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81. Octavo Store: Photo Print Reproductions Vincent/Fleurs et de Fruits, Geography, mercator/Atlas, Graphic Arts crops can be requested by contacting photoprints@octavo.com. mercator, gerardus http://www.octavo.com/store/photoprints.php?showcats=GEO |
82. Octavo Store: Editions Library Science Literature Mathematics Medicine Music Physics Religion Zoology. mercator, gerardus Atlas (Edition 2CDs) 1891788-26-4 US $65.00. http://www.octavo.com/store/editions.php?showcats=GEO |
83. Gerardus Mercator Translate this page gerardus mercator. Click Here to Visit! Está considerado como padre de lacartografía moderna. Fue un hombre hábil para la construcción de diversos http://www.clubdelamar.org/mercator.htm | |
84. Gerardus Mercator: Atlas Sive Cosmographicae Meditationes De Fabrica Mundi Et Fa digento Fachhandel fuer digitale Medien - Ihr Partner fuer wissenschaftlicheDatenbanken mit mehr als 2.900 Titeln von ueber 700 Verlagen aus dem In- und http://www.digento.de/titel/100356.html | |
85. The Galileo Project mercator, gerardus Gerhard Kremer. 1. Dates Born Rupelmonde, Flanders, 5 Mar1512 Died Duisberg, Germany, 2 Dec 1594 Dateinfo Dates Certain http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/mercator_ger.html | |
86. *Ø* Wilson's Almanac Free Daily Ezine | Book Of Days | March 5 | Gerardus Mer gerardus mercator Navigium Isis Isidis Navigatum Blessing Vessel Isis BostonMassacre Alferd Packer. http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/book/mar5.html | |
87. No. 885: Mercator's Maps gerardus mercator was born Gerhard Kremer in the Netherlands in 1512. He Latinizedhis name when he entered the University. http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi885.htm | |
88. EfÃmera > Archivos Translate this page Una colección de anotaciones personales, en formato de hipertexto, de duraciónefímera, y que hablan principalmente de diseño y sociedad http://efimera.org/archivos/topico_arte/gerardus_mercator.php | |
89. EfÃmera > Archivos Translate this page Una colección de anotaciones personales, en formato de hipertexto, de duraciónefímera, y que hablan principalmente de diseño y sociedad http://efimera.org/archivos/topico_cartografia/gerardus_mercator.php | |
90. MERCATOR However he always signed his most important work as gerardus mercator There hetranslated his name into gerardus mercator because at that time it was http://mathsforeurope.digibel.be/mercator.htm | |
91. Historical Maps Of The British Isles , Scotiae regnvm.Publication Info, Amsterdam, 1633. Date, 1633. Scale......Main Author, mercator, gerardus (info). Title/ http://bama.ua.edu/~almaps/historicalmaps/europe/britishisles.html | |
92. Historical Maps Of East Asia , Iaponia. PublicationInfo, S.1 b sn 1594. Date, 1594. Scale......Main Author, mercator, gerardus (info). Title/ http://alabamamaps.ua.edu/historicalmaps/asia/eastasia.html | |
93. TrezNet Fout: 502 De wereldkaart van gerardus mercator. De 16de eeuw was de eeuw van de grote gerardus mercator (verlatiniseerde vorm van Gerard Kremer) werd in 1512 in http://www.cultuurwijzer.nl/cultuurwijzer.nl/cultuurwijzer.nl/i000441.html | |
94. Der Humanist Gerardus Mercatorr Translate this page DER HUMANIST gerardus mercator. von Rolf Kirmse zu dieser Feierstunde lesenSie als Thema meiner Ansprache Der Humanist gerardus mercator http://www.du.nw.schule.de/merc-gym/humanist.html | |
95. BELGIUM-ROOTS Project: Germany - The Holy Roman Empire gerardus mercator was the latinized form of his name. Born 1512 in Rupelmonde,County of Flanders (Spanish Netherlands). His family resided in Gangelt http://belgium.rootsweb.com/deu/deu_ar/ | |
96. MERCASUM - What Does MERCASUM Stand For? Definitions By The Free Online Dictiona mercator s projection mercator s projection mercator, gerardus mercator,gerardus mercator, gerardus mercator, Nicolaus Mercature http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/MERCASUM | |
97. HTML\Wetenschap\990525weet04 gerardus mercator. Door J. Reijnoudt Er bestaat geen landkaart zonder meer ofminder sterke vertekening van de werkelijkheid. Het hoort nu eenmaal tot de http://oud.refdag.nl/series/uitvindingen/990525weet04.html | |
98. Mercator Publications gerardus mercator de Repelmunda Vragen bij de biografie eumln / Theo Penneman . De godsdienstige ideeën van gerardus mercator / MH de Lang. http://www.maphist.nl/ct/mercator.html | |
99. Gerardus Mercator Rupelmundanus, M. Watelet, 9061533139 - Boek gerardus mercator Rupelmundanus, M. Watelet, 9061533139. http://www.amerigo.nl/biografie/mercator/9061533139.html | |
100. Mercator Projection The mercator projection was developed in 1569 by gerardus mercator as a navigationtool. Like the Peters map, the grid is rectangular and lines of latitude http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa030201b.htm | |
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