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61. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page menelaus of alexandria. Menghini, Vincenzo Antonio. Menghini, Vincenzo Antonio.Mengoli, Pietro. Menshutkin, Nikolay Aleksandrovich http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/m.html | |
62. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography menelaus of alexandria Mercator, Nicolaus Merrill, George Perkins Messier, CharlesMeton Michell, John Miller, William Allen Milne, Edward Arthur http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html | |
63. Re: Isidoros And Anthemios - Great Buildings Online - Architecture Forum menelaus of alexandria (Egypt), Pappus of Alexandria (Egypt), Sporus ofNicaea (Turkey), Theon of Alexandria (Egypt), Theon of Smyrna (Turkey), http://www.designcommunity.com/discussion/24882.html | |
64. Trigonometric Functions - Fairy Tales Antien Greek mathematicians Hipparchus (166125 BC) and about hundred years latermenelaus of alexandria (famous for his earliest theorems on spherical http://www.xmath.sjf.stuba.sk/diff/practise/tales/tale11.htm | |
65. TIMELINE 2nd CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE by menelaus of alexandria, is the first definitive book on spherical trigonometry.Hellemans, p.49 Menelaus also wrote about the Anharmonic Ratio DE http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline2.html | |
66. Famous Mathematicians With An M Stefan Mazurkiewicz Walter McAfee John McClintock Margaret McDuff Kathleen McNultyEdward McShane Ernst Meissel Hjalmar Mellin menelaus of alexandria http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_M.htm | |
67. Self-Service Science Forum Message Spherical geometry was studied by menelaus of alexandria about AD 100 and by theArabs about 1000. Its most famous theorem (discovered by Albert Girard, http://www2.abc.net.au/science/k2/stn/february2000/posts/topic40063.shtm | |
68. LDAB religion quotation edition, A. Jones, Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus P.Oxy. 061 4133. authorname, menelaus of alexandria ? http://ldab.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/detail.php?theID=LDAB 7191 |
69. Encyclopedia: Hipparchus It was also observed in Alexandria, where the Sun was reported to be obscured Hipparchus and the observations of Agrippa and menelaus of alexandria from http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Hipparchus | |
70. Hipparchus - Definition Of Hipparchus In Encyclopedia Pappus of Alexandria described it (in his commentary on the Almagest of that Hipparchus and the observations of Agrippa and menelaus of alexandria from http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Hipparchus | |
71. Free-TermPapers.com - History Of Math In the meantime, methods were developed for solving problems involving planetriangles, and a theoremnamed after the astronomer menelaus of alexandria-was http://www.free-termpapers.com/tp/28/mdg17.shtml | |
72. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biographies - Jacob Ben Machir Ibn Tibbon Arabic by Muslim authors (Ibn alHaytham, al-Zarqâlî, Jâbir ibn Aflah, ibnRushd) and ancient Greek authors (Autolycos, Euclid, menelaus of alexandria). http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/genscheda.asp?appl=SIM&xsl=biografia&lingua=ENG&c |
73. Mathematics And The Greeks / Harvard University 140 Hipparchus of Nicaea; 100 menelaus of alexandria; 20 Vitruvius (Roman),architecture. BC AD. 50 Heron of Alexandria; 100 Nicomachus of Gerasa, http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~mathe6/greeks.html | |
74. Who Was Who In Roman Times: List By Function, Results Marcellus Nonius(1066) No year; Marcus Junius Nipsus(2052) No year; Mary theJewess(569) No year; menelaus of alexandria(1006) year 98 AD http://www.romansonline.com/Descrpt.asp?Desc=SC |
75. List Of Ancient Greeks - Art History Online Reference And Guide Menelaus (sculptor) sculptor; menelaus of alexandria - mathematician;Menestor - botanical writer; Menexenus - student of Socrates http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/List_of_ancient_Greeks |
76. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Menelaus, menelaus of alexandria Born about 70 in (possibly)Alexandria, Egypt Died about 130; Mengoli, Pietro Mengoli Born 1626 in http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=M |
77. Salem Press Catalog 775 Meleager of Gadara, 777 Menander (GrecoBactrian king), 778Menander (playwright), 779 Mencius, 780 menelaus of alexandria, 780 Menippus ofGadara, http://www.salempress.com/display.asp?id=301&column=Table_of_Contents |
78. Ninemsn Encarta - Search View - Mathematics and a theoremnamed after the astronomer menelaus of alexandriawas Using the Hindu sine function and Menelaus theorem, mathematicians from Habas http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761578291__1/Mathematics.html | |
79. Abel PORCELAINia/alexandria/817 menelaus , alexandria This piece is named for the great geometer, menelaus (70AD to 130 AD). menelaus s only surviving book, Sphaerica was the most http://www.forestcity.k12.ia.us/Pages/FCHS/Site/menelaus.htm | |
80. History Of Alexandria: The Ptolemaic Legacy Later, Pappus wrote his Collection, menelaus studied spherical triangles, The construction of the Lighthouse of alexandria was completed during the http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/Alexandria/History/legacy.html | |
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