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81. Menelaus, Greek Mythology Link. For this purpose he sent his sons, Agamemnon and menelaus, who seized him in lost his pilot Canobus, after whom the city east of alexandria was named. http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Menelaus.html | |
82. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons 440 BC); Mellor, David Paver (19031980); Mengoli, Pietro (1625-1686); menelaus ofalexandria Menelaos von alexandria (ca. 70 - ca. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
83. Pharos1 The island, menelaus made clear, offered a good harbour where one could pull In 1326, the Moroccan traveller, Ibn Battuta, passed through alexandria for http://www.greece.org/alexandria/pharos/ | |
84. Menelaus Name menelaus. Occupation. From alexandria. Son of. Occupation. Dates fl.AD 100. Brief biography. Contemporaries http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/staff/ter/grst/People/Menelaus.htm | |
85. DEFEAT IN THE EAST, TRIUMPH IN THE WEST Word was sent from menelaus to alexandria that the Cypriot army had been defeatedin battle and shut up in Salamis city and the whole island looked set to http://hometown.aol.co.uk/bobbbennett/defeat.htm | |
86. Leukippe And Kleitophon Kleitophon then learns how menelaus and Satyros, using stage props (a sword been living in alexandria, in no small part due to the efforts of menelaus. http://chss2.montclair.edu/classics/Petronius/Leucippe.html | |
87. Index Of Names: Je - Ju 163/30 The Jewish high priest menelaus is put to death by Antiochus. 185/5_Hyrcanus the son of Joseph goes to alexandria and gains the favour http://www.attalus.org/names/Je.html | |
88. Library Of Alexandria The Library of alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I at the end of the 4th century BCis the and when he speaks of the great halls of Odysseus and menelaus, http://www.justpacific.com/bits'n'pieces/alexandrialib.html | |
89. Jewish History -- Part Two Antiochus installs menelaus, one who had no qualifications to be high priest . 170/169Antiochus attacks Egypt but fails to conquer alexandria. http://www.westmont.edu/~fisk/Articles/jewhistb.htm | |
90. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Canopus Canopus formed, with menelaus and Schedia, a see subject to alexandria in AegyptusPrima; it is usually called Schedia in the Notitiae episcopatuum . http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03297b.htm | |
91. Ancient Alexandria Abstracts -- October 11-12, 2002 alexandria and Middle Egypt Some aspects of social and economic First, inan episode in the Odyssey, when menelaus encountered Proteus on the island http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cam/events/alexabstracts.htm | |
92. CEDOPAL - Base De Données Expérimentale Mertens-Pack³ menelaus ( alexandria) (page 1/1, 1-1) menelaus ( alexandria) (?), Traité sur une théorie planétaire http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/cedopal/getPack.asp?_auteur=556 |
93. The Baldwin Project: The Hammer By Alfred J. Church menelaus from The Hammer by Alfred J. Church. Here, he went on, is a prettyaccount from Theodotus of alexandria, the bookseller, you know http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=church&book=hammer&story=menelaus |
94. DIAGRAM :: Gordon Moyer earlier by one of the most brilliant minds of the ancient world, menelaus ofAlexandria. Resurrection of menelaus figure may be at hand, however! http://thediagram.com/4_6/moyer.html | |
95. LPOD - Lunar Photo Of The Day Although the lunar crater menelaus is named for a Greek astronomer in ancientAlexandria, I prefer to think instead of another menelaus, the warrior husband http://www.lpod.org/LPOD-2004-09-07.htm | |
96. ©¬´¶´µ¡£Pappus Of Alexandria¡¤ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/3/3_88.htm | |
97. List Of Mathematicians - Definition Of List Of Mathematicians In Encyclopedia Stefan Mazurkiewicz (Poland); Curtis T. McMullen (USA, 1958 ); menelaus ofAlexandria (Egypt ca 70- ca 140); Karl Menger (Austria/USA, 1902 - 1985) http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/List_of_mathematicians | |
98. Planetenkunde.de / Mond - Namen - Rimae Menelaus (Menelaus-Rillen) Translate this page Benannt nach dem benachbarten Krater » menelaus Namensgeber menelaus von AlexandriaGriechischer Astronom und Mathematiker (ca. 70 - 130) Weiter http://www.astrolink.de/p012/p01204/p01204150087.htm | |
99. CEDOPAL - Base De Données Expérimentale Mertens-Pack³ - Liste Des Auteurs alexandria). Mnasalces. Moschus ( Syracusae, bucol.) Musonius Rufus.Nechepso http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/cedopal/getAuthorsList.asp | |
100. ~7? The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/~ |
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