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         Mercator Nicolaus:     more detail
  1. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  2. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2009-07-17
  3. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  4. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  5. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  6. In Mathematical Circles : A Selection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes Quadrants III and IV by Howard W. Eves, 1969

81. Nicolaus De Gorran, In VII Epistolas Canonicas Expositio, Pars 2 [CTh2]
Translate this page 89296 nicolaus de Gorran, In VII epistolas canonicas, pars 2 cap. Sicut mercator diligit res quas care emit, et considerata tanti pretii magnitudine
CORPUS THOMISTICUM Nicolai de Gorran In VII epistolas canonicas expositio pars II
Textum Parmae 1869 editum
ac automato translatum a Roberto Busa SJ in taenias magneticas
Caput 1 [89296] Nicolaus de Gorran, In VII epistolas canonicas, pars 2 cap. 1 Petrus apostolus Jesu Christi et cetera. Secundum quod sumitur divisio hujus libri ex parte auctorum, liquet eam divisionem esse bimembrem. Nam eo in libro ponuntur epistolae Petri duae: in quarum prima principaliter fit instructio in moribus: in secunda principaliter in fide. Vel secunda inducitur ad confirmationem primae. Vel prima, secundum Bedam, scribitur inferioribus sive imperfectis: secunda autem majoribus sive perfectioribus. Haec autem epistola potest dividi in tres partes: scilicet in exordium, capite 1. Et in narrationem, capite 2, 3 et 4. Et in conclusionem, capite 5. In exordio autem praeparat animum eorum ad exhortationem sequentem, captando eorum benevolentiam, ut libentius audiant. Et primo, eos salutando. Secundo, de bonis eorum gratias agendo, ibi, benedictus Deus et pater . Tertio, in malis seu adversis, quae sustinent, eos consolando, ibi

82. Hauptframe
Translate this page wie Isaac Barrow, John Wallis, nicolaus mercator, Jakob und Johann Bernoulli,eine Methode zu finden, das unendlich Kleine zu errechnen.
Die Entdeckung der Infinitesimalrechnung durch Newton und Leibniz
Newton konnte mit seiner "Fluxionsrechnung" (1665/66) den Begriff der Momentangeschwindigkeit erfassen und Bewegungsprobleme insbesondere der Himmelskörper lösen.
Weiter zu: Isaac Newton und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
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Translate this page Gerardus mercator - wie er nach Humanistenbrauch seinen Namen Gerhard Auch Rheticus, der einzige Schüler des nicolaus Copernicus, nannte Gemma - in der
Hohe Festversammlung! Gerardus Mercator - wie er nach Humanistenbrauch seinen Namen Gerhard Kremer(s) Anm.1 Anm.2 Anm.3 Anm.4 ... Anm.7 Beim Vertiefen in das Studium der Philosophie, das Mercator privatim weiter betrieb Anm.8 Anm.9 Anm.10 Anm.11 ...
gemeint sind mittelalterliche Vorstellungen
Im dritten Jahrzehnt des 15.Jahrhunderts!



Darunter versteht man neben Mondfinsternissen vornehmlich solche der Sonne.

Der Kartograph

84. Histoire De La Science-Fiction - Le Siècle Des Lumières
nicolaus mercator donne plusieurs s?es infinies pourle calcul des logarithmes; Geometriae pars Universalis et Exercitationes
  • Johannes Kepler et Tycho Brahe débute une orageuse mais spectaculaire collaboration à Prague "De Magnete" de William Gilbert est le premier ouvrage de physique entièrement basé sur l'expérimentation. Il comporte un chapitre sur l'électricité statique et parle du concept, révolutionnaire, du magnétisme de la Terre Le quatrième problème d'Apollonius (Construction d'un cercle tangent à trois cercles donnés) est résolu Franciscus Vieta Pi est calculé jusqu'à la septième décimale (3.1415929) par Adriaen Anthoniszoon Giordano Bruno est condamné au bûcher pour ses écrits influencés par le mysticisme de Platon, le naturalisme et le panthéisme "Hamlet" de Shakespeare, la plus grande histoire de fantômes jamais racontée est joué pour la première fois sur scène Décès de Tycho Brahe; Johannes Kepler lui succède à l'observatoire de Prague "De Vocis Auditusque Organis Historia Anatomica" de Julius Casserius, est un traité d'anatomie dans lequel figurent des illustrations de l'oreille et du larynx Publication posthume de "Astronomiae Instauratae Progymnasmata" , traité d'astronomie de Tycho Brahe qui détaille la position exacte de 777 étoiles Découverte du sulfite de baryum par Vincenzio Casarido Décès d'Elizabeth I, reine d'Angleterre

85. Article About "14 Janvier" In The French Wikipedia On 27-Jul-2004
nicolaus mercator,astronome danois; 1742 Edmond Halley, astronome anglais
The 14 janvier reference article from the French Wikipedia on 27-Jul-2004 (provided by Fixed Reference : snapshots of Wikipedia from
14 janvier
Le 14 janvier est le 14 e jour de l'ann©e du calendrier gr©gorien Janvier er Abr©viations :
  • ) = n© en 1822 ) = mort en 1896
Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 ‰v©nements
2 Naissances

3 D©c¨s

4 Fªtes
5 Saints du jour

86. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of
mercator}\footnote{{\sc Rumold mercator}, \born 1541, \died1600} } \newcommand{\Nmercator}{{\sc mercator}\footnote{{\sc nicolaus mercator}, \born1620,

87. Supplement To Ptolemy's Map - Nordic Countries Sketched By Claudius Clavus And N
Claudius Ptolemaeus nicolaus Germanus, Tabvla moderna Prvssie, Livonie, 1388) and expanded upon by nicolaus Germanus, a Benedictine monk, was included
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Supplement to Ptolemy's map - Nordic countries sketched by Claudius Clavus and Nicolaus Germanus
Claudius Ptolemaeus - Nicolaus Germanus, Tabvla moderna Prvssie, Livonie, Norvegie et Gottie, Roma 1508 395 x 540 mm, copperplate engraving This map of the Nordic Countries originally drawn by Danish Claudius Clavus (b. 1388) and expanded upon by Nicolaus Germanus, a Benedictine monk, was included in some of the later editions of Ptolemy's Geographia from 1482 onwards. In spite of several shortcomings and errors, this map, which was originally published as a woodblock engraving in Ulm, already gave a fairly good representation of the southern parts of Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea. This version published in Rome in 1508 is one of the earliest maps engraved on copper. Greenland or ENGRONELAND has been placed to the north of the Scandinavian peninsula and is connected to it.

88. 1558DeeA
Translate this page E.HofmannNicolaus mercator (Kauffman), Akademie der Wissenschaften und derLiteratur, Math.-Naturwiss. Klasse 1950, Nr.3.
Der Canon Gubernauticus des John Dee Pedro Nunes Gerhard Mercator
Dabei waren mindestens Nunes und Dee 130 vChr schon Perseus mit den ebenen Schnitten eines Torus ( griech. spetra Archytas von Tarent und Eudoxus von Knidos Apollonius Demetrius von Alexandrien Philo von Tyana und auch Menelaus Moritz Cantor , 3 Bde, hier I 296, 350 Hat John Dee (kurs) " zu sprechen.
The Haven-Finding Art: A History of Navigation from Odysseus to Captain Cook

London John Dee, unfortunately, preferred to keep his specialized knowledge out of print, and it is impossible to tell quite what his new instrument was which he called the Paradoxall Compass, and taught the use of to the Boroughs. It was not, of course, a mariners' compass, but appears to have included a polar zenithal chart for setting course and avoiding the errors of the plain chart.
Charlotte Fell John Dee , London Ch.Fell schreibt S.31: " He Dee had spent most of the previous year ( ) in writing a series of volumes to be entitled ' General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the perfect art of Navigation .' The first volume, The British Monarchy, or Hexameron Brytannicum, was finished in August. It was dedicated to Christopher Hatton ...

89. Author Index - M
nicolaus Mercatorastronomer, google. James Mercermathematician 1883 1932, wiki,google. Aarre Merikantocomposer Helsinki 1893 - Helsinki 1958, google.
M author index my external links front page A ... Z

90. Isogons
Grebe died in Kassel, on January 14, 1874 (same date, January 14, for NicolausMercator, Edmond Halley, George Berkeley, Charles Bossut, Charles Dodgson
Isogons and Isogonic Symmetry The word isogon has almost completely been replaced by the word equiangular. It describes a polygon with all angles congruent such as rectangles and the regular polygons . The word comes from the Greek isos for same, and gon for knee or corner.
Isogonic is  a related word that describes a type of symmetry between lines, passing through the vertex of an angle, and the angle bisector. In the figure Angle ABC is shown with its bisector BB'. The rays BX and BY are isogonal because they make the same angle with the angle Bisector. We often say that one is the isogonal reflection of the other, but it should be clear that if L2 is the isogonic reflection of L1, then L1 is the isogonic reflection for L2.   Two points on these rays, such as X and Y, are called isogonal points.  If three lines in a triangle are concurrent , then their isogonic lines are also concurrent.  In the figure the Red segments AA', BB', and CC' intersect at Point X.  The three blue rays are the isogonic lines for the three Red Segments, which are reflected about the angle bisectors (dashed rays).  Blue Rays intersect in a single point also, labled X'.  Points X and X' are called isogonal conjugates
One famous pair of isogonal conjugates is the orthocenter (intersection of the altitudes) and the circumcenter (center of the circle which circumscribes a triangle). If you draw any triangle and find these two points (lets call them P and Q), then draw the angle bisector from any vertex of the triangle (which we will call AX, you will see that the angles PAX and QAX are congruent.

91. Modification De Nicolaus Mercator - Modifier Cet Article - Wikipédia
PDF Russ “chap03” — 2004/11/8 — page 24 — 1

92. Überblick - 700 N.Chr. Bis 1700 N.Chr.
Johann Bernoulli, Kalif Al-Mamun Erster Kreuzzug (1096) Kaiser Friedrich II.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Tripod 40 Yr Old Virgin Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... SCHLUSS 700 n. Chr. - 1700 n. Chr.
[ Historische Entwicklungen ]
Für eine komplette Zeitlinie aller Mathematiker, die 700 n. Chr. bis 1700 n. Chr. gewirkt haben, klicken Sie bitte hier v.Chr. Geschichtl. Ereignisse Übersetzung indischer Werke
ins Arabische
Tabit ibn Qurra
Gerbert wird Papst
Omar Khayyam
Hermann von Kärnten
Gerhard von Cremona
Jordanus Nemorarius Nasir Eddin Nikolaus Oresme Johannes von Gmunden Georg von Peuerbach Erstdruck der "Elemente" Euklids Pietro Borghi Michael Stifel Geronimo Cardano (Ars magna) Rafael Bombelli Simon Stevin Thomas Harriot Johannes Kepler (Astronomia Nova) Henry Briggs (Logarithmen) Marin Marsenne Pierre de Fermat René Descartes (Discours de la methode) Evangelista Torricelli Blaise Pascal John Wallis (Arithmetica infinitorum) James Gregory Isaac Barrow Seki Kowa Gottfried Leibniz (erste Ar- beit über den Calculus) Jakob Bernoulli Ehrenfried von Tschirnhausen Alkuin kommt an den Hof Karls des Großen Mahavira Übersetzung der "Elemente" ins Arabische Abu Kamil Abu-l-Wafa Alhazen Bhaskara Chinesische Arithmetik Adelhard von Bath Robert von Chester Fibonacci (liber abaci)

93. 17?
The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.數學家的小故事/IV/1

94. Der Humanist Gerardus Mercatorr
DER HUMANIST GERARDUS MERCATOR von Rolf Kirmse Hohe Festversammlung! Im Einladungsschreiben zu dieser Feierstunde lesen Sie als Thema meiner Ansprache Der Humanist Gerardus Mercator
in zu vielen Facetten schillernd.
humanitas nahm das Suchen nach umfassenderer und genauerer Kenntnis der Erde und des Kosmos die zentrale
Gerardus Mercator - wie er nach Humanistenbrauch seinen Namen Gerhard Kremer(s) Anm.1
seines langen Lebens als zu Papier brachte. Als Knabe besuchte Mercator mehrere Jahre hindurch in Hertogenbosch in Nordbrabant
a Kempis, Nikolaus von Kues und Erasmus im Geiste ihrer Devotio moderna herangebildet hatte. Zeit seines Lebens sollte er jener mystischen Anm.5
Anm.7 Beim Vertiefen in das Studium der Philosophie, das Mercator privatim weiter betrieb
Anm.9 animi heroici
Europae descriptio Geographia mappa universalis,
und die tabulae erkannt worden. Anm.10 doctum, zum Gelehrten Duisburg. Novum linguarum et philosophiae Gymnasium pax ac tranquillitas zu finden, die sein Vorbild, Erasmus, als die Grundlagen der Bildung und eines christlichen Lebens bezeichnet hatte. ad usum navigantium Anm.11

95. CFA BTP De Franche-Comté - Contacts
Translate this page Centre de Formation des Apprentis du Bâtiment de Franche-Comté 6, rue NicolausMercator BP 1023 25001 Besancon CEDEX
Accueil Contacts Moyens Apprentissage Partenaires Vie au CFA ...
Envoyer un message

6, rue Nicolaus Mercator
BP 1023
25001 Besancon CEDEX E-mail:
Module d'Accueil Accueil au CFA - Informations et orientations. Animation et Foyer Formations, Planning. CRAF Centre de Ressources et d'Aide à la Formation. Standard A contacter pour tous services. FAX
25200 Bethoncourt E-mail: Standard Accueil au CFA - Tous services FAX Ceci est un message caché Optimisé 800 x 600 Webmaster: JCD

96. Matematiikan Historia; Muun Maailman Matemaatikot
Antoine Gombaud (Chevalier de Méré) Richard Delamain
Muun maailman matemaatikot
Thales Pythagoras

... Hipparkhos -801 eKr. 800-601 eKr. 600-401 eKr. 400-201 eKr. 200-1 eKr. Heron
Klaudios Ptolemaios

Diofantos ...
Gerbert (paavi Sylvester II)
1-199 (jKr.) Omar Khaijjam
Gerard Cremonalainen
... Matematiikkalehti Solmu

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