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21. Coon Oregon Trail Diary The diary of james Madison Coon and Nancy Iness (Miller) Coon while traveling on the Oregon Trail from mercer County, Illinois to Clackamas County, Oregon in 1847. http://www.rootsweb.com/~orbenton/COONDIAR.htm | |
22. James MERCER mercer, james, (brother of John Francis mercer), a Delegate from Virginia; born at Marlborough, Stafford County, Va., February 26, 1736; received private http://www.infoplease.com/biography/us/congress/mercer-james.html | |
23. James Mercer GARNETT GARNETT, james mercer, (brother of Robert Selden Garnett and grandfather of Garnett, james mercer. Genealogy of the mercerGarnett family of Essex http://www.infoplease.com/biography/us/congress/garnett-james-mercer.html | |
24. James Mercer Djangos Used Music Movies! Thousands of used and new CDs, DVDs, VHS, collectibles and more! Drop by one of our stores or visit us on the web at http://www.djangomusic.com/artist_music.asp?pid=P 510484 |
25. Family Tree For Mercer/James H. Children mercer/Aaron james mercer/Shane Patrick mercer/Brett Andrew mercer/Donald mercer/james H. Birth, Death. 1951. Ledyard/Harold Larue http://www.thevansickles.com/genealogy/01890190.htm | |
26. Details On Mercer/James H. Last Name, mercer. First Name, james. Second Name, H. Third Name. Title. Sex, Male. Birth Date, 1951. Birth Place. Death Date. Death Place http://www.thevansickles.com/genealogy/0189.htm | |
27. MERCER, James - Biographical Information mercer, james, (1736 1793). mercer, james, (brother of John Francis mercer), a Delegate from Virginia; born at Marlborough, Stafford County, Va., http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M000644 |
28. Mercer County Community College - Home Page mercer County Community College, located in West Windsor, New Jersey, A Celebration of Academic Achievement at the james Kerney Campus Lauds Hundreds of http://www.mccc.edu/ | |
29. Mercer County Community College - Directions To The James Kerney Campus Click Here For MapQuest Map of james Kerney Campus Location. From West via NJ 29 mercer County Community College All rights reserved. http://www.mccc.edu/welcome_directions_jkcampus.shtml | |
30. Med-biologi - - Ansatte mercer, james. james mercer. Professor. Telefon (+47) 776 44689. Email jamesm@fagmed.uit.no. avdeling Avdeling for medisinsk fysiologi http://uit.no/medbiologi/5250/82 | |
31. Med-biologi - Staff james B. mercer. Professor. Telefon (+47) 776 44869 / 45736. Email jamesm@fagmed.uit.no. Kontor/besøk L7.227. Verv Medlem av eksamenskommisjonen, stadium I http://uit.no/medbiologi/3071/17 | |
32. Search DDM-Online mercer, james Ronald. John Clark Kendel His View of and Contribution to Music Education. Ph.D., Music Education, University of Colorado, 1972. 181 p. http://www.music.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/chmtl/isearchddm?DATABASE=ddm&SEARCH_TYPE=B |
33. James A. Mercer Home Page james A. mercer. Biographical Precis. Dr. mercer is a Principal Physicist at the Applied Physics Laboratory and a Research Associate Professor in the http://www.apl.washington.edu/EmployeeProfiles/Mercer/mercer.html | |
34. USATODAY.com 29 44 73 BELMONT 31 43 74 FINAL HIGH SCORERS mercer james ODOMS 25, JUSTIN HARE 15, ANDREW PRESTON 12 HIGH REBOUND mercer - james ODOMS 9, http://www.usatoday.com/sports/scores105/105008/20050108NCAABBELMONT---0nr.htm | |
35. USATODAY.com ANTONIO COOL 15, JESSE KIMBROUGH 9 mercer james ODOMS 18, WILL EMERSON 17 2 mercer - DAMITRIUS COLEMAN 14, WILL EMERSON 3, james ODOMS 2 ATT 1633 http://www.usatoday.com/sports/scores105/105058/20050227NCAABMERCER----0nr.htm | |
36. Index: MERCER, James - MEYERS, Rebecca mercer, james, B. 1713, D. 1790. mercer, james, B. 1783. mercer, james Francis, B. ABT 1814. mercer, Jane N. B. 1829. mercer, Jesse, B. ABT 1788 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~jeanette/x000008e.htm | |
37. File 52: Ancestors Of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE Son of james MCBRIDE (1816) and Lydia (1823-) b. 5 Feb 1858, St. Johns, New Brunswick, Can. d. Hester mercer Pedigree b. Southampton, Eng. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/rfc/gw52.htm | |
38. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Mellowes To Meredith, George (Senior) (182 mercer, james. 1822 Jan. Signatory to address from prisoners in Hyde Park Barracks mercer, james A. Surgeon Superintendent, Asia and Albion http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/m/F38c_mat-mit-08.htm | |
39. Atlantic Sun Release mercer s james Odoms Named ASun Player-of-the-Week. Macon, Ga. - mercer s junior guard james Odoms led the Bears to a pair of Atlantic Sun wins on the week http://www.atlanticsun.org/news/dec03/asun.MBB0304potw3.htm | |
40. Mercer Biography of james mercer (18831932) james mercer was educated in Liverpool, attending University College there before entering Trinity College http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Mercer.html | |
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