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21. RR-3077 - Pascal Morin, Jean-Baptiste Pomet, Claude Samson Translate this page Design of homogeneous time-varying stabilizing control laws for driftless controllable systems via oscillatory approximation of Lie brackets in closed-loop http://www-sop.inria.fr/rapports/sophia/RR-3077.html | |
22. Jean-Baptiste Pomet jeanbaptiste Pomet P. morin, J.-B. POMET, C. SAMSON, « Design of homogeneous time-varying stabilizing control laws for driftless systems via http://www-sop.inria.fr/apics/personnel/Jean-Baptiste.Pomet/me.html | |
23. Les Metis.....Voyagers And Grandparents. Part Two. Raphael morin. Baptiste Payette. Samuel MckenzieMetis. jean-baptiste Sylvestre. William Stranger. Andre Tous le Jours http://www.jkcc.com/evje/voyageurs2.html | |
24. John Hayes's Bookstore (powered By CubeCart) jeanbaptiste morin (morinus) ASTROLOGIA GALLICA Book 23Revolutions From Holden s preface jean-baptiste morin (1583-1656) was perhaps the greatest http://www.johnhayes.biz/store/view_product.php?product=JEA2KAJE7 |
25. John Hayes's Bookstore (powered By CubeCart) jeanbaptiste morin (morinus) ASTROLOGIA GALLICA Book 21 morinus System of Horoscope Interpretation. Richard Baldwin, Translator. http://www.johnhayes.biz/store/view_product.php?product=JEAT0F5I7 |
26. Presto Classical - Jean-Baptiste Morin (c.1677-1745) - Buy CDs & DVDs Online Presto Classical jean-baptiste morin (c.1677-1745) - Buy CDs DVDs online. http://www.prestoclassical.co.uk/composer.php?browse=composer&name=Morin |
27. Roots - Racines - Késsinnimek + Levrard Marie Leclerc 1.1 jeanbaptiste Legris-Lépine + (1) Marie-Jeanne morin + Pierre morin + Catherine Lemesle 1.1 Marie-Anne morin + Guillaume http://www.leveillee.net/roots/frowen5.htm | |
28. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page -morin, jean-baptiste morin, Guillaume -St-Pierre, Angélique morin, jean-baptiste -Malenfant, Guillaume-Pierre http://cafe.rapidus.net/hmalen/malen/dat808.htm | |
29. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page morin, jean-baptiste morin, Louis Soucy, Scholastique. Famille morin - Beaulieu-Hudon morin, jean-baptiste http://cafe.rapidus.net/hmalen/malen/dat406.htm | |
30. Genealogie - Pafg06 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File jeanbaptiste morin Parents.jean-baptiste married Constance Bérubé on 7.11.1837 in Constance married jean-baptiste morin on 7.11.1837 in http://www.letanu.com/pafg06.htm | |
31. Imago Mundi - Jean-Baptiste Morin. http://www.cosmovisions.com/Morin.htm | |
32. The Galileo Project morin, jeanbaptiste. 1. Dates Born Villefranche, Beaujolais, 23 Feb 1583 Died Paris, 6 Nov 1656 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 73; 2. http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/morin.html | |
33. Morin_Jean-Baptiste jeanbaptiste morin studied philosophy at Aix in 1609, then two years later he went to Avignon where he studied medicine, receiving a medical degree in 1613 http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/Morin_JeanBaptiste.ht | |
34. Jean-Baptiste Morin De Villefranche, REMARQUES ASTROLOGIQUES SUR LE CENTILOQUE D jean-baptiste morin de Villefranche http://www.arbredor.com/titres/remarques.html | |
35. Jean-Baptiste Morin De Villefranche Translate this page jean-baptiste morin naquit en 1583, il étudia la philosophie à Aix et, ensuite, la médecine à luniversité dAvignon et devint docteur en 1613. http://www.arbredor.com/auteurs/morin.html | |
36. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page morin, jean-baptiste. morin, jean-baptiste. Morison, Robert. Morland, Samuel. Morland, Samuel. Morley, Edward Williams. Morley, Edward Williams http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/m.html | |
37. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography morin, jeanbaptiste Mouchez, Ernest Barthélémy Moulton, Forest Ray Mouton, Gabriel Mu?yi LD?n al-maghrib? Müller, Gustav Munvara Vi?var?pa Muñj?la http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html | |
38. Diocèse De Rimouski - Le Clergé De L'archidiocèse De Rimouski Translate this page Alphonse MIVILLE, Joseph-Edgar MOREAULT, Pierre morin, A.-Cléophas morin, Albert morin, Alfred morin, Béatrix morin, Charles morin, jean-baptiste morin, http://www.dioceserimouski.com/ch/livreclerge.html | |
39. M. L'abbé Jean-Baptiste Morin jean-baptiste morin, prêtre du Diocèse de Rimouski. http://www.dioceserimouski.com/dcd/bio/morin_jean-bpt.html | |
40. SICON: Volume 38, Number 1 Laws for Driftless Controllable Systems Via Oscillatory Approximation of Lie Brackets in Closed Loop Pascal morin., jeanbaptiste Pomet, Claude Samson http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/toc/SICON/38/1 | |
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