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21. 1841 SANDAY, ORKNEY CENSUS - ALL PARISHES (TAKEN 8 JUNE 1841 727 1 LADY 2 1 RUSNESS muir thomas 15 1826 ? 728 LADY 2 1 RUSNESS MUIR JAMES JEAN 1 1840 Y 1888 BURNESS 2 7 X BRAKEN muir thomas 30 1811 AG LAB Y 1889 http://www.cursiter.com/txt-exe-files/Cen41.txt |
22. Thomas Fyshe Palmer It contained the following inscription To the memory of thomas muir, thomasFyshe Palmer, William Skirving, Maurice Margarot and Joseph Gerrald. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRpalmer.htm | |
23. The Rockefeller University - Heads Of Laboratories Reeke, George N. Rice, Charles M. Roeder, Robert G. Rout, Michael P. Sakmar,thomas P. Shaham, muir, Tom W. Professor Email muirt@rockefeller.edu http://www.rockefeller.edu/research/abstract.php?id=121 |
24. The Rockefeller University - Lab Members Rice, Charles M. Roeder, Robert G. Rout, Michael P. Sakmar, thomas P. Shaham, muir, Tom Professor Email muirt@rockefeller.edu Muralidharan, Vasant http://www.rockefeller.edu/graduate/faculty/research/labmembers.php?id=121&membe |
25. Muir, Thomas muir, thomas (18441934) muir was born in Stonebrye, Lanarkshire, and studiedat Glasgow and in Germany at Berlin. In 1874 he resigned a position as http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/M/MuirT/1.html | |
26. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia: Muir, Thomas (1765-98) The Robert Burns works archive, with full text indexed and searchable online. http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/MuirThomas1765-98.659.shtml | |
27. Muir, Thomas His father, thomas muir, was a wellto-do business man, and muir was educated atthe grammar school at Glasgow and the university. http://www.electricscotland.com/history/australia/muir_thomas.htm | |
28. Hope Farm Press & Bookshop: John Muir - Thomas Locker John muir thomas Locker. Quantity in Basket none Code JM02 Price $17.95Shipping Weight 2.00 pounds. Quantity. By thomas Locker. http://www.hopefarmbooks.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=HFPB&P |
29. Muir Biography of thomas muir (18441934) thomas muir was the son of George muirfrom Stonebyres, near Lanark, in Scotland. George was a shoemaker in Biggar http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Muir.html | |
30. Muir Portrait Portrait of thomas muir. The URL of this page is, © Copyright information.http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/PictDisplay/muir.html. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/PictDisplay/Muir.html | |
31. Thomas Muir (radical) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia thomas muir (often known as thomas muir of Huntershill) was born on August 25, 1765.The son of a hop merchant, he was educated at Glasgow Grammar School, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Muir_(revolutionary) | |
32. Thomas Muir (mathematician) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia thomas muir (mathematician). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sir thomasmuir (25 August 184421 March 1934) was a Scottish mathematician, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Muir_(mathematician) | |
33. Siol Nan Gaidheal - Thomas Muir Of Huntershill thomas muir, a barrister, who had become a member of the Honourable Faculty of Below is the declaration from the dock of thomas muir of Huntershill. http://www.siol-nan-gaidheal.com/muir.htm | |
34. Radical Glasgow Home Contents Acknowledgements Bibliography Search . This image.thomas muir, 17651799 by Ian Callender. Images from Radical Glasgow. thomas muir. http://www.gcal.ac.uk/radicalglasgow/images/muir.html | |
35. Mr Thomas Muir Admissions Teaching Research People Contacting us Home People Other tutors Mr thomas muir. Mr thomas muir. photo of Mr thomas muir http://www.sussex.ac.uk/english/profile117577.html | |
36. Thomas Muir Tom muir homepage which is the entry to his site about family history, genealogy,naval figures and breast cancer charity. http://www.thomasmuir.com/ | |
37. THOMAS MUIR OF HUNTERSHILL Brief page about thomas muir of Huntershill with links to other sites. http://www.thomasmuir.com/huntershill.html | |
38. Thomas Muir Gathering Of The Clans - Devoted To All Things Gathering of the Clans Devoted To All Things Scottish. http://www.tartans.com/modules.php.srl.op modload,name News,file article,sid 103 | |
39. Muir Family James muir was born in Renfrew, SCT BEF 23 Apr 1837. Redball.gif (956 bytes) 31 iv.thomas muir was born in Renfrew, SCT bef 18 Oct 1840. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~patricia/MUIR/Default.htm | |
40. Genealogy Data muir, thomas, Gender Male. Family muir AIKMAN. AIKMAN, Margaret, Gender Female.muir, Margaret Back to Main Page. ALLEY, Charles Clinton, Gender Male http://www.worldroots.com/ged/max/dat305.htm | |
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