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41. Illinois Civil War Soldiers mcclintock, john A, C 128 Inf, Fits Hill. mcclintock, john A, I 9 Inf. mcclintock, john C, E 11 Cav, Peoria. mcclintock, NB, F 113 Inf, Middleport http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mcclintock/illinoissoldiers.htm | |
42. McClintock Marriages J To L mcclintock, john Alexander s/o JAMES mcclintock and ELIZABETH GLASS, COBB, Sarah Jean mcclintock, john Walker s/o john mcclintock and SARAH ELLIOTT http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mcclintock/marriagesjtol.htm | |
43. AllRefer.com - John McClintock (Protestant Christianity, Biography) - Encycloped AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on john mcclintock, Protestant Christianity, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/E/E-McClintoJ.html | |
44. Lawyer John A. McClintock - Attorneys Hansen, McClintock And Riley Law Firm Iowa law firm engaging in general civil trial practice, professional negligence, insurance law, administrative law, products liability, personal injury, http://www.hmrlawfirm.com/johnmcclintock.html | |
45. Lawyer John E. Swanson - Attorneys Hansen, McClintock And Riley Law Firm Iowa law firm engaging in general civil trial practice, professional negligence, insurance law, administrative law, products liability, personal injury, http://www.hmrlawfirm.com/johnswanson.html | |
46. National Register Of Historical Places - ILLINOIS (IL), Jersey County mcclintock, john and Amelia, House (added 1994 Building - 94000019) Also known as Country Corner;Methodist Church Parsonage 321 E. Main St., Grafton http://www.nationalregisterofhistoricplaces.com/IL/Jersey/state.html | |
47. Untitled Document john mcclintock (18141870) was the first president of Drew Theological Seminary,. john mcclintock (1814-1870) was the first president of Drew Theological http://www.depts.drew.edu/lib/McClintock_jpg.html | |
48. Drew University Library: Drew University Archives: Biographical Notes mcclintock, john john mcclintock (18141870) was the first president of Drew In the fall of 1868, he accepted john mcclintock s invitation to become http://www.depts.drew.edu/lib/drew_archives_bios.html | |
49. Page Title: UI Health Care mcclintock, john T. The College of Medicine 18701945. The Medical Bulletin, July 1 mcclintock, john T. One Hundred Years of Iowa Medicine, 1850-1950. http://www.uihealthcare.com/depts/medmuseum/galleryexhibits/centuryofcaring/bibl | |
50. Inventory: Dennis N. Conner And John McClintock, Jr. Papers, 1865-1867, Universi 18441904), MD 1867, and his son-in-law john mcclintock, Jr. (1873-1944), LL.B. 1895. FF 14, Senior Banquet program for john mcclintock, Jr., 1895 http://www.archives.upenn.edu/faids/upt/upt50/conner_mcclintock.html | |
51. John McClintock FILE john mcclintock.jpg. DESCRIPTION john mcclintock enters turn 11 in his 1969 Boss 302 Mustang. CREDITS Photo by Bob Krueger. TITLE john mcclintock http://www.teamvoodoo.com/Coronado04/pages/John McClintock.html | |
52. Clifton John MCCLINTOCK Clifton john mcclintock, born 18 Nov 1933, died 27 Feb 1934 Ancestors and Relatives of Earl Clinton Anderson and Inez Adelie Larson , of Kelowna, BC, http://www.legacyfamilytree.ca/Anderson/6404.htm | |
53. Books By John McClintock AllBookstores compares prices at dozens of online stores to find the best deal on new and used books and college textbooks. http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/Author/McClintock, John | |
54. Labette County Kansas History Index M mcclintock, CE 1 mcclintock, Jesse 1 mcclintock, john 1 mcclintock, Mary 1 mcclintock, WJ 1, 2 McClish, Nancy B1 McClung, Charles 1 McClung, JN 1 http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/labette/1901/m2-index.shtml | |
55. KANSAS: Cyclopedia - 1912 McClellan, CB, 1230. mcclintock, George, 1138. mcclintock, john Calhoun, 176, 589, 589. McColloch, Robert P. 470, 307, 307. McCollough, Robert P.sic, 307 http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/1912/indices/m.html | |
56. John J. Miller On Tom McClintock & California Recall On National Review Online onservative Tom mcclintock isn t worried about spoiling fellow Republican Arnold mcclintock is doing so well because he has become the clear favorite of http://nationalreview.com/miller/miller082803.asp | |
57. WAYNE, JOHN / BLUE STEEL / WINDS OF THE WASTELAND / MCCLINTOCK: PG 1934-1964 - H Buy the DVD BLUE STEEL / WINDS OF THE WASTELAND / mcclintock PG 19341964 by WAYNE, john at www.HMV.com.au. Looking for the latest WAYNE, john CD or http://www.hmv.com.au/product/product.asp?sku=795948 |
58. John Franklin - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia john Franklin. john Franklin. Sir john Franklin, explorer. In the summer of 1859, the mcclintock party found a document in a cairn on King William http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Franklin | |
59. Samuel Nay, Sr. john mcclintock headstone Photograph by Sharon Howell Nay (aka Tremain) Cemetery Grave markers of Samuel Nay, Sr. and john mcclintock and Nay (aka Tremain) http://www.bradmanz.com/RevWarGraves/john_mcclintock.html | |
60. John James ROULSTON Ca 1843-1935 & Jane McCLINTOCK Ca 1846-1916, Branxholme, Hen john and Jane ROULSTON were both buried in the Sandford Cemetery in 1935 and 1916 john James ROULSTON ca 18431935 Jane mcclintock had the following http://www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/sandford/roulston_jj.htm | |
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