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81. Mayor John Fitzpatrick Records Charles Buck, RC Davey, adolph Meyer, Andrew Price, and SM Robertson. OHMarine Hospital Service Meyer, Congressman adolph Miscellaneous http://nutrias.org/~nopl/inv/fitzpatr.htm |
82. Mayor Paul Capdevielle Records Congressmen Robert C. Davey and adolph Meyer; Governor WW Heard; Alcee Fortier; Congressman adolph Moores, Frank E. Mayor of Omaha, NE http://nutrias.org/~nopl/inv/capdevil.htm |
83. Adolph De Meyer artist, adolph DE MEYER. biography, American, 18681949. title, Glass and Shadows.date, 1907. technique, Photogravure. size, 22,3 x 16,6 cm (9 x 6 ) http://www.jmcfaber.at/inventory/classic/meyer.htm | |
84. Psychological Images In Publications--M Meyer, adolph Barton (1987) plate 13 Barton (1987) plate 17 British MedicalJournal, 1950, 1, 732734 Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1951, 113, http://www.apa.org/archives/psyimagem.html | |
85. Heinrich Adolph Meyer - Wikipedia Gerd Stolz, Heinrich adolph Meyer und sein Haus Forsteck in Kiel. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Adolph_Meyer | |
86. Über Bremen In Die Welt Translate this page Marburg Meßel Messing Hermine Metzler Adelheid Halle Meyer adolph Berlin Meyer C.Kassel Meyer Carl Meyer Caspar Meyer Catharina Meyer Catharine Meyer http://www.genealogienetz.de/vereine/maus/auswanderung/namen_favewi.htm | |
87. Index To Elsie's World War II Scrapbook - M Mews, William 33. Meyer, adolph, Mrs. 145. Meyer, Albert, Mrs. 168. Meyer, Alex A. Jeanette 56. Meyer, Aloysuis 188. Meyer, Art 59. Meyer, Dennis Gene 56 http://www.scls.lib.wi.us/mcm/history/elsie/elsies_m.html | |
88. IGS First Immigrant Ancestor List - Surnames M - Translate this page MEYER, John adolph GER 1850 1884 MEYER, John Henry Rudolph GER, Hannover 1839 1883 MEYER, Katharine Friederike . http://feefhs.org/igs/fil/fil-m.html | |
89. Meyer, Adolph Frederik Charles adolph Frederik Charles Meyer (18581938) dansk stukkatør, socialdemokrat,journalist, forfatter og politiker. Medstifter af Socialdemokratisk Forbund og http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=4514 |
90. Author Data -- M Meyer, adolph Bernhard 18401911 Dresden Mus Meyer, AB Wiglesworth, LW. Meyer,Bernhard 1767-1836. Meyer, Friedrich Albrecht Anton 1768-1795 http://www.zoonomen.net/bio/biom.html | |
91. M DATA027 MEYER adolph page 14. M Names. MEYER f@ca.on.ogs.quinte_branch_library_collection genval-001-1 Valleau (and variations of spelling) MEYER Hans page 4 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160m027.htm | |
92. SNM/DLA: Namenregister 'M' Nachlaßverzeichnis mayer, Fritz (Bruder von Carl mayerd.Ä.) M-26; mayer, Fritz (Bruder von Gertrud Jaspers) J-12-2; mayer, http://www.dla-marbach.de/kallias/hyperkuss/m-reg.html | |
93. Monthly Weather Review MEYER, adolph F. Abstract Print Version. MILLER, ERIC R. Abstract PrintVersion. MILLIKAN, RA, Abstract Print Version http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-author-index&issn=1520-0493&vol |
94. Runeberg.org - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 11 1846, Voxdugfabrikant 270 Meyer, Bendix, 1721, Officer, Diplomat 271 Meyer,Christian adolph, 1803-78, Højesteretsassessor 271-275 Meyer, David Amsel, http://runeberg.org/wiki/Dansk_biografisk_leksikon/index_1._udgave_bind_11 | |
95. St. Louis Public Library: St. Louis Obituary 1906 J - R HENRY 12/13, *12/15 MEYER, A. *12/10 MEYER, ADELE ANNA 10/15 MEYER, adolph *8/4MEYER, adolph S. 4/12, *4/14 MEYER, ANNA (see Staudt) MEYER, http://www.slpl.lib.mo.us/libsrc/obit06b.htm | |
96. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW mayer, Antonio de Castro8.713.524 mayer, Bernhard Kaufmann 8.601.231 mayer, Carl Schriftsteller http://kirke.hbz-nrw.de/dcb/Schlagwoerter/1275.html | |
97. San Francisco Genealogy - The Concordia Club Officers & Members, 1924 MEYER, adolph C., 3109 Jackson MEYER, John S., 627 Mills Bldg. MIERSON, Augustus,3570 Clay. NEWBAUER, Jerome P., 1808 Pacific Av. NEWBAUER, Thos., http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/1924b/sfb24a16.htm | |
98. San Francisco Genealogy - Native Sons Of The Golden West, Pacific Parlor No. 10, MEYER, adolph MEYER, Albert adolph MEYER, Reinhardt Lossius MEYERS, John JacobMIALL, Cuthbert Erskine MacKenzie MICHELETTI, Italo http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sf/aasr10.htm | |
99. DBLP: Robert Adolph Robert adolph. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ 1, EE Jens Meyer, Robert adolph, Daniel Stephan, Andreas Daniel, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/a/Adolph:Robert.html | |
100. Georg Adolph Meyer Bei FunFoxx Translate this page Angebote zum Thema Georg adolph meyer. Heinrich adolph Meyer und sein ´HausForsteck´ in Kiel - Stolz , Gerd Heinrich adolph Meyer und sein ´Haus Forsteck´ http://funfoxx.de/Georg adolph meyer | |
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