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81. Biographie : Abraham De Moivre (26 Mai 1667 [Vitry-le-François] - 27 Novembre 1 http://www.bibmath.net/bios/index.php3?action=affiche&quoi=demoivre |
82. Biographies Probability and statistics may owe more to abraham de moivre than any personexcept Laplace. Greatly influenced by his friend Newton, de moivre was the http://tulsagrad.ou.edu/statistics/biographies/demoivre.htm | |
83. La Galerie De Portraits Des Mathématiciens de moivre abraham 16671754, deSCARTES René 1596-1650, deSCARTES René 1596-1650,DIRICHLET Gustav 1805-1859. DIEUDONNE Jean 1906-1992, DIEUDONNE Jean http://trucsmaths.free.fr/images/matheux/matheux_complet.htm | |
84. Moivre Poznati statisticari abraham Muavr (abraham de moivre, 16671754). strelica.gif (1686bytes) Strelicadesno.gif (1944 bytes) http://statlab.fon.bg.ac.yu/srb1/IstorijaVer/mat6.htm | |
85. The Galileo Project Helen M Walker, abraham de moivre, Scripta Mathematica, 2 (1934), 31633.Ivo Schneider, der Mathematiker abraham de moivre, Archive for History of http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/moivre.html | |
86. William Marshall Bullitt Collection Of Rare Mathematics And Astronomy moivre, abraham de (16671754). The Doctrine of Chances. London, Pearson, 1718.An early work in probability theory which contains many basic results of http://library.louisville.edu/library/ekstrom/special/bullitt/bullitt.html | |
87. Anecdotario Matemático Translate this page abraham de moivre (1667-1754) matemático de origen francés exiliado en Londres,donde publicó en 1733 una obra en la que aparece por primera vez la curva de http://www-etsi2.ugr.es/profesores/jmaroza/anecdotario/anecdotario-m.htm | |
88. 815-816 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 18. Mekaniker - Mykale) (ALR) moivre mwa^r, abraham de, fransk matematiker, f. 1667, d. 1754, flyddeefter Nantesiska ediktets upphäfvande (1685) till England och bosatte sig i http://runeberg.org/nfbr/0430.html | |
89. Moivre Translate this page moivre, abraham de, französ. Mathematiker * 26. 5. 1667 Vitry-le-François, 27.11. 1754 London. Arbeitsgebiete Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung http://www.studienseminare-duesseldorf.nrw.de/sekundI/Seminare/Mathe/Kaleidoskop | |
90. Fellesbiblioteket MN Translate this page 75ns15135) Begrenset utlån moivre, abraham de, 1667-1754 The doctrine of chances 1 75ns14975 - mini 2000-05-08 UMN Ore N74 Begrenset utlån moivre, http://www.ub.uio.no/umn/felles/orekron.html | |
91. Persoeiro: Moivre Translate this page abraham de moivre. Naceu o 26 de maio de 1667 en Vitry (Francia), cerca de París,e morreu o 27 de novembro de 1754 en Londres. http://www.udc.es/gallega2000/gal/pers_moivre.htm | |
92. életrajzok: M moivre, abraham de (1677. május 26.1754. november 27.) francia származású angolmatematikus. Hugenotta családja a vallásüldözések elol menekült Angliába http://members.iif.hu/visontay/ponticulus/eletrajzok/m.html | |
93. µå ¹«¾Æºê¸£(Abraham De Moivre, 1667-1754) Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://library.thinkquest.org/22584/tmh3012.htm | |
94. APPUNTI TESINE Translate this page de moivre abraham * Erlang Agner Krarup * Fisher Ronald A. * Fisher Irving *Gallup George * Galton Francis, * Gauss Carl Friedrich * Gini Corrado http://www.matura.it/enciclopedia/tomi.htm | |
95. Mathématique 5e Secondaire - Grands Mathématiciens - Moivre Protestant, il émigra en Angleterre en 1685 après la révocation de l Édit de http://www.csaffluents.qc.ca/wjbm/matieres/mat514/pages/histoire/moivre.htm | |
96. RootsWeb: HUGUENOTS-WALLOONS-EUROPE-L [HWE] 12th List Of SMILES Huguenot Names moivre, abraham. (See notice, p. 235) He was the son of a surgeon at Vitry inChampagne and received his principal education at the Protestant seminary http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/HUGUENOTS-WALLOONS-EUROPE/2000-06/096123565 | |
97. Www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID ID=9360 The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID&ID=9360 |
98. íÁÔÅÍÁÔÉËÁ On-line. ÷ ÐÏÍÏÝØ ÓÔÕÄÅÎÔÕ. õÞÅÎÙÅ. í The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://mathem.h1.ru/muavr.html | |
99. ´Ð²ö¥± The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/3/3_117.htm | |
100. Mathematiciens http://membres.lycos.fr/serge/matheux.html | |
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