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21. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Edward McShane If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=6151 |
22. Welcome To The College Of Humanities & Social Sciences - Committees House, Dwight MCS; Juma, Booker NS; mcshane, edward EFL; Memory, John SS; Thomas,Sandra NUR; Warner, James PFA; Watson, Harmon PFA; Winfrey, Gerard UC http://www.uncfsu.edu/chss/committees.htm | |
23. Department Of English And Foreign Languages - Faculty Dr. edward mcshane. Dr. edward mcshane. Associate Professor. Office Butler 128.Phone 6721932 Fax 672-1425. Email emcshane@uncfsu.edu http://www.uncfsu.edu/english/faculty/mcshane.htm | |
24. Edward James McShane, Mathematician edward James mcshane, mathematician. mcshane was a very versatile appliedmathematician. It was his direct definition of a stochastic integral, in classical http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~streater/mcshane.html | |
25. Edward McShane, UMB Financial Corporation | Leadership Directories edward mcshane, UMB Financial Corporation is listed in the Financial Yellow Bookand The Leadership Library® on the Internet. http://www.leadershipdirectories.com/fininfo/Edward_McShane_UMB_Financial_Corpor | |
26. Dickey County North Dakota GenWeb- 1925 Census Ellendale Township 7, Pehl, edward. 45. 1. Pehl, Blanche. 37. 1. Pehl, edward, Jr. mcshane, Ed.J. 58, listed with Sprouse household. 2. mcshane, Hannah? http://www.rootsweb.com/~nddickey/1925tell.htm | |
27. NCI: DCTD: Biometric Research Branch Dr. edward L. Korn. Office Address Room 8128 6130 Executive Plaza Korn EL,Troendle JF, mcshane LM and Simon R. Controlling the number of false http://linus.nci.nih.gov/~brb/ekorn.htm | |
28. NCI: DCTD: Biometric Research Branch the number of false discoveriesApplication to highdimensional genomic data.by edward L. Korn, James F. Troendle, Lisa M. mcshane, and Richard Simon. http://linus.nci.nih.gov/~brb/TechReport.htm | |
29. McKeegan, McShane & Drago, P TRADITION Minister of Propaganda George P. McKeegan 69; Conspirators JamesConway 33, edward B. Leahey, Sr., MD 41, Nick ONeill 55, Jack Walton 72, http://www.fordham-tradition.org/TRADITIONMarch 2003.htm | |
30. Genealogy Data Page 372 (Family Pages) mcshane, Bernard James Gender Male mcshane, William Daniel Gender Male Spouse Cobb, edward Allen Gender Male Parents. Father Cobb, Roger http://shum.huji.ac.il/~dutchjew/genealog/ndbeli/f_173.htm | |
31. Edward L Korn Lisa M McShane Et Al By Richard M Simon Design And Analysis Of DNA edward L Korn Lisa M mcshane et al By Richard M Simon Design and Analysis of DNAMicroarray Investigations. http://www.veganhardcore.de/Design-and-Analysis-of-DNA-Microarray-Investigations | |
32. McShane, E.J.: Order-Preserving Maps And Integration Processes. (AM-31). edward J. mcshane. Paper 1953 $23.95 / £15.50 ISBN 0691-09582-5 136 pp.Shopping Cart. Series. Annals of Mathematics Studies http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/3564.html | |
33. Robert M. Forrest And Rachel Copelin She married JOHN edward mcshane on June 30, 1888 in Snohomish. ELLA mcshanewas born in 1902 in Everett WA and married WILLIAM edward DREW, January 11, http://ozarkcounty.freeservers.com/catalog.html | |
34. 1609 Pardon List Owen McCormacke boy O Galagher, Redmund Condon, Kenedy O Dene, edward O Dene, Owen O Dehound, Thomas Marlie, Donill Crone mcshane boy, Ed. McFaddin, http://members.fortunecity.com/mcbride_clan/PardonList.html | |
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35. Mac/Mc/M's - Mac/Mc/M'z - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors Toradh Na Troda (w JOHNSON) d c1928 edward James mcshane {US} (M 1904 May 10 1989 Jun 1) Prof, Frank (Sutherland) MACSHANE {US} (M 1927 Oct 19 - 1999 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/m14.htm | |
36. 1959 Directory: Mary Street To New Street 17 McKenna, Henry 19 McAvoy, edward 21 mcshane, edward 23 McKee, Henry 25 McCann,James 27 Lavery, Alice 29 Dummigan, Patrick 31 McKerr, Hugh 33 Polland, http://www.lurganancestry.net/recordsonline/1959streetdirectory/marytonewst.html | |
37. Page Title McRedmond, edward McRedmond, Patrick mcshane, Hugh mcshane, James mcshane,James Mepham, edward Mercer, Joseph Mercer, Mary Merchant, Elizabeth http://users.bigpond.net.au/convicts/page59.html | |
38. Truman Library - Records Of U.S. Attorneys And Marshals: Transcripts Of Grand Ju mcshane, edward Jan. 6, 1949. Miller, Isadore - Feb. 15, 1949. Mundt, Karl E.- May 17, 1949. Newcomb, Anna Belle - Dec. 22, 1948 and Jan. 3, 1949. http://www.trumanlibrary.org/hstpaper/hiss.htm | |
39. Caleb Briggs/Jane McShane Wife Jane mcshane (M250) Name edward Briggs Born 30 MAY 1859 at Sharon,E Gwillimbury, York, ON, CAN Married at Died 1 FEB 1862 at Sharon, http://www.kinghorn.ca/family/fam00136.html | |
40. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Mcredmond To Meachum mcshane, Anne of New York. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Meacham, edward J. Prohibition candidate for US Representative from Ohio, http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/mcredmond-meachem.html | |
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