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81. Loras College -- Dubuque, IA mcclintock, john R McHugh, Thomas J Meehan, Michael J, Mogensen, Harold E Nikolai, Robert J O Malley, Patrick J Plunkett, Eugene Pritchard, Donald D http://lcac1.loras.edu/alumni/1950.html | |
82. Alabama Center For Estuarine Studies Charles D. Amsler, James B. mcclintock, john F. Valentine; john W. McReadie; The paradox of the delta protecting the biodiversity we do not yet http://www.southalabama.edu/aces/accepted.html | |
83. Archives Hub: Sir Francis Leopold McClintock Collection of Sir john Franklin and his companions by Francis Leopold mcclintock, Sir Francis Leopold mcclintock by (Sir) Clements Markham, john Murray London http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/0407sflm.html | |
84. AGES Software - McClintock And Strong's Cyclopedia Of Biblical, Theological, And john mcclintock and James Strong. This valuable resource which cannot be purchased new, is rarely found, and can range in price from $600 to $1200 for http://www.ageslibrary.com/mcclintock.html | |
85. NYCPM Pritchard, john III. January 4, 1993. January 17, 1994. Kelly, Raymond W. mcclintock, john. February 7, 1914. December 15, 1914. McKay, Douglas I. http://www.nycpolicemuseum.org/html/history/1dc-list.html | |
86. OpinionJournal - John Fund On The Trail john FUND ON THE TRAIL. Tiers for Fears Who won California s debate? It s hard to say who won, but Republican Tom mcclintock and independent Arianna http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110004064 |
87. OpinionJournal - John Fund On The Trail or give into people who tell him to stand aside, says john Stoos, a top mcclintock aide. There s also the issue of Mr. mcclintock s political future. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110003927 |
88. Vigo County Cemeteries - Vigo County Public Library mcclintock, Ida, 48 mcclintock, James M., 48 mcclintock, john, 48 Sergeant, Company D, 43rd Indiana Infantry mcclintock, Martha E. Peters, 48 http://www.vigo.lib.in.us/spc/cemeteries/Mcclintock.htm | |
89. I114: John Lafayette MCCLINTOCK ( - ) john Lafayette mcclintock. Father William (Billy) Aiken mcclintock Mother Frances Elizabeth NESBITT _john mcclintock II_ _john mcclintock III_ _Jane http://www.he.net/~brumley/family/genealogy/d0001/g0000092.htm | |
90. I458: Amelia PRATT (6 Oct 1798 - ) john mcclintock III. BIRTH 1 May 1801; DEATH 20 Aug 1871. Father john mcclintock II Mother Jane LAW Family 1 Mary MARTIN. MARRIAGE 4 Feb 1829 http://www.he.net/~brumley/family/genealogy/d0001/g0000003.htm | |
91. John Beatty UBC Beatty, john. 2002. Untangling the mcclintock Myths (an essay review of NCComforts The Tangled Field Barbara mcclintocks Search for the Patterns of http://www.philosophy.ubc.ca/faculty/beatty/publications.html | |
92. 23rd Iowa Infantry Corporals john Pritchard, Mathew C. Brown, William D. Lyon Richard Mathews, James McBee, James M. mcclintock, john E. mcclintock, Allen H. McDaniel, http://home.okstate.edu/homepages.nsf/toc/23rd.htm | |
93. McClintock On Plot Story In I Seven /I By Bill mcclintock. Wanting people to listen, you can t just tap them on the And then finally, out of nowhere, john Doe appears in the middle of the http://www.yk.psu.edu/~jmj3/s_mcclin.htm |
94. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 3483 Child of Captain Leopold mcclintock Lonsdale and Victoria Mary Blanche Somerset Norman john mcclintock Lonsdale+ b. 3 Dec 1926 http://www.thepeerage.com/p3483.htm | |
95. WorkingForChange-Tom McClintock's Big Little Secret mcclintock s political positions, we don t know much about john Stoos, Senator Tom mcclintock is not john Stoos, and Stoos in our recent interview http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemID=15748 |
96. McClintock Marriages J To L mcclintock, john T. s/o Samuel MCCLINTICK and Rebecca THOMPSON, ECCLES, Angelina mcclintock, john Walker s/o john mcclintock and SARAH ELLIOTT, FILLING, http://millennium.fortunecity.com/bankhead/435/marriagesjtol.htm | |
97. Stories, Listed By Author mcclintock, BUCK (chron.) * The Biggest Ranch in the Cattle Country, (ar) The Modern The Thunderbolt Collects john Flatchley (The Thunderbolt), (n. http://contento.best.vwh.net/paper/s222.htm | |
98. Celebrating More Than A Century Of Science On U.S. Postage Stamps American Scientists mcclintock, von Neumann, Feynman, Gibbs This issuance scientists geneticist Barbara mcclintock, mathematician john von Neumann, http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/05-04-200 |
99. Holmes à Court: MCCLINTOCK Family john William Jocelyn1 mcclintock (still alive). john William Jocelyn mcclintock and Mary Gwladys Vaughan Ashe Holmes à Court had the following children http://www.a-court.fsnet.co.uk/d3/i0000961.htm | |
100. Stories, Listed By Author mcclintock, HARRY KIRBY (18821957); Singer and songwriter best known for song Big Rock McCLURE, john; Perhaps poet john Peebles McClure (1893-1956). http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s867.htm | |
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