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81. Smith College: Smith Tradition cathleen morawetz SCD 1982. Edmund S. Morgan LLD 1996. Erica Morini MUS 1955.Grace McCann Morley LHD 1957. Ann Axtell Morris 22 AM 1935 http://www.smith.edu/collegerelations/honorary.php | |
82. RE: Going Online Only... (and JSTOR) Inc. Richard C. Levin cathleen morawetz President, Yale UniversityProfessor Emeritus New York University Mary Patterson McPherson Vice http://www.library.yale.edu/~llicense/ListArchives/0210/msg00007.html | |
83. Women Of Achievement B. 0505-1923, cathleen morawetz - Canadian-born US mathematician. In 1998 morawetzearned her the highest honor in US science, a National Medal of Science, http://www.undelete.org/woa/woa05-05.html | |
84. THE WHITE HOUSE Office Of The Press Secretary Dr. cathleen S. morawetz is a Professor of Mathematics at New York University.She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/archives/whitehouse-papers/1994/Oct/1994-10-26-Four-N | |
85. Video Tape List V 515.35 M797t, Transonic flow and mixed equations, morawetz, cathleen S,American Mathematical Society, 1989. V 515.35 Si53f, Fifty years of Eigenvalue http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/video.html | |
86. Letter From Washington I did manage to connect a bit with cathleen morawetz and John Bahcall. Cooley somehowseemed to be most prominentamong all the winners, he s certainly the http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/medal.html | |
87. Colloquium Seminar Schedule cathleen morawetz (New York University ). April 22, What are Zeta Functions ofGraphs, and What are They Good For? Emeriti Colloquium. Audrey Terras (UCSD) http://www.math.umd.edu/research/seminars/colloquium/ | |
88. PDE/Applied Math Seminar, University Of Maryland, College Park cathleen morawetz (Courant Institute). April 21, Hyperbolic to Parabolic Relaxationand 3D Navier Stokes Equations. Donatella Donatelli (Università degli http://www.math.umd.edu/research/seminars/pde/ | |
89. Liu Bie Ju Centre | News Bulletin morawetz, cathleen, Courant Institute, New York University, Dec 1998. Powell,Michael, University of Cambridge, Dec 1998. Yau, ST, Harvard University http://www.cityu.edu.hk/rcms/news/acex.html | |
90. Princeton - Honorary Degrees - Awarded By Princeton University cathleen Synge morawetz, Doctor of Science Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Doctor of LawsJohn Archibald Wheeler, Doctor of Science http://www.princeton.edu/pr/facts/honorary.html | |
91. Institut Für Mathematik - Universität Oldenburg Translate this page cathleen morawetz. 1923 -, cathleen war während ihrer Karriere in der mathematischenCommunity überaus aktiv, wie die folgende Auswahl zeigt http://www.mathematik.uni-oldenburg.de/schnupperstudium/unser_logo/morawetz.html | |
92. Canadian Applied Math Quarterly cathleen Synge morawetz Courant Institute. Managing Editors. Jack Macki Universityof Alberta, T. Bryant Moodie University of Alberta. Editors. Uri Ascher http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ami/CAMQ/editorial_board.htm | |
93. Convocation Honours Set ù cathleen morawetz, professor of mathematics at New York University s CourantInstitute of Mathematical Sciences. She will receive a Doctor of Mathematics. http://newsrelease.uwaterloo.ca/archive/news.php?id=130 |
94. Table Of Contents On March 17, 1999, Professor Emerita cathleen morawetz of the Courant Instituteof NYU cathleen Synge morawetz is a powerful mathematician who has made http://www.math.wisc.edu/news/1999/ | |
95. Return To Main Page Previous Wasow Lecturers have been Jürgen Moser, Joseph Keller, Louis Nirenberg,and cathleen morawetz. The Sixth Memorial Lecture will be given by http://www.math.wisc.edu/news/2001/SpecLecs.htm | |
96. AIM Book Library: morawetz, cathleen S. Serrin, J. (James), 1926 Sinai, Ii¸ Ai¸¡kov Grigor evich,1935-, QA300.5 .H662 2002 Mathematics from Leningrad to Austin George http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=books;mode=display;BrowseCall |
97. International Benchmarking Of US Research Fields (Mathematics) cathleen S. morawetz NAS is professor emeritus at the Courant Institute ofMathematical Sciences of New York University. She has been with the Institute http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/CSEP-Q-97-01-A?OpenDocument |
98. Gender Differences In Careers Of Science, Engineering, And Mathematics Faculty cathleen morawetz, New York University Thomas N. Taylor, University of KansasLilian ShiaoYen Wu, International Business Machines Corp. http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/MeetingDisplay2/CWSE-M-03-01-A?OpenDocument&Expand |
99. [Asis-l] National Medal Of Science -- Nominiations Due June 30, 2003 Felix E Rutgers University Math 1999 Coifman, Ronald R. Yale University 1999Morawetz, cathleen Synge Courant Inst of Math Sciences 1998 Yau, http://mail.asis.org/pipermail/asis-l/2003-May/000738.html | |
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