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Mercator Nicolaus: more detail | ||||||
21. Mercator's Projection nicolaus mercator (no relation to Gerardus) actually offered a prize for thesolution. The problem was eventually solved in 1668 by James Gregory, http://www.math.ubc.ca/~israel/m103/mercator/mercator.html | |
22. The Galileo Project JE Hofmann, nicolaus mercator (Kauffman), sein Leben und Wirken, vorzugsweiseals Mathematiker (in Academie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/mercator_nic.html | |
23. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page mercator, Gerardus. mercator, nicolaus. mercator, nicolaus. Merica, Paul Dyer.Merica, Paul Dyer. Merrett, Christopher. Merrett, Christopher http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/m.html | |
24. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography mercator, nicolaus Merrill, George Perkins Messier, Charles Meton Michell, JohnMiller, William Allen Milne, Edward Arthur Mineur, Henri http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html | |
25. Rappersvill Map Colllection Cardinal nicolaus of Kuza with some Pole probably Jan Dlugosz the historian, mercator maps are easily identifiable due to precise line and attractive http://www.muzeum-polskie.org/ptolemeo-eng.htm | |
26. Rappersvill Map Colllection The Northern map was probably used by mercator for his version of the map of While working on his million map , Wapowski was supported by nicolaus http://www.muzeum-polskie.org/kart-pol-eng.htm | |
27. Mercaptopurine - Definition Of Mercaptopurine By The Free Online Dictionary, The mercator projection mercator projection mercator s chart mercator s projection mercator, Gerardus mercator, Gerardus mercator, nicolaus http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mercaptopurine | |
28. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Menger Pietro Mengoli - Dmitrii Menshov - Charles Méray - Gerardus mercator -nicolaus mercator - James Mercer - Charles Merrifield - Winifred Merrill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
29. Wikipedia:List Of Encyclopedia Topics/Biographies M2 - Wikipedia, The Free Encyc nicolaus mercator, mercator, nicolaus. nicolaus mercator (1619? 1687), Danish mathematician; discoverer eponym of mercator s series http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_encyclopedia_topics/Biographies_M | |
30. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles Newton s Exponential Series; nicolaus mercator s Logarithmic Series; Newton s Sineand Cosine Series; Andre s Derivation of the Secant and Tangent Series http://www.cut-the-knot.com/books/dorrie/content.shtml | |
31. 1668: Information From Answers.com Logarithmotechnia by nicolaus mercator b. Niklaus Kaufmann, Holstein, Denmark, c.1619, d. Paris, January 14, 1687 includes various calculations of http://www.answers.com/topic/1668 | |
32. 1666: Information From Answers.com et minimis ( geometrical exercises concerning maximums and minimums ), laterreprinted as an appendix to nicolaus mercator s Logarithmotechnia (1668). http://www.answers.com/topic/1666 | |
33. Antique, Old, Rare And Historic Maps & Prints Of France Published in the first Cloppenburgh edition of Gerhard mercator s Atlas Minor Artois and Boulenois by the famous french cartographer nicolaus Sanson. http://www.bergbook.com/htdocs/Cache523.htm | |
34. Antique, Old, Rare And Historic Maps & Prints Of Austria mercator, G. (163040). UK £. Select this Antique Map to order Fer, de nicolaus.Veue Septentrionale De Vienne en Autiche.- Veue Meridionale De Vienne http://www.bergbook.com/htdocs/Cache512.htm | |
35. History Of Astronomy: Persons (M) mercatorGymnasium Duisburg (in German). mercator, nicolaus Kauffman,Niklaus (c.1619-1687). Biographical data and references Short biography and http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_m.html | |
36. Astronomiegeschichte: Personen (M) Translate this page mercator, nicolaus Niklaus Kauffman (c.1619-1687). mercator-Gymnasium Duisburg.Mitchell, Maria (1818-1889). Kurzbiographie. Mukai Genshô (1609-1677) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_m-d.html | |
37. Mercator_N Translate this page mercator (latinisiert aus Kauffmann), nicolaus, * ca. Eine Verwechslung mitGerhard mercator liegt nahe, da nicolaus in einer 1666 erschienenen Arbeit http://www.geophys.tu-bs.de/geschichte/mercatorn.html | |
38. Benjamin Wardhaugh: History nicolaus mercator, while retaining a strong sense of the special identity ofmusical intervals as ratios, elaborated a specific way of measuring and http://www.benjaminwardhaugh.co.uk/academic/texts/proportionsabstract.html | |
39. Proof That Log 2 = 0 to nicolaus mercator and gives dozens of other formulas for log(2). 1/4 was first calculated by nicolaus mercator Logarithmotechnia, 1667. http://mcraefamily.com/MathHelp/JokeProofLog2Zero.htm | |
40. Untitled tex2html_wrap_inline262 In 1668, nicolaus mercator (16201687) published hisLogarithmotechnica in which appeared the power series for the logarithm. http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/precalc2/precalc2.html |
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