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Mori Shigefumi: more detail |
81. Abstract From Journal Of Differential Geometry - 56-1-6 - Osamu Fujino And Shige Journal of Differential Geometry 56 (2000), 167188. A canonical bundle formula Osamu Fujino and shigefumi mori. Abstract http://www.intlpress.com/journals/JDG/2000/56-1-6nf.htm | |
82. The 19th IMS Forum mori, shigefumi The 19th IMS Forum. Title About Mathematical Ideas What s the shigefumi mori (Kyoto University); Date/Time Wednesday, July 14, http://www.ims.ac.jp/events/1999/990714e.html | |
83. FITAS DE VÍDEO mori, shigefumi, speaker. Birational classification of algebraicthreefolds /gravação de vídeo/. Kyoto, MSJ, c1990. Inglês. 1 fita de vídeo (108 http://www.ime.usp.br/bib/fitas.html | |
84. History Of Mathematics: Fields Medals Vladimir Drinfeld; Vaughan Jones; shigefumi mori; Edward Witten. 1994. Jean Bourgaim;PierreLouis Lions; Jean-Christophe Yoccoz; Efin I. Zelmanov http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/fieldsmedal.html | |
85. IMRN Editorial Board shigefumi mori. Werner Müller. Yasutaka Ihara. N. Yu. Reshetikhin. Peter Sarnak.IM Sigal. Mark Stern. G. Tian. SRS Varadhan. David Vogan. Dan Voiculescu http://www.duke.edu/~pspauld/IMRN/editors.html | |
86. Matematica - Articoli - Interventi Di
shigefumi mori Edward WITTEN. 1994. Jean BOURGAIN PierreLouis LIONS Jean-ChristopheYOCCOZ Efim ZELMANOV. 1998. Richard E. BORCHERDS W. Timothy GOWERS http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/interventi/medaglie-fields-elenco.htm | |
87. Fields Medal 1990 shigefumi mori (1951) Japan. 1990 Edward Witten (1951) USA. 1994 PierreLouisLions (1956) France. 1994 Jean-Cristophore Yoccoz (1957) France http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/fieldsm.htm | |
88. Xref: Info.physics.utoronto.ca News.answers:30349 Sci.answers:1657 Sci.math:7371 Inst.Kharkov USSR 1990 Jones, Vaughan Gisborne N Zealand 38 UC Berkeley USA 1990Mori, shigefumi Nagoya Japan 39 U of Kyoto? http://www.skepticfiles.org/faq/math2faq.htm | |
89. Annals Of Mathematics Central extensions of word hyperbolic groups. Pp. 183192. SEÁN KEEL and MORISHIGEFUMI. Author s copy, uneditted AMS Review. Quotients by groupoids. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~annals/issues/1997/145_1.html | |
90. Tables Of Contents Central extensions of word hyperbolic groups. Pages 183192. SEÁN KEEL and MORISHIGEFUMI. Quotients by groupoids. Pages 193-213. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~annals/issues/alltocs.html | |
91. Hope College | Department Of Mathematics 10 Summer Research Opportunities, Path Length and Binomial Colloquia, ShigefumiMori. Mar 9, 2005, Vol. 3, No. 11 LMMC sign up, GRE info, Max Zorn, http://www.math.hope.edu/newsletter.html | |
92. X@d¶ Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.civic.ninohe.iwate.jp/100W/01/005/ | |
93. Fields Medal Winners Inst. Kharkov), Vaughan Jones (University of California, Berkeley), ShigefumiMori (University of Kyoto), and Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study, http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0192505.html | |
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