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81. SIL Bibliography: William R. Merrifield Publications listed in the SIL bibliography for William R. merrifield. on primitive society and economy, by charles Rowley. merrifield, William R. 1969. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_author.asp?auth=5176 |
82. SIL Bibliography: Merrifield 1969 SIL bibliography listing for merrifield 1969. The New Guinea villager theimpact of colonial rule on primitive society and economy, by charles Rowley. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_work.asp?id=11718 |
83. University Of North Dakota Master Organization Chart Of UND charles William Miller, Chair 201 merrifield Hall 7772705. Chemistry Mark Hoffman,Chair 236 Abbott Hall 777-2741. Indian Studies Bergit Hans, Chair http://www.und.edu/dept/our/orgchart/html/artsci.html |
84. University Of North Dakota Classics History, merrifield 209B, 777-6379. Sharon Carson, English, merrifield 122-D,777-2764. charles Miller, Philosophy Religion, merrifield 201, 777-2705 http://www.und.edu/dept/lang/classics.html |
85. Alumni Weekend 2004 Guest List By Events charles Isenberg, 54 charles ( 59) Elaine (merrifield) Jackson, 59 charlesJohnson, 51 Gloria Frank Kacinko, 71 Linda Kibbe, 77 http://www.lhup.edu/alumni/AW2004/AW2004guestlist_events.htm | |
86. University Of Denver Magazine For DU Alumni Rothenberg drew inspiration from a professor named charles merrifield. He hadsuch an impact on me, Rothenberg recalls. He taught a class called Problems http://www.du.edu/dumagazine/feature_MeasureofMan.htm | |
87. 50th Reunion Celebrators John merrifield William Meyers Edward Michehl Warren Miller Arthur Milot GaborMiskolczy charles Moizeau Edward Moll Francis Molloy Jane Moore Usher Moren http://classes.harvard.edu/college/1955/celebrators.html | |
88. Charles Michael Drain Info. charles Michael Drain is Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Hunter College of center in ion channels and lipids with Nobel Laureate R.Bruce merrifield. http://patsy.hunter.cuny.edu/FandS/CMD/drainbio.html | |
89. Equine Research Accounting Advisory Committee - Meeting Minutes November, 1992 After the introductions, Dr. charles Graham gave background information on how Dr. merrifield reviewed the agenda and the enabling legislation with the http://teraac.tamu.edu/nov1992.htm | |
90. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, merrifield , 214 BR at 365. See also In re Green , 133 BR 185, 186 87 (ED Va . While courts have differed on the question, see 11 charles Alan Wright et http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=8th&navby=case&no=986029p |
91. Descendants - Pafg258.htm - Generated By Personal Ancestral File 18989, M, v, charles F. merrifield was born on 15 Nov 1823 in Windsor, Windsor,Vermont, United States. charles married Adelinda CAMPBELL on 4 Dec 1847 in http://www.alden.org/aldengen/pafg258.htm | |
92. Washington Courts Eric S merrifield. Kenneth M. Conaway (Respondent), John S. Karpinski Garry C.Sr. Wheelock (Appellant), Todd charles Nichols. Patricia Pendry http://www.courts.wa.gov/appellate_trial_courts/divisionDockets/index.cfm?fa=div |
93. Biographical Files "M"- Chesney Medical Archives Merrell, Margaret Merrian, charles Goodwin merrifield, Eric Sabbaton Merrill,Duane LaVille Merrill, George Grenville Merrill, Georgia Louise http://www.medicalarchives.jhmi.edu/bio-m.htm | |
94. Journal Of Psychological Inquiry charles merrifield Newman University Radostina Purvanova - Emporia StateUniversity Steve Quackenbush - Central Methodist College http://puffin.creighton.edu/psy/journal/vol7.html | |
95. Journal Of Psychological Inquiry charles merrifield Newman University Giovanni Misceo - Benedictine CollegeSpencer Morrison - Nebraska Wesleyan University http://puffin.creighton.edu/psy/journal/vol6(02).html | |
96. MSU News -- Montana Graduates By Hometown Kimberly LeFever, Jennifer Leathers, Heather Leland, Kirk Lubick, KelliMcCarthy, Gabriel McCormick, charles merrifield, Catharine Nance, Louise Orlich, http://www.montana.edu/news/1086389754.html | |
97. West Penwith Resources - St. Just In Penwith Marriages 1599-1900 (13) (Father charles Wallis deceased., Miner) Witnesses William merrifield, William merrifield 11 Jul 1891 by Banns John charles Thomas 23 bach. http://west-penwith.org.uk/justmarm.htm | |
98. West Penwith Resources - St. Just In Penwith Marriages 1599-1900 (11) Watchmaker) Witnesses Nicholas charles Daniel, William merrifield 19 Mar in Penwith (Father charles South, Yeoman) Witnesses William merrifield, http://west-penwith.org.uk/justmark.htm | |
99. Onondaga County, 122nd Inf, Co. A Patrick Mackin, Edward Mehen, Alfred J. merrifield, charles M. Mosher, MichaelMcCormick, Francis H. Merret, Albert O. Mann, James Nash, Loren M. Peary, http://web.cortland.edu/woosterk/genweb/CoA122Inf.html | |
100. AllRefer.com - Roger Charles Louis Guillemin Information And Facts Martin David Kamen Michael Stuart Brown Peter Dennis Mitchell Robert BruceMerrifield Roger charles Louis Guillemin Roger John Williams Sidney Altman Sir http://search.allrefer.com/cgi-bin/allrefer-reference.cgi?q=Roger Charles Louis |
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