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21. McClintock, John. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 mcclintock, john. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/e-/E-McClintoJ.html | |
22. MCCLINTOCK, John William Leopold (1874-1929), Vice Admiral mcclintock, john William Leopold (18741929), Vice Admiral. Service biography Joined RN 1887; World War I 1914-1918; in charge of HMS LORD NELSON, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/lhcma_new/locreg/MCCLINTOCK.shtml | |
23. McClintock, John W. john W. mcclintock was born in Ireland, August 12, 1812. His father was also john, a farmer in Ireland, who died there in middle life, when his son was a http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilmaga/cass/1892bios/mcclintock_j.html | |
24. John McClintock Burying Ground, Addison Township john mcclintock d. 7/4/1848 age 71. Mrs. john mcclintock no dates. Margaret mcclintock no dates. (Source Mark Dodd, 1997) http://www.rootsweb.com/~pasomers/cemetery/ad/ad000h.htm | |
25. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: McClintock, John@ HighBeam Research The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition mcclintock, john@ HighBeam Research. http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?ctrlInfo=Round15:ProdCtrl:DOCREF:Print&DOCI |
26. McClintock Biography of john mcclintock (18401916) john mcclintock studied at Dickinson College, Carlisle from 1854 until he entered Yale University in 1856. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/McClintock.html | |
27. John McClintock (1814-1870) john mcclintock was born October 27, 1814 in Philadelphia to Irish immigrants, john and Martha He had only one son, john Emory mcclintock, born in 1840. http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/m/ed_mcClintockJ.htm | |
28. Encyclopedia Dickinsonia - Index Page M mcclintock, john mcclintock, john Emory mcclintock Hall (Quad 5) mcclintock Slave Riot, June 2, 1847 McClure, Charles, Class of 1824 http://chronicles.dickinson.edu/encyclo/m/ | |
29. Mumma, Moomaw, Mumaw, & Muma Database Index mcclintock, Jo Ann ( ); mcclintock, john Calvin (2 MAR 1906 - 3 FEB 1969); mcclintock, john Michael ( - ); mcclintock, john Thomas ( - ); mcclintock, http://www.mumma.org/databases/mumma/mumma128.html | |
30. Research NeuroSurgeons By Name â Doctor Reports Dr. Homer G. mcclintock, MD Denver, Colorado Dr. john J. Mccloskey, Homer mcclintock , Homer mcclintock , john Mccloskey , Scott McCloskey , Dennis http://www.healthgrades.com/directory_search/Physician/Profiles/Neurosurgery/alp | |
31. Research NeuroSurgeons By Name â Doctor Reports Dr. Homer G. mcclintock, Denver, Colorado Dr. john J. Mccloskey, - Pascagoula Edward McCleary , Homer mcclintock , Homer mcclintock , john Mccloskey http://www.healthgrades.com/directory_search/Physician/Profiles/Neurosurgery/alp | |
32. Vertical File Lovewell To McGill mcclintock, john C. family; mcclintock, Mrs. john C. mcclintock, john L. mcclintock, Marshall; mcclintock, Mike; mcclintock, OPM; mcclintock, William S. http://www.kshs.org/genealogists/individuals/vertical/vertfileLovewelltoMcGill.h | |
33. Cornell University Making Of America Searching for mcclintock, john N., AM , Previous set mcclintock, john N., AM, 2. mcclintock, William E., CE, 1. McClure, Alfred JP, 1. McClure, PF, 1 http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/moa/sgml/ww-idx?type=author&q1=McClintock |
34. McClellan, George B. -- McCormick, Richard C.: In Cornell University's Making Of mcclintock, john N, AM, Daniel Lothrop. The Bay State Monthly, vol. 2, issue 3 (December 1884). mcclintock, john N, AM, Lovewell s War. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/m.83.html | |
35. John C. McClintock, Jr., Distict Judge Judgeship No. 7 Courthouse PO Box 387 Rugby, ND 583680387. 701-776-5375 701-776-6893 Fax Jmcclintock@NDCourts.com, john C. mcclintock, Jr. Cases reviewed http://www.ndcourts.com/court/bios/McClintock.htm | |
36. Hon. John C. McClintock Jr. Hon. john C. mcclintock Jr., Judge of the District Court, Courthous, 240 2nd St. S, PO Box 387, Rugby, ND 583680387, 701-776-5375. http://www.ndcourts.com/court/Lawyers/04812.htm | |
37. Tazewell Circuit Court mcclintock, john W; JR, 1314 SECOND STREET mcclintock, john WESLEY, III, 1314 SECOND STREET RICHLANDS, VA 24641, NONE, 276 9644049, 276 964-9043 http://www.courts.state.va.us/courts/circuit/Tazewell/bar.html | |
38. John McClintock's 1969 Boss 302 Mustang, Originally Driven By John Tope. Driver Information Form. john mcclintock. john mcclintock has two Trans Am cars. 1969 Boss 302 Mustang 83 (Click here for details.) http://www.historictransam.com/Drivers/JohnMcClintock.htm | |
39. John McClintock's 1969 Boss 302 Mustang #70, Originally Driven By Warren Tope An john mcclintock. 1969 Boss 302 Mustang 70 Originally driven by Warren Tope and Dick Roe. This car was an intercompany transfer to Transmission Chassis http://www.historictransam.com/Drivers/JohnMcClintock70.htm | |
40. Mcclintock Family Genealogy Forum Looking for info on john mcclintock born 1858 married to Maude Draper Mark Wood 1/08/04 Ruth mcclintock m john Marshall - Becky Burbank 7/20/03 http://genforum.genealogy.com/mcclintock/ | |
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