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Mcshane Edward: more books (34) | ||
41. South Hills Record - Obituaries Audrey R. (Sis) mcshane of Brentwood died May 24, 2005, at the age of 80. mcshane was preceded in death by husband John mcshane; brother edward Schardt; http://www.gatewaynewspapers.com/southhillsrecord/obits/47768/ | |
42. Presqu'ile Point Lighthouse the more hazardous route around the Prince edward Peninsula. (mcshane, pp . (mcshane, p. 24) When the Murray Canal (connecting the Bay of Quinte with http://www.rudyalicelighthouse.net/OntLts/Prsqle/Prsqle.htm | |
43. Higgins Family Of Glenravel, Co. Antrim John edward Higgins, born on Sunday, 5 March 1843 in County Antrim, Ireland,immigrated on Anne Jane Higgins, 23 August 1867, Bernard, Jane mcshane http://world.std.com/~ahern/higgins.htm | |
44. McNelis Baptisms In Kilcar, Donegal Catherine Askin, 6/21/1851, edward Askin, Catherine McNelis, Derrylahan Bernard McNelis, 7/12/1852, Bernard McNelis, Brigid mcshane, Gortalia http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/j/w/jwd6/mcnkilc.htm |
45. Micrarray Books Richard M Simon, edward L Korn, Lisa M mcshane (2003), Design and Analysis ofDNA Microarray Investigations (SpringerVerlag). List price $59.95. http://www.nslij-genetics.org/microarray/book.html | |
46. Untitled Document Ed. by Marilyn D. mcshane and Frank P. Williams III. 1996. HV 9471 .S54 2003,The encyclopedia of American prisons. Ed. by edward W. Knappman. 1994. http://lib.sar.usf.edu/pathfinders/Criminology.htm | |
47. Columbo - "Murder, A Self-Portrait" (1989) Official Laurance Grant as Reporter Bill edward Rogers as Policeman Luis Starring Helen Shaver as Vivian Dimitri Ian mcshane as Leland StJohn Ed http://www.columbo-site.freeuk.com/sea9.htm | |
48. American Hockey Coaches Association Mike mcshane of Norwich is the winner of the edward Jeremiah Award as the for the edward Jeremiah Award were Bob Emery, Plattsburgh, Mike mcshane, http://www.ahcahockey.com/news/9900/0413mcshane.html | |
49. American Hockey Coaches Association mcshane has been named the edward Jeremiah Award winner (the Division III hockeycoach of the year) by the American Hockey Coaches Association three times; http://www.ahcahockey.com/news/0203/0207mcsh.html | |
50. GENUKI: Plantation Of County Cavan Cahir mcshane O Reily, of Cornegall, Gent. Barnaby Reily, of Nacorraghes, Gent . edward Nugent, Gent. Philip McTirlagh Bradie, Gent. Richard Fitzsimons http://www.sierratel.com/colinf/genuki/CAV/Plantation.html | |
51. Untitled Document edward mcshane Charlotte K. Haigh Susan Lohafer Laurie Pons Barbara Rich SF MickleLee K. Abbott, Jr. Poetry William Aarnes Two Poems by Laurence Lieberman http://www.clemson.edu/caah/cedp/SCRvols/Vol15Num1.htm | |
52. History Department At Wright State edward F. Haas, a native of New Orleans, is professor of history at Wright State Andrew mcshane, Arthur J. O Keefe, T. Semmes Walmsley, Robert S. http://www.wright.edu/cola/Dept/hst/e_haas.htm | |
53. Timeline - Glassdrumman edward mcshane, Murphy Arthur, Margaret McAllister, Joseph Murphy, Peter Reel,Daniel Traynor edward Quinn, Francis Murphy, Ann McMahon, Oliver mcshane http://www.pdevlinz.btinternet.co.uk/timelineglassdrummond.htm | |
54. Timeline - Cregganbane Bernard Murtagh, edward mcshane, John Murtagh, Michael Mulligan, Thomas Campbell,Bridget Loy. James Murtagh, Hugh mcshane, Mary Murtagh, Reps. http://www.pdevlinz.btinternet.co.uk/timelinecregganbane.htm | |
55. Honley Cemetery Surnames Beginning M 4291, 19100517, mcshane, edward, Aspley, Huddersfield, 4, 1443, 37. 4740, 19161003,Mear, Joseph, Honley, 80, 1709, 39. 4948, 19190925, Mears, Catherine http://www.honley.ukf.net/cemm.htm | |
56. Members Of The School Of Mathematics mcshane, edward J. 194950. MEBKHOUT, Zoghman, 1985-86. MEDVEDEV, Georgiy, 1999-02.MEEKS, William H., III, 1980-81, 1983-84. MEISTER, James E. 1979-80 http://www.math.ias.edu/mnames.html | |
57. Members Of The School Of Mathematics Translate this page KENNEDY, edward D. KODAIRA, Kunihiko LEIPNIK, Roy B. mcshane, edward J. MILLER,Kenneth S. MOISE, Edwin E. MONTGOMERY, Deane NEWBURGH, John D. http://www.math.ias.edu/1940.html | |
58. UNM Physics And Astronomy Department Web Site mcshane, EJ (edward James), Integration, by edward James mcshane, In, MA 2105.McVittie, George C. (George Cunliffe), General Relativity and Cosmology by http://panda.unm.edu/library/index.php?sort_by=author&letter=m |
59. UNM Physics And Astronomy Department Web Site mcshane, EJ (edward James), Integration, by edward James mcshane, In, MA 2105.International School of Physics doublequote;Enrico Fermi doublequote; http://panda.unm.edu/library/index.php?sort_by=title&letter=i |
60. About The University Church A duplicate copy of the print presented to His Eminence, edward Cardinal Egan, Joseph mcshane, SJ President of Fordham University is displayed in the http://www.fordham.edu/Student_Affairs/Campus_Ministry/About_the_University/ | |
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