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Moufang Ruth: more detail |
41. EWM Newsletter 4, 1997 Waltraud Voss ruth moufang Eine Mathematikerin zwischen Universitaet und Industrie.Anhang Dokumentation der Promotionsunterlagen ua Irene PieperSeier http://www.math.helsinki.fi/EWM/news/news97.html |
43. A Guide To The Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1979 Recollections of ruth moufang famous student of Dehn of Dehn s sayings, photocopy,undated. From the Collected Works of André Weil, copy of page 460461 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00192/cah-00192.html | |
44. SJSU Math Department Colloquium ruth moufang and. the foundations of geometry. Wednesday, May 5, 400 pm, MH 234.Abstract A less fancy title for this talk is How to draw a tiled floor . http://www.math.sjsu.edu/~rocha/mathcolloq_Stillwell.htm | |
45. SJSU Math Colloquium Fall 2003 ruth moufang and the foundations of geometry. Abstract A less fancy title forthis talk is How to draw a tiled floor . The projective geometry of tiled http://www.math.sjsu.edu/~rocha/mathcolloq.html | |
46. The Science Bookstore - Chronology moufang,, ruth Born 1/10/1905, 1905 AD. Anderson, Carl D. Born 9/3/1905, 1905 AD.Segre, Emilio Born 2/1/1905, 1905 AD. Hauck, Guido Died 1/25/1905 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=27 |
47. Indice Cron. Delle Donne Matematiche ruth moufang (19051977) Kate Fenchel (1905-1983) Maria Cinquini-Cibrario (1905-1992)Grace Brewster Murray Hopper (1906-1992) Olga Taussky-Todd (1906-1995) e soc/Elenco cronologico.htm | |
48. Drei Mathematiker In Frankfurt - Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Translate this page Festkolloquium aus Anlass der hundertsten Geburtstage von ruth moufang, ruth moufang erhielt die venia legendi an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/org/ltg/admin/muk/pm2005/0605/123/ | |
49. Untitled Document ruth Gentry ruth moufang Sheila Edmonds Sheila Scott Macintyre Sofia KovalevskayaSof ja Janovskaja Sophie Germain SunYung Alice Chang Susan Solomon http://science.kennesaw.edu/~mmyers/1101fa03/bio_misc.html | |
50. Ruth Moufang Université Montpellier II Translate this page ruth moufang (1905-1977). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résidentsur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1581 |
51. January 2003 ruth moufang, 11 Guidobaldo del Monte, 12 Kurt August Hirsch, 13 Gertrude Mary Cox,14 Alfred Tarski, 15 Sofia Kovalevskaya. 16 William Werner Boone, 17 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/January2005.html | |
52. Groupes, Géométrie Et Logique Translate this page La condition de moufang est une condition de transitivité du groupe mis enévidence par ruth moufang en 1932 dans le cas de plans projectifs. http://igd.univ-lyon1.fr/~ould/GGL.html | |
53. Frauen In Der Mathematik Translate this page ruth moufang hat in Frankfurt Mathematik und Physik studiert und dort 1930 Ab 1946 konnte ruth moufang dann ihre unterbrochene Universitätskarriere doch http://mnd-w1.fh-friedberg.de/25Jahre/beitraege/mathematikerinnen.htm | |
54. DMV Translate this page 1936, moufang, ruth, Frankfurt/M. Algebra. 1940, Braun, Hel, Göttingen, Algebra.1942, Geppert, Maria Pia, Gießen, Stochastik, Biometrie http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/memoranda/habil_u.html | |
55. Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944 Translate this page W, moufang, ruth, Zur Struktur der projektiven Geometrie der Ebene. Frankfurt,17.10.1931, Geometrie, Affine und Profektive Geometrie, Math. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/dissertationen/1931.html | |
56. CAMEL-Women-Biographies from St Andrews, Agnes Scott; ruth moufang, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott;Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott , MathNews http://camel.math.ca/Women/BIOG/Biographies.html | |
57. Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society 73. ruth moufang, Alternativkörper und der Satz vom vollständigen Vierseit, Abh.Math. Sem. Hamburg 9 (1933), 207222. 74. Susumu Okubo, Introduction to http://www.ams.org/bull/2002-39-02/S0273-0979-01-00934-X/home.html | |
58. Autres Mathématiciennes Bhama SRINIVASAN ruth moufang, 1905 1977, The Mathematical IntelligencerVol.6 No.2 (1984), 51-55. ruth Rebekka STRUIK Claribel Kendall (1889-1965), pp. http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/natacha.portier/fem/biblio/biblio-1-13.html | |
59. Quasigroup - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A moufang loop (named after ruth moufang) is a quasigroup (L, *) satisfying.(a*b)*(c*a) = (a*(b*c))*a. for all a, b and c in L. As the name suggests, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_(algebra) | |
60. NFFG - Vortrag BS Engl. Using the example of the academic job history of the mathematician ruth moufang,in which reassurance, rejection, honors and discrimination cross through http://www.nffg.de/b_vortragbsengl.htm | |
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