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41. Biography-center - Letter M merrifield, charles wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/merrifield.html; merrifield, Robert Bruce http://www.biography-center.com/m.html | |
42. Elgin, Illinois Voters Carr, Calvin, Hatch, Philo, merrifield, charles. Cawood, Abraham, Hayden, charles H.Miltimore, EA. Clark, Amos, Heath, Sidney, Minard, Samuel http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~ilkane/1840President.htm | |
43. Houghton - Person Page 541 Catherine merrifield Houghton married charles Henry Whitcomb in 1859. Catherinemerrifield Houghton died on 17 August 1866. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~houghtonfamily/p541.htm | |
44. Port Hope/Hope Twp. Marriages (1869-1872) merrifield, charles, 22, Port Hope, Brock, Ellen, 19, Port Hope, 14 May 1871.Mitchell, George A. 29, Port Hope, Black, Lucy Selina, 21, Port Hope http://www.nhb.com/hunter/trentmarr.htm | |
45. South Lincoln Maine Cemetry Listing Lancaster Felicity d/o charles P. and Flora M Lancaster died Sept 2 1922 14 merrifield Helen A. d/o William E. and Arlette merrifield died July 8 1877 http://members.tripod.com/DanaRaePelletier/SouthLincoln.html | |
46. Illinois Chapter Of The American Association Of University Professors - Announce I want to thank charles merrifield, the acting state president in Kansas and amember of the Newman University faculty, for his terrific organizational work http://www.ilaaup.org/announce01.html | |
47. IL-AAUP - Image Gallery Page 1 - Illinois Chapter Of The American Association Of AAUPKansas and charles merrifield, AAUP Newman University chapter President.From left to right. Paul Chiaravalle, Associate http://www.ilaaup.org/gallery/image_gallery_A00.html | |
48. Xena FAQ: Episode Directors Andrew merrifield BEEN THERE, DONE THAT 48; THE QUILL IS MIGHTIER 56; charles Siebert A COMEDY OF EROS 46; DEATH IN CHAINS 09; http://whoosh.org/faq/faq12.html | |
49. 1873 Bellingham, MA Property Tax Records Daniel merrifield, Lewis G. Metcalf, charles F. Metcalf, Francis Metcalf, Milford, MA Knight, charles Milford, MA Mann, James Medway, MA Mason, http://www.ancestorinfo.com/bellingham tax 1873.htm | |
50. Past Presidents 19961997, charles merrifield. Newman University. 1997-1998, Brian Schrader.Emporia State University. 1998-1999, Marilyn Turner. Wichita State University http://ksperk.org/past_presidents.htm | |
51. Gairdner Foundation International Award - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1970 Vincent P. Dole, W. Richard S. Doll, Robert A. Good, Niels K. Jerne,Robert B. merrifield; 1971 charles H. Best, Rachmiel Levine, Frederick Sanger, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gairdner_Foundation_International_Award | |
52. Charles charles Craver charles Craver, the Leroy S. merrifield Research Professor at TheGeorge Washington University School of Law, is a member of the Association http://www.growinglifestyle.com.au/au/j1916882 | |
53. Bruce Merrifield, Nobel Laureate, UCLA Alumnus (UCLA Gateway) Robert Bruce merrifield came to UCLA as a transfer student from Pasadena City charles Knobler, a UCLA professor in the Department of Chemistry and http://www.ucla.edu/about/nobelwinners/merrifield.html | |
54. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Merr To Merrigan Merrick, William Matthew (18181889) Born near Faulkner, charles merrifield,William of New Brighton, Staten Island, Richmond County, NY Democrat. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/merrell-merrifield.html | |
55. Mexican War Veterans From Kane County, IL ST charles. merrifield, charles E. SGT. I. 2 IL FOOT. ST charles. MOONEY, DAVID.PVT. I. 2 IL FOOT. ST charles. MOORE, NICHOLAS http://iltrails.org/kane/mexicanvets.html | |
56. Family Bibles: June 2005 A son to Mr Mrs charles F. FARNUM Born died April 1st 1890 00 HUNTINGTONSPEARFamily Bible (HUNTINGTON, SPEAR, STEVENS, merrifield, WARREN, http://familybibles.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_familybibles_archive.html | |
57. Charles Craver | AUTHOR CATALOG charles Craver, the Leroy S. merrifield Research Professor at The George WashingtonUniversity School of Law, is a member of the Association for Conflict http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=36054 |
58. Virtual Travelog | Charles Babbage And Howard Aiken. How The Analytical Engine I charles Babbage and Howard Aiken. How the Analytical Engine influenced the IBMAutomatic Drawn up by Mr. merrifield. 1878; The Analytical Engine, http://www.virtualtravelog.net/entries/2004/03/charles_babbage_and_howard_aiken_ | |
59. Testimony Of Charles Craver TESTIMONY OF charles B. CRAVER merrifield RESEARCH PROFESSOR OF LAW GEORGEWASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL TESTIMONY BEFORE http://edworkforce.house.gov/hearings/107th/wp/uniondues72302/craver.htm | |
60. START OF PAGE 1 JAMIE charles SPANGLER AND ROBERT ALBERT merrifield, 95 CV 814A (WDNY) TheSecurities and Exchange Commission announced that on December 2, 1996, http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/lr15216.txt | |
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