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21. The Huntingfield Map Collection moore, jonas. Virginia.. This map is based on the Augustine Herrman map of It was in jonas moore s A New Georgraphy , which was part 8 of his A New http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/speccol/1399/carto/html/moore.html | |
22. Lancashire Pioneers - The Pioneers - Sir Jonas Moore Sir jonas moore. His early life His later life. (Click the image of jonas mooreat any time to return to this page) http://www.lancashirepioneers.com/moore/ | |
23. Lancashire Pioneers - The Pioneers - Sir Jonas Moore - His Early Life Click the image of jonas moore at any time to return to his page jonas moore sbirthplace at Higher White Lee. The house was much altered in the late http://www.lancashirepioneers.com/moore/early.asp | |
24. Local Ancestors - Sir Thomas Chichely And Sir Jonas Moore Sir jonas moore (161779) - born at Whitelee, February 8th, 1617, jonas mooreand Christopher Towneley rescued the papers of astronomers William http://www.cambridgeshirehistory.com/localancestors/FamousPeople/Cambridgeshire/ | |
25. Putney Historical Society- Celebration 2003 Cummings , James, Jewitt, L. Daniel, moore, jonas, Smith, Joseph. Cushing, Daniel,Johnson, Elisha, moore, Rufus, Smith, Elijah http://www.putneyhistory.org/veteranlist.htm | |
26. LEO RECORDS: CD_LR_367/368: Anthony Braxton - Two Compositions (trio) 1998 Composition N. 227 is performed by Chris jonas (soprano, alto, tenor saxophones), Composition N. 228 is performed by Jackson moore (clarinet, http://www.leorecords.com/?m=select&id=CD_LR_367/368 |
27. George Jonas | Home (John moore in the Vancouver Sun Saturday Books). jonas frequently writes abouttopics related to the Middle East, counter-terrorism, law, and aviation http://www.georgejonas.ca/index.cfm | |
28. Jonas Galvez: Full-content Atom Feed For Michael Moore's Website A while ago I wrote a scrapper fro Michael moore s blog, which Jeremy Zawodnygenerously hosted on his server. posted by jonas at 0816 AM http://jonasgalvez.com/blog/2004-09/michael-moore-atomized | |
29. History Pages. POW Memories 14/04/2005 Sir Jonas Moore 23/02/2002 Sir jonas moore (see also History of Time ) was born in the hamlet of The imprimatur was written by Sir jonas moore, in his capacity of vice president. http://www.grindleton.org/default.asp?sect=25&page=62 |
30. History Pages. POW Memories 14/04/2005 Sir Jonas Moore 23/02/2002 Sir jonas moore and the Towneley Group of Scientists jonas moore (see also separateentry) was a local man, born in Whitelee on the southern slopes of http://www.grindleton.org/default.asp?sect=25&page=61 |
31. Imago Mundi - Jonas Moore / Francis Moore / Thomas Moore. http://www.cosmovisions.com/Moore.htm | |
32. Genealogy Data moore, John moore, Sarah Birth Cane Creek MM NC moore, Thomas moore, Richardmoore, jonas Death 27 MAY 1805 Wilkes Co., GA moore, Abigail moore, Mary http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2064/dat40.htm | |
33. Descendants Of Richard Moore Of Wrightsborough Sarah moore. iii. Thomas moore. iv. Richard moore. v. jonas moore d. 27 May 1805,Wilkes Co., GA. vi. Abigail moore m. _ Thomas. 4. vii. Mary moore b. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2064/Moore.html | |
34. Mathematics - Primary Texts - Scientific Revolution Home Page: Research Page - S A new systeme of the mathematicks by moore, jonas, Sir, 16171679. London Printed by A. Godbid and J. Playford for Robert Scott , 1681 http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/sr-research/e | |
35. Cyd Moore - Books - What Is The Full Moon Full Of? Under a magical full moon, jonas and his Nana set off to walk through the quiet The combination of moore s delightful watercolors with Oppenheim s often http://www.cydmoore.com/books_fullmoon.html | |
36. TRANS> Arts.cultures.media a new performance by Joan jonas at The moore Space on Saturday, October 11, Crossed Waves After a Long Train Ride is jonass second performance http://www.transmag.org/mailer/ | |
37. California Family Groupsheet For Jonas Paris MOORE Family Husband jonas Paris moore. Birthdate 11/18/1818. Birthplace TN. Death date12/9/1882. Place of death Magalia CA. Father John J. moore http://www.rootsweb.com/~usfgs/california/m/moore.htm | |
38. Featured People By watching Lisa Simpson on television, jonas moore decided he thought it lookedcool to play the saxophone. He started by playing the alto sax, http://sun.yumasun.com/artman/publish/articles/story_18053.php | |
39. Browse By Author: M - Project Gutenberg moore, Thomas et al. The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas moore Collected by Himselfwith Explanatory Notes Moses, Montrose J. (Montrose jonas) (18781934) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/m | |
40. SWAP | Poster Project - Raymond Vincent Jonas Raymond jonas was born in 1942 and grew up in California, where he had many The greatest influence on his work at this time was Henry moore. jonas met http://www.sma.nebo.edu/swap/pjonas.html | |
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