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61. Applegate Directory Ltd Maidment, edward J Managing Director edward John Maidment mcshane, JacquelineMarketing Executive Tempest Energy Systems Ltd http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/all-m.htm | |
62. TCU Residential Services Waits Hall is named for edward mcshane Waits, a native of Kentucky who came toFort Worth as pastor of Magnolia Avenue Christian Church in 1906. http://www.rlh.tcu.edu/RESHALLS/WAITS/WATINDEX.HTM | |
63. AMSMAA Joint Archives Committee mcshane, edward James 19041989. U. of Virginia U. of Virginia. Menger, Karl 1902-1985. Duke U. Duke U. (Economists Papers Project) http://www.ams.org/mathweb/History/collections.html | |
64. Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society 41 edward J. mcshane, Recent Developments in the Calculus of Variations, inSemicentennial Addresses of the American Mathematical Society, http://www.ams.org/bull/2000-37-04/S0273-0979-00-00873-9/home.html | |
65. SU Athletics - Discontinued Sport Letterwinners (Rifle) James, 192829-30 McNasser, Karl W., 1933 mcshane, John, 1938 Merithew, Ed, Sall, Walter G., 1963-64 Salls, Milton, 1930 Salmon, edward III, http://www.suathletics.com/sports/gen/2001/rifle.asp | |
66. BCC : Academics: Learning Resources Center Criminological theory / Frank P. Williams III, Marilyn D. mcshane. edward Westonnudes his photographs accompanied by excerpts from the Daybooks http://www.bristol.mass.edu/academics/LRC/newtitlesatLRC.html | |
67. Fotos: 1966-1969 Act III Scene 4 Ian McKellen, Ian mcshane, Judi Dench Enlarge Thus aftermany years of wrathful war Triumpheth England s edward with his friends. http://www.mckellen.com/galleries/08.htm | |
68. WorldNetDaily: Mid-century Deaths All Linked To CIA? detective Mullee spoke with Special Agent edward A. mcshane Jr. about hisconcerns. mcshane, a 38year veteran with the bureau who died last year, http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=24305 |
69. Reinert/Alumni Memorial Library: The Creightons One son, edward mcshane, was to become edward Creightons secretary for a numberof years. Another, Thomas, became partner in the Wyoming cattleraising http://reinert.creighton.edu/aboutlib/departments/speccoll/archivesdocs/creighto | |
70. Stories, Listed By Author mcshane, BERNICE (chron.) * Mr. Mahoneys House, (ss) Humpty Dumptys MagazineSep 1977 edward Athoy, (sl) St. Nicholas Magazine Mar, Apr 1888 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s896.htm | |
71. Louisiana-Mississippi Cradle Of Presidents By Dick Anderson 195354 edward J. mcshane Tulane; 1955-56 William L. Duren Tulane; 1957-58 G.Baley Price Mississippi College; 1967-68 Edwin E. Moise Tulane, earlier LSU http://www.mc.edu/campus/users/travis/maa/archives/NationalPresidents.html | |
72. Georgetown University Ed. Philip mcshane. Dublin Gill and Macmillan, 1973. Article in book,Patrick Heelan. Ed. edward MacKinnon. New York AppletonCentury-Crofts, 1972. http://explore.georgetown.edu/faculty/index.cfm?Action=ViewPublications&NetID=he |
73. A Guide To The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s Oral History Collect mcshane, edward J. Montgomery, Deane. Mood, Alexander M. Morrey, Frances.Robertson, Malcolm. Rosser, J. Barkley. Singleton, Robert. Snapper, Ernst http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00206/cah-00206.html | |
74. The New York Times > Movies > SITTING TARGET > Review, Cast And Synopsis Ian mcshane Birdy Williams edward Woodward - Inspector Milton Frank Finlay -Marty Gold Freddie Jones - MacNeil Susan Shaw - Girl In Truck http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/movie.html?v_id=110424 |
75. Korea Philadelphia, USA, MIA; edward Paul mcshane, Allegheny, USA, POW; Wilson Meckley,Jr., Lancaster, USA, MIA; Ralph Robert Mensch, Philadelphia, USA, POW http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/korea.htm | |
76. Flax Growers - Moville Upper mcshane, edward McShefry, Manus McShiffey, edward McShipey, Charles Murphy, DanielNawrey, George Parke, Henry Parlin, George Platt, William Porter, Andrew http://www.benpalmer.co.uk/FlaxGrowersUpper.htm?id=559 |
77. ASCO - Browse By Meeting - CDNA Microarray Gene Expression Profiles As A Potenti Author(s), Christos Sotiriou, SoekYing Neo, Lisa mcshane, edward Korn, AdrianL Harris, Edison T Liu, Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels, Belgium; http://www.asco.org/ac/1,1003,_12-002636-00_18-0016-00_19-001760,00.asp | |
78. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results edward James mcshane Born 10 May 1904 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Died 1June 1989 in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Click the picture above to see two http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1100&term1= |
79. AII POW-MIA Korea POW-MIA List M MCPHERSON, PATRICK J KIA MCQUADE, JOHN PATRICK POW MCQUEEN, NORMAN POW mcshane, edward PAUL POW MCSWAIN, LEON POW MCTAGGART, http://www.aiipowmia.com/koreacw/kwpw_m.html | |
80. State Papers 1601 : 1609 Pardon List : Ulster Ancestry Redmund Condon, Kenedy O Dene, edward O Dene, and Edw. McCartan.9 Mar. 6th. Thomas Marlie, Donill Crone mcshane boy, Ed. McFaddin, Tirloe boy McRortie, http://www.ulsterancestry.com/ua-free-State_Papers_1601.html | |
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