisation par Involution E n g l ... h Chapitre IV
  • Résumé Introduction
  • La " raison " que brouillon project Girard Desargues est l'inventeur du " Clair-Obscur Dioptrique brouillon project brouillon project partout de Brouillon Project involution Brouillon Project " et j'y apprends la notion d'" involution Brouillon Project d'une atteinte aux euenemens

    55. Galileo Project Scientists:
    mydorge, claude. http// Peiresc, Nicolas claude Fabri de
    Scientists of the Christian Faith: From the Era of Galileo The Galileo Project is a hypertext source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and the science of his time. The project, whose homepage is here: , is supported by the Office of the Vice President of Computing of Rice University. The initial stages were made possible by a grant from the Council on Library Resources to Fondren Library. Contributors to the Project are noted here: Albert Van Helden, Lynette Autrey Professor of History at Rice University, is responsible for the written text in the Project (except where otherwise noted). The Project features a Catalog of the Scientific Community of the 16th and 17th Centuries at This is a searchable database of detailed histories of over 600 individuals who made significant contributions to Western science. These histories have been compiled by Richard S. Westfall, Department of History and Philosophy of Science at Indiana University. From this I’ve compiled a list of 522 Galileo-era scientists known to be Christians, with links to biographies from the Galileo Project.

    56. Juegos Matemáticos En La Enseñanza
    Translate this page La obra de van Etten fue modelo para sus continuadores claude mydorge (1630), enFrancia, y Daniel Schwenter, en Alemania. Este último, profesor de hebreo,
    Publicado en
    Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 10-14 Septiembre 1984
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    A good mathematical joke is better and better mathematics than a dozen mediocre papers Indice 1. MATEMATICAS Y JUEGOS.


    18. FELIZ IDEA.

    Euclides Pseudaria
    En la Edad Media Leonardo de Pisa
    En la Edad Moderna Geronimo Cardano Johann Bernoulli Se cuenta que Hamilton Viaje por el Mundo Gauss (1777-1855) cuentan que el Princeps Mathematicorum Hilbert John von Neumann minimax Albert Einstein La combinatoria interviene en muchos acertijos sobre edades, medidas, en el famoso juego de los 15, en el problema de las ocho reinas,... , en particular el grupo de Klein, es una herramienta importante para analizar ciertos juegos con fichas en un tablero en los que se "come al saltar al modo de las damas. La probabilidad El teorema de Ramsey El lema de Sperner El teorema de Helly El problema de Lebesgue El siguiente problema de la aguja en un convexo tridimensional Shaaf en la Encyclopaedia Britannica titulado Number Games and Other Mathematical Recreations Diophanti van Etten , una obra

    57. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians
    1620); Giulio Aleni (15821649); Gregory of St. Vincent (1584-1667) *RB *W;claude mydorge (1585-1647) *SB *MT *W; Jan Brozek (Broscius) (1585-1652) *W
    Chronological List of Mathematicians
    Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan
    Table of Contents
    1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below
    List of Mathematicians
      1700 B.C.E.
    • Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT
      700 B.C.E.
    • Baudhayana (c. 700)
      600 B.C.E.
    • Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT
    • Apastamba (c. 600)
    • Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB
    • Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT
    • Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB
    • Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520)
      500 B.C.E.
    • Katyayana (c. 500)
    • Nabu-rimanni (c. 490)
    • Kidinu (c. 480)
    • Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT
    • Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT
    • Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT
    • Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB
    • Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT
    • Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB
    • Meton (c. 430) *SB

    58. Hardy_Claude
    claude Hardy was a practising lawyer and took part in the weekly meetings of Roberval,Mersenne and others. He was also a friend of Gassendi and mydorge.

    59. References For Mydorge
    References for claude mydorge. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Articles HLL Busard, Über

    60. Gale-Edit - Dictionary Of Science Biography - Scientists By Name
    John; Mushet, David; Mushketov, Ivan Vasilievich; Musschenbroek, Petrus van;Mutis y Bossio, Jose Celestino Bruno; mydorge, claude; Mylon, claude


    Suggestions for Inclusion

    Editorial Board

    About Charles Scribner's Sons
    ... Z A
    • Abailard, Pierre Abano, Pietro Abano, Pietro d' 'Abbas Ibn Firnas Abbe, Cleveland Abbe, Ernst Abel, John Jacob Abel, Niels Henrik Abel, Othenio Abetti, Antonio Abich, Otto Hermann Wilhelm Abney, William de Wiveleslie Abraham Bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi Abraham, Max Abreu, Aleixo Abreu, Aleixo de Abu Hamid al-Gharnati Abu Kamil Shuja' Ibn Aslam Ibn Muhammad Ibn Shuja' Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi, Ja'far Ibn Muhammad Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdadi, Hibat Allah Abu'l-Fida' Isma'il Ibn 'Ali Ibn Mahmud Ibn . . . Ayyub, 'Imad al-Din Abu'l-Wafa' al-Buzjani, Muhammad Ibn Muhammad ~Ibn Yahya Ibn Isma'il Ibn al- 'Abbas Abu'l-Wafa' al-Buzjani, Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Isma'il Ibn al- 'Abbas Accum, Friedrich Christian Achard, Franz Karl Acharius, Erik Achillini, Alessandro Acosta, Cristobal Acosta, Jose Acosta, Jose de Acyuta Pisarati Adam of Bodenstein Adams, Frank Dawson Adams, John Couch Adams, Leason Heberling Adams, Roger Adams, Walter Sydney Adanson, Michel Addison, Thomas Adelard of Bath Adet, Pierre-Auguste

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