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61. Winifred Edgerton Merrill Université Montpellier II winifred Edgerton merrill Witold Hurewicz Witten winifred Edgerton merrill (1862-1951) http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1548 |
62. Stories, Listed By Author MAY, merrill (chron.) * The Hot Corner, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1941; MAY, WYNNE; ie, winifred Jean May (chron.) * An Authors Own Story, http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s931.htm | |
63. Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 winifred Edgerton merrill, Leona May Peirce. Helen Abbot merrill, Clara Eliza Smith.Clara Latimer Bacon, Annie MacKinnon Fitch http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/oame/gtech2000x3a.html | |
64. Biographies Of Women Mathematical Scientists And History Of Women In Mathematica Mildred Leonora Sanderson, Christin LaddFranklin, winifred Edgerton merrill,Mary Winston Newson, Mary Emily Sinclari, and Mayme Irwin Logsdon. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~wmnmath/Publications/Bibliographies/bio-a.html | |
65. The World Betty winifred Dawson merrill was born on Jan. 28, 1925, in Sutton Coldfield,Birmingham, England. The daughter of Harold and Alice (Turner) Dawson, http://www.vt-world.com/Archive/2005/April_13_2005/Obits.htm | |
66. Dissertations, Graduate Program, Philip Merrill College Of Journalism, Universit Hu, winifred, Stepp, C. The Race Factor in Religious Scandal, 9901. Rhee, Yunna,Grunig, J. Public Relations Practices of TopRanked Corporations An http://www.journalism.umd.edu/grad/theses.html | |
67. Chapman - Aqw53.htm Sarah married Marriner Wood merrill. Marriner was born 25 Sep 1832 in Thomas also married (2) Margaret winifred THOMSON Maggie on 22 Apr 1885 in Logan http://www3.telus.net/chignecto/chapman/aqwg53.htm | |
68. Constituency Relations - Eastern Nazarene College Maddox, winifred, 1943, see winifred Howard merrill, Lori, 1991, see LoriOwsiak. Merritt, Janice (Vale), 1965, derhund@home.com http://www.enc.edu/main/constituency/alum_dir_m.html | |
69. MERRILL'S MARAUDERS "PASS IN REVIEW" Frank D. merrill marauders Pin GEN. FRANK D. merrill Commanding Officer Hannum, winifred P. 6886851 - KIA July 15, 1944 (Myitkyina Burma) http://www.marauder.org/passing.htm | |
70. Dr. Sarah's Math 4010 - Women In Mathematics winifred Edgerton merrill 18621951 The first woman to receive a doctorate inmathematics in the US (in 1886 at Columbia University). http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~sjg/womeninmath/ | |
71. Exhibition - Ripples: Marquerite Wildenhain And Her Pond Farm Students Collection of Forrest L. merrill. Marguerite Wildenhain Halle Ewer, 192833 Porcelain gift of winifred Newberry. Marguerite Wildenhain http://rvf-artmuseum.csusb.edu/PONDFARM/marguerite.html | |
72. Author Articles merrill MAQUIRE SKAGGS is Professor of English and Donald R. and winifred B.Baldwin Professor of Humanities at Drew University. Her areas of specialization http://www.tcrecord.org/AuthorDisplay.asp?aid=18555 |
73. Gifted Children & Homeschooling: Bibliography Indianapolis Bobbs merrill. Stoner s early book describes in minute detail program of her daughter, winifred, from babyhood through middle childhood. http://www.hollingworth.org/homebib.html | |
74. Indice Cron. Delle Donne Matematiche winifred Edgerton merrill (18621951) Leona May Peirce (1863-1954) Helen Abbotmerrill (1864-1949) Clara Eliza Smith (1865-1943) e soc/Elenco cronologico.htm | |
75. WINIFRED SACKVILLE STONER & WINIFRED SACKVILLE STONER JR.: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAP winifred Sackville Stoner (ca 18701931) and her daughter winifred Sackville Stoner He submitted her work to the Bobbs-merrill Company in Indianapolis, http://www.indianahistory.org/library/manuscripts/collection_guides/sc2396.html | |
76. TTE 521 Elementary And Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Dr Hopper, Grace2 merrill, winifred Nightingale, Florence Nightingale,Florence-2 Nightingale, Florence-3 Nightingale, Florence-4 Pascal, Blaise http://www.ed.arizona.edu/ward/TTE 521/Bios/bios-home.htm | |
77. Project MUSE According to Dean merrill s daughter, winifred, this library was housed in glass Interview with winifred merrill, 10 March 1955, cited in Lowell, 348. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/notes/v059/59.2anderies.html | |
78. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Méray Gerardus Mercator - Nicolaus Mercator - James Mercer - CharlesMerrifield - winifred merrill - Marin Mersenne - Franz Mertens - Ivan Meshchersky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
79. Portsmouth Herald Obituaries For Thursday, July 29, 2004 FARMINGTON Stephen J. merrill, 47, known as Herka to his many friends and Survivors include his wife of 53 years, winifred L. Brayton of Homosassa http://www.seacoastonline.com/2004news/07292004/obituari/29376.htm | |
80. AWM Book Review: Notable Women In Mathematics: A Biographical Dictionary However, the book does _not_ include a profile of winifred Edgerton merrill, whoin 1886 became the first woman to receive a mathematics Ph.D. from an http://www.awm-math.org/bookreviews/JanFeb99.html | |
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