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41. EpistemeLinks.com: Website Results For Philosopher Marin Mersenne General website search results for marin mersenne including brief biographies,link resources, and more. Provided by EpistemeLinks.com. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Philosophers.aspx?PhilCode=Mers |
42. EpistemeLinks.com: Encyclopedia Entries For Philosopher Marin Mersenne Encyclopedia entry search results for marin mersenne. Provided by EpistemeLinks.com. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/EncyRefs.aspx?PhilCode=Mers |
43. Science: Mathematics: Mathematicians: Mersenne, Marin - Open Site Science Mathematics Mathematicians mersenne, marin Open Site. http://open-site.org/Science/Mathematics/Mathematicians/Mersenne,_Marin/ | |
44. Mersenne, Marin, Questions Physico-mathematiques, 1635 mersenne, marin, Questions physicomathematiques, 1635. Placed in the PublicDomain by Max Planck Institute for the History of Science http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/content/historymechanics/archimdesecho/merse_que | |
45. Mersenne, Marin Catalog of the Scientific Community mersenne, marin M4L5 Hilarion de Coste,La vie du RP marin mersenne, theologien, philosophe et mathematicien, http://www.harmonie-universelle.com/links/Mersenne, Marin.htm | |
46. Allmath.com - Math Site For Kids! Home Of Flashcards, Math mersenne, marin. mairsen. (15881648). Mathematician and scientist, born inOize, N France. He became a Minim Friar in 1611, and lived in Paris. http://www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID&ID=21130 |
47. SS > Factoids > Mersenne Prime Luke Welsh s marin mersenne Page biographies, prime number lists, algorithms,bibliography, marin mersenne. A short biography of marin mersenne http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/cyc/m/mersenne.htm | |
48. Luke's Marin Mersenne Page A collection of pages about, and links to, marin mersenne(15881648), Frenchphilosopher, mathematician, Minim theologian, and scientist. http://primes.utm.edu/mersenne/LukeMirror/mersenne.htm | |
49. No Title mersenne, marin. (b. Sept. 8, 1588, near Oizé, Maine, Fr.d. Sept. 1, 1648,Paris), French mathematician, natural philosopher, and theologian whose http://primes.utm.edu/mersenne/LukeMirror/mirrors/eb/mers_01.htm | |
50. MSN Encarta - Mersenne, Marin Translate this page mersenne, marin (1588-1648), philosophe et religieux français, figure marquantede la Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher mersenne, marin http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761590279/Mersenne_Marin.html | |
51. Citations : Mersenne, Marin - Dicocitations ⢠Translate this page Les plus belles citations de mersenne, marin. mersenne, marin Informations? Envoyerà un ami Envoyer par SMS. Si malgré vos recherches vous ne http://www.dicocitations.com/resultat.php?id=1984 |
52. Biographie Et Informations Auteur : Mersenne, Marin : - Dicocitations ⢠Translate this page Dicocitations - biographie et citations de mersenne, marin. http://www.dicocitations.com/resultatauteurs.php?id=1984 |
53. Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics » Mersenne, Marin (1588â1648) mersenne, marin (15881648). DOI 10.1888/0333750888/3855; Published November 2000.Icon Full text (PDF, 21K). Article summary. Born in Oize in Maine, http://eaa.iop.org/index.cfm?action=summary&doc=eaa/3855@eaa-xml |
54. PlanetMathAutomaticReferenceLinking Instead we d say ``Father marin mersenne . PlanetMath automatically takes careof this, so ``marin mersenne would link to ``mersenne, marin . http://aux.planetmath.org/cache/collab/32/l2h/ | |
55. Who Is Marin Mersenne Who is marin mersenne. keywords=math, formula, algorithm. mersenne s Conjecturestates that 2 raised to a power minus 1 is a prime. http://mediagods.com/glossary/Who_is_Marin_Mersenne.html | |
56. MERSENNE, Marin Translate this page mersenne, marin (Pseud. Sieur de Sermes), frz. Theologe, Philosoph, Musik- undNaturwissenschaftler, * 8.9. 1588 zu La Soutière (Maine), + 1.9. http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/m/mersenne.shtml | |
57. The Galileo Project M4L5 Hilarion de Coste, La vie du RP marin mersenne, theologien, philosophe etmathematicien, de l Ordre der Peres Minim, (Paris, 1649). http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/mersenne.html | |
58. THE MERSENNE PAGE - (Marin Mersenne - 1588-1648) - Biography - Bibliography - In marin mersenne (15881648) mersenne - Biography - RA Hatch. mersenne Bibliography -mersenne Bibliography - RA Hatch. mersenne Chronology - mersenne s Life http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/sr-major-figu | |
59. Perspectives On Science, Volume 12, 2004 - Table Of Contents marin mersenne was central to the new mathematical approach to nature in Parisin the 1630s and mersenne, marin, 15881648. Traité des instruments. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/perspectives_on_science/toc/posc12.2.html | |
60. Athanasius Kircher's Magnetic Clock Portrait of marin mersenne, Like Peiresc in Aixen-Provence and Kircher in Rome,the Minim friar marin mersenne occupied the central node of extremely http://shl.stanford.edu/Eyes/kircher/mersenne.html | |
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