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61. WikipediaVotes For Deletion/Log/2005 February 18 - Wikipedia, The cathleen Synge morawetz. Is this a case of vanity or notability? You should vealso searched for cathleen morawetz , which yields another 560 hits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Votes_for_deletion/Log/2005_February_18 |
62. NYU Today Courants cathleen morawetz Wins AMS Steele Prize. cathleen morawetz, professoremerita and former director of the Courant Institute for Mathematical http://www.nyu.edu/nyutoday/archives/17/09/Stories/Morawetz.html | |
63. NYU - Press Release cathleen Synge morawetz Is First Woman To Receive Medal For Work In NYU PresidentL. Jay Oliva said, We congratulate cathleen morawetz on receiving a http://www.nyu.edu/publicaffairs/newsreleases/b_NYU_P10.shtml | |
64. The 50th Midwest PDE Seminar Peter Lax (New York), Fanghua Lin (New York), TaiPing Liu (Stanford), RichardMelrose (MIT), cathleen morawetz (New York), Paul Rabinowitz (Wisconsin), http://www.math.northwestern.edu/~gqchen/pde02/ | |
65. Autres Mathématiciennes Allyn JACKSON cathleen morawetz receives National Medal of Science, James PATTERSON cathleen Synge morawetz, pp. 152155 in PJ CAMPBELL and LS http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/natacha.portier/fem/biblio/biblio-1-13.html | |
66. The DiPerna Lectures - UC Berkeley Mathematics 1997 cathleen morawetz 1998 TaiPing Liu 1999 Heinz-Otto Kreiss 2000 Eitan Tadmore2001 Ciprian Foias 2002 Andrew Stuart 2003 John Ball 2004 Benoit Perthame http://math.berkeley.edu/events_series_diperna.html | |
67. The Noetherian Ring and/or fund visits by prominent women mathematicians such as Margaret Wright,Fan Chung, Judith Grabiner, cathleen morawetz, and Olga Ladyzhenskaya. http://math.berkeley.edu/publications/newsletter/1997/Nring.html | |
68. BACase Summer & Fall 1998 SATURDAY, August 22, 1100 cathleen Synge morawetz, Courant Institute, New YorkUniversity, will present an EMMY NOETHER LECTURE with title Variations on http://www.math.fsu.edu/~smith/FacultyPages/caseSummerFall1998.html | |
69. Nyheter to my teachers Friedrichs, Fritz John, and fellow students Louis Nirenberg,cathleen morawetz, Joe Keller, Harold Grad, Avron Douglis. http://www.abelprisen.no/en/nyheter/nyhet.html?id=87 |
70. BOOK REVIEW be familiar with their names, for example cathleen morawetz and Mary Ellen Rudin.Both wound up with prestigious professorships, morawetz at Courant and http://www.pzweifel.com/music/murray_book_review.htm | |
71. Acquisitions Du Mois De Septembre 03 29125 -Anonyme Mathematical morawetz, cathleen S.; Serrin, J.; Sinai, Yakov G. Selected works of EberhardHopf with commentaries. Providence, RI, American Mathematical Society, 2002. http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/ifbibli/acq/acq-0903.html | |
72. About The Department Of Mathematics cathleen morawetz, former director of the Courant Institute and president of theAmerican Mathematical Society; James Mossman, international investment http://www.math.toronto.edu/dept/about-math.html | |
73. Index.html (Contains an interview with cathleen morawetz, Julia Robinson, and Mary EllenRudin.) American Association of University Women (1991), Shortchanging Girls, http://www.mathcs.carleton.edu/gender_math/ | |
74. Papers By Barbara Lee Keyfitz (PDF file); Courant Lecture in Honor of cathleen morawetz, NYU, November 20, 2003.(PDF file); Talk at Fields Institute conference in honour of Bill http://www.math.uh.edu/~blk/blkp.html | |
75. ALA | Internet Resources: This Science Isn't Just For Mathematicians Anymore During the 1950s, cathleen morawetz wrote influential papers that helpedrevolutionize airplane wing design, leading to smoother flight. http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues2000/may4/scienceisntjust | |
76. Conférences Mathématiques Sur Vidéo morawetz, cathleen S. Transonic flows and mixed equations. 1989 Morgan, Frank.- Compound soap bubbles, shortest networks and minimal surfaces. 1992 http://www.dma.ens.fr/bibliotheque/video.html | |
77. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: News Archive included Sigma Xi members Bruce Ames, Janet Rowley, Don Anderson, John Bahcall,John Cahn, cathleen morawetz, Eli Ruckenstein and George Whitesides. http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/news/archive.25.shtml | |
78. JSTOR: Board Of Trustees cathleen morawetz. Founding Trustee Emeritus, JSTOR Professor Emeritus New YorkUniversity. Dr. James Carmichael Renick. Founding Trustee Emeritus, JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/about/board.html | |
79. AWIS::Voice::The Washington Wire cathleen morawetz, professor emerita at New York University s Courant Institutefor Mathematical Studies, remarked You have to keep the seat warm for the http://www.awis.org/voice/wire_041505.html | |
80. Publications Of YanYan Li 52. ps A variational result in a domain with boundary (with L. Nirenberg),dedicated to cathleen morawetz on the occasion of her 77th birthday, http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~yyli/published.html | |
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