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61. Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project By Joyce M. Tice Martin was the son of eliakim moore and Betsey Eggleston. Martin died 3 MAY 1894Antrim, Duncan Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, at age 88. http://www.rootsweb.com/~srgp/joyce/srgp2211.htm | |
62. History Of Butler County Pennsylvania, 1895x52 The men named located in this township, while James, George and William moore,Lewis WILSON, Henry MONTOOTH, eliakim ANDERSON and Charles SULLIVAN, http://www.rootsweb.com/~pabutler/1895/95x52.htm | |
63. Kleene Math Library New Books - March 2003 moore, eliakim Hastings. GENERAL ANALYSIS. Philadelphia The American PhilosophicalSociety, 19351939. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society ; v. http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2003-03.htm | |
64. Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society 42 eliakim Hastings moore, On the Foundations of Mathematics, 67Reinhard SiegmundSchultze, eliakim Hastings moore s General Analysis, http://www.ams.org/bull/2000-37-04/S0273-0979-00-00873-9/home.html | |
65. %_ Klein himself, more than any other German mathematician, came to embody thatidealmost relevantly here for the young American, eliakim Hastings moore. http://www.ams.org/bull/pre-1996-data/199507/199507010.tex.html |
66. Cornell Math - Early History Joseph Sylvester, Felix Klein, and eliakim Hastings moore, Providence AmericanMathematical Society and London London Mathematical Society, 1994. http://www.math.cornell.edu/General/History/historyRefs.html | |
67. N. R. Wagner -- Academic Ancestry EH (eliakim Hastings) moore Ph.D. Yale University 1885 (31 students and 8511descendants) Dissertation Extensions of Certain Theorems of Clifford http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~wagner/pubs/ancestry.html | |
68. The Order Of The Skull And Bones & VLAD DRACUL & THE ORDER O... OWI, Howard University moore, eliakim H, Professor of Mathematics, University ofChicago (18921931) Nichols, Alfred B, Professor of German, Simmons College http://www.sangraal.com/Discussion/000003f5.htm | |
69. - New Data - He is the eliakim Hastings moore Distinguished Service Professor at the HarrisGraduate School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago. http://www.jcpr.org/spring97/data.html | |
70. JCPR: Policy Briefing 1998 Michael is the eliakim Hastings moore Distinguished Service Professor in theHarris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago http://www.jcpr.org/conferences/oldbriefings/policy98.html | |
71. UW Libraries - Database Search moore, eliakim Hastings, 18621932. Subject, Mathematics Congresses (5). Keywords,1862 (34), 1893 (27), 1932 (22), american (2710), chicago (187), http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=33931 |
72. MY TEACHERS' TEACHERS' TEACHERS' GE moore (George Edward moore) 4 Nov 187324 Oct 1958 was an English Realist EH moore 26 Jan 1862-30 Dec 1932, full name eliakim Hastings moore, http://www.magicdragon.com/JVPteachers.html | |
73. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http James W. Hasse, Helmut Haßlinger, Gerhard Hastings moore, eliakim Hasumi, EH moore, eliakim Hastings moore, John moore, RL moore, Robert Lee moore, http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/photos |
74. Who Is David Pierce? eliakim moore, X. HA Newton. Michel Chasles, en français. Simeon Poisson, X.Joseph Lagrange, X. Leonhard Euler, X. Johann Bernoulli, X. Jacob Bernoulli, X http://www.math.metu.edu.tr/~dpierce/bio.html | |
75. Martyn Quick: Mathematical Genealogy Dissertation A System of Axioms for Geometry Advisor EH moore. eliakim Hastingsmoore Ph.D. Yale University 1885 Dissertation Extensions of Certain http://www-groups.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~martyn/collaborations/genealogy.html | |
76. Is Progress An Illusion? eliakim Hastings (EH) moore. On the Foundations of Mathematics. Science,17248 (March 13, 1903) 401406. GA Miller. Some Fundamental Discoveries in http://www.maa.org/features/101503steen.html | |
77. THE BARNES PUBLISHING COMPANY PHOTO ARCHIVES: FOLDER LISTING CONTINUED Box 5 Fold 282 moore, eliakim HASTINGS ALBUMEN PORTRAIT -CONG. R-OHIO DATE 1875?Box 5 Fold 283 MITCHELL, ALEXANDER -ALBUMEN PORTRAIT -CONG. http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f63}6.htm | |
78. Skull & Bones - David Icke E~Magazine OWI, Howard University moore, eliakim H. 1883 Professor of Mathematics, Universityof Chicago (1892 1931) Nichols, Alfred B. 1880 Professor of German, http://davidicke.www.50megs.com/icke/magazine/vol8/articles/bushskull.html | |
79. SCID: Events/Huang Lian Memorial Lectures G. Dale Johnson is the eliakim Hastings moore Distinguished Service ProfessorEmeritus of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. http://scid.stanford.edu/events/lianlecture.html | |
80. Publications Books The Emergence Of The American Mathematical Arthur Coble, Thomas Craig, Leonard Eugene Dickson, Edward Kasner, HeinrichMaschke, eliakim Hastings moore, Hubert Anson Newton, Truman Henry Safford, http://www.math.virginia.edu/~khp3k/publications.htm |
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