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81. Cogprints - The Magical Number Seven, Plus Or Minus Two: Some Limits On Our Capa miller, george (1956) The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information. The Psychological Review 63pp. http://cogprints.org/730/ | |
82. George Miller miller, george b Nov 25, 1794 near Standardville, Orange Co, Virginia m by 1827 bap Aug 12, 1839 d 1856 by Sept 1840 o high priest Feb 1841 o bishop http://www.geocities.com/scott_norwood/MillerG.html | |
83. ElginDivorceM3 9754, miller, Doris Mae, miller, george Lee, Divorce, 1948. 5848, miller, Doris Q. miller, 47864, miller, george A. miller, Lera, Divorce, 1947 http://www.elginarea.org/egs/elgindivorceM3.htm | |
84. MILLER, George - Biographical Information miller, george, (1945 ). miller, george, a Representative from California; born in Richmond, Contra Costa County, Calif., May 17, 1945; AA, Diablo Valley http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M000725 |
85. MILLER, George (1945-) Bibliography miller, george, 1945. Extended Bibliography. miller, george, ed. Giving Children a Chance The Case for More Effective National Policies. http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/bibdisplay.pl?index=M000725 |
86. George Miller (II) Bio, miller, george C.george miller was an Air America pilot whose DC4 crashed near Pleiku with One of them could be george miller. He flew on many missions for what he http://www.imdb.com/Name?Miller, George (II) |
87. Fnac.com - DVD & Vidéos - George Miller george miller Retrouvez vos films, séries cultes, documentaires et spectacles préférés en DVD et VHS. http://www3.fnac.com/item/author.do?Origin=FnacAff&category=video&id=66870 |
88. Using Corpus Statistics And WordNet Relations For Sense Identification 17 miller, george A. 1995. WordNet An online lexical database. Communications of the ACM, 38(11). 18 Resnik, Philip. 1992. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=972726 |
89. (Hazel MILLER - George E. RAMUS ) Index of Persons Hazel miller george E. RAMUS 194044 individuals, 65382 families from file C\FTW\11 Sep 04.GED (11 Sep 2004) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~quick/index/ind4531.html | |
90. Alain Carre, Helium France, Massimo Vignelli, Heller Design, Mario Bellini, Geor Charles Eames, Herman miller, george Nelson and other designers and manufacturers in tribudesign 20th century furniture, lighting and industrial design. http://www.tribu-design.com/collections/alpha.php?ac=s&pict=1&lg=en&st=456&pc=e |
91. Vidz Of Oz - Miller, George 12 titles for miller, george . Director. BABE PIG IN THE CITY / BABE PIG IN THE CITY BABE PIG IN THE CITY, $14.95 This item is on sale! DVD Video (PAL) http://www.vidzofoz.com.au/roles.asp?intEntityID=34 |
92. Miller, George Mr. george W. miller was born in New York State, December 19, 1835. He is the son of John miller, Sr., and Mafia (DeGaw) miller, natives of the state of New http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ia/county/jasper/Biographies/M/miller,_george.htm | |
93. FEC Disclosure Report Search Results PRINCIPAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE FRIENDS OF CONGRESSMAN george miller ID C00026757 Search For Contributions Made by This Candidate s Committees http://herndon1.sdrdc.com/cgi-bin/can_detail/H6CA07043 | |
94. New Page 1 miller, george. Pvt. H, 23rd/22nd Regt. Inf. miller, george O. Pvt. E, 3rd Regt. miller, george W. Pvt. G, 8th Regt. Inf. miller, GH Pvt. Pointe Coupee http://www.acadiansingray.com/index_of_names-M.htm | |
95. Civil War Veterans' Card File, 1861-1866 Items Between Miller, George And Miller Civil War Veterans Card File, 18611866 Items Between miller, george and miller, george. View Archive Card Key Return to Letter Index http://www.digitalarchives.state.pa.us/archive.asp?view=ArchiveItems&ArchiveID=1 |
96. PA National Guard Veterans' Card File, 1867-1921 Items Between Miller, George An PA National Guard Veterans Card File, 18671921 Items Between miller, george and miller, george A. Return to Letter Index Return to M Indexes. Search http://www.digitalarchives.state.pa.us/archive.asp?view=ArchiveItems&ArchiveID=2 |
97. UIAA: Urbana: Veterans' Memorial: Miller, George The University of Illinois Alumni Association (UIAA) is a membership organization that serves alumni from each of the three campuses at Chicago, http://www.uiaa.org/urbana/veterans/display_veteran.asp?veteranID=697 |
98. Beers: Miller P. 1279 george M. miller is a representative of a prominent pioneer family of george miller, youngest son of Christopher, was born on the home farm in Donegal http://www.chartiers.com/beers-project/articles/miller-1279.html | |
99. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Miller, G To I miller, george E. of Iowa. Speaker of the Iowa State House of miller, george Wallis also known as george W. miller of Gilmer County, W.Va. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/miller4.html | |
100. Biblio: The Psychology Of Communication By Miller, George A: Details The Psychology of Communication by miller, george A Book Item Details. http://www.biblio.com/books/22737132.html | |
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