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         Maxwell James Clerk:     more books (100)
  1. Maxwell on Saturn's Rings by James Clerk Maxwell, 1983-09-29
  2. The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell by Maxwell James Clerk, 2009-07-10
  3. Scottish Inventors: Alexander Graham Bell, James Watt, John Napier, William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, James Clerk Maxwell, John Logie Baird
  4. James Clerk Maxwell And Modern Physics by R.T. Glazebook, 2008-11-04
  5. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics by Richard Glazebrook, 2010-08-25
  6. The Electrical Researches of ... Henry Cavendish, F. R. S.: Written Between 1771 and 1781, Ed. from the Original Manuscript ... by Henry Cavendish, James Clerk Maxwell, 2010-01-11
  7. Ueber Faraday's Kraftlinien (German Edition) by Ludwig Boltzmann, James Clerk Maxwell, 2010-03-23
  8. The Scientific Papers of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F. R. S (Cambridge Library Collection - PhysicalSciences) (Volume 1) by Henry Cavendish, 2010-08-26
  9. Ueber Physikalische Kraftlinien by Ludwig Boltzmann, James Clerk Maxwell, 2010-01-10
  10. On The Stability Of The Motion Of Saturn's Rings: An Essay, Which Obtained The Adams Prize For The Year 1856, In The University Of Cambridge (1859) by James Clerk Maxwell, 2010-05-23
  11. Scientific papers by James Clerk Maxwell, W D. Niven, 2010-09-09
  12. Lehrbuch Der Electricität Und Des Magnetismus, Volume 1 (German Edition) by James Clerk Maxwell, 2010-01-11
  13. Matter & Motion Second American Ed by James Clerk Maxwell, 1892
  14. A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism, Volume 1 by James Clerk Maxwell, William Davidson Niven, 2010-03-31

21. James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia
Maxwell, James Clerk, Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases . Maxwell, James Clerk, On the Results of Bernoulli s Theory of Gases as Applied
James Clerk Maxwell
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
James Clerk Maxwell James Clerk Maxwell 13 iunie ®n Edinburgh 5 noiembrie ®n Cambridge ) a fost un fizician scoÅ£ian , autorul unui set de ecuaÅ£ii care descriu legile de bază ale electrotehnicii

22. James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia
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James Clerk Maxwell
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
James Clerk Maxwell (eigentlich James Clerk 13. Juni in Edinburgh 5. November in Cambridge ) war ein schottischer Physiker . Er entwickelte einen Satz von Gleichungen , welche die Grundlagen der Elektrizit¤tslehre und des Magnetismus bilden. James Clerk Maxwell Weiterhin entdeckte er die Geschwindigkeitsverteilung von Gasmolek¼len ( Maxwellverteilung ). Er war der letzte Repr¤sentant der j¼ngeren Linie der bekannten schottischen Familie Clerk of Penicuik. Maxwell wird im Allgemeinen als der Naturwissenschaftler des 19. Jahrhunderts angesehen, der den gr¶Ÿten Einfluss auf die Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts hatte, indem er Beitr¤ge zu den grundlegenden Naturmodellen lieferte. 1931, zum hundertsten Jahrestag von Maxwells Geburt, beschrieb Einstein das Werk Maxwells als „das Tiefste und Fruchtbarste, das die Physik seit Newton entdeckt hat“. Algebra mit Elementen der Geometrie zu vereinen, ist ein Grundzug seines Werks. Maxwell zeigte, dass elektrische und magnetische Kr¤fte zwei sich erg¤nzende Erscheinungen des

23. Encyklopedia: Maxwell James Clerk
maxwell james clerk (18311879), wybitny szkocki fizyk, profesor uniwersytetu w Aberdeen (1856-1860), Kings College w Londynie (1860-1865) i

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Maxwell James Clerk
Dodaj do notesu Fizyka, Europa, Wielka Brytania, XIX i pocz±tek XX w. Maxwell James Clerk (1831-1879), wybitny szkocki fizyk, profesor uniwersytetu w Aberdeen (1856-1860), Kings College w Londynie (1860-1865) i Cambridge (po 1871), organizator i pierwszy dyrektor... widzisz tylko tre¶ci has³a chcesz zobaczyæ resztê? dostêp do pe³nej wersji encyklopedii SMS tylko 3,66 z³ z VAT Wpisz kod: Dlaczego warto korzystaæ z WIEM?
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24. Maxwell James Clerk
maxwell james clerk (18311879) Powracajac do Cambrigde Maxwell zorganizowal labolatorium fizyczne pod nazwa Cavendish Laboratory, które wyksztalcilo
dzi¶: ¶roda 7 wrze¶nia 2005
strona g³owna
mapa serwisu kontakt aktualizowano: 23 sierpnia 2005 Akademia Energii Wielcy odkrywcy M
Elektryczny Dom Instalacje Ciep³a woda Ogrzewanie Przygotowanie posi³ków ... Przy³±czenie do sieci Fachowiec Radzi Bardzo wa¿ne !!! Kalkulator zu¿ycia Baza AGD Porady ... S³owniczek Akademia Energii Historia elektryczno¶ci Wielcy odkrywcy Wynalazki Podrêcznik ... Laboratorium fizyczne Gry i zabawy Gry memory Puzzle i uk³adanki Krzy¿ówka Quizy ... Kolorowanki Elektrowiadomo¶ci Wydarzenia Z rynku energii Ciekawostki Interesuj±ce miejsca Kalkulatory Kalkulator zwyk³y Kalkulator zu¿ycia energii Kalkulator energii Kalkulator mocy Bezpieczniej z pr±dem Twój dostawca energii Idea MojejEnergii Wielcy odkrywcy W tym dziale przedstawiamy sylwetki i biografie s³ynnych osób - odkrywców i wynalazców w dziedzinie elektryczno¶ci. W¶ród nich znajduj± siê tak¿e wybitni Polacy. Warto zapoznaæ siê tak¿e ze Z³otymi My¶lami s³ynnych fizyków. A B C D ... Mo¶cicki Ignacy Maxwell James Clerk (1831-1879) ¼ród³o: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. Jeden z najwiêkszych fizyków XIX wieku urodzi³ siê 13 czerwca w Edynburgu. Wychowywa³ siê w bogatej rodzinie i zdoby³ dobre wykszta³cenie matematyczne. Gdy mia³ 15 lat napisa³ pracê geometryczn±, za¶ rok pó¼niej rozpocz±³ studia na uniwersytecie w Edynburgu. W tym czasie prowadzi³ badania nad ¶wiat³em. Po trzech latach przeniós³ siê do Cambridge, za¶ maj±c 25 lat zosta³ profesorem na uniwersytecie w Aberdeen. Powracaj±c do Cambrigde Maxwell zorganizowa³ labolatorium fizyczne pod nazw± Cavendish Laboratory, które wykszta³ci³o wielu naukowców.

25. James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell. 1831 až 1879. teorie elektromagnetického pole. Roku 1865 ucinil Maxwell matematický záver, že jsou možné elektromagnetické vlny,
James Clerk Maxwell 1831 až 1879 teorie elektromagnetického pole Roku 1865 uèinil Maxwell matematický závìr, že jsou možné elektromagnetické vlny, které se šíøí rychlostí svìtla. V letech 1868-69 Maxwell vypoèítal velmi pøesnì rychlost svìtla. Ve svém spisu z let 1855-56 podává Maxwell matematické vyjádøení pojmu Faradyových siloèar. Podrobil v nìm prùbìh magnetických siloèar v blízkosti elektrického proudu a dospìl tak k dobøe známé vektorové diferenciální rovnici, podle níž každá jednotlivá proudová linie vytváøí vírové magnetické pole. Ve svém pozdìjším pojednání z roku 1862 Maxwell pøipojil k vodivému proudu také proud posuvný, který se objevuje v každém dialektriku, mìní-li se intenzita elektrického pole a teprve s proudem vodivým tvoøí celkový proud stále v sebe uzavøený. Maxwellova teorie magnetismu pøedpokládá, že magnetizace je úmìrná intenzitì magnetického pole; ve skuteènosti dosahije magnetizace u kovových tìles pøi vzrùstající intenzitì pole hodnoty nysycení, která daleko pøesahuje hodnoty magnetizace dosažitelné u jiných látek. U magneticky tvrdých materiálù závisí magnetizace podstatnì ménì na okamžité intenzitì pole než na pøedchozí úpravì. Jinak by totiž neexistovaly trvalé magnety. Roku 1860 Maxwell na základì vlastních mìøení vnitøního tøení zjistil, že všechny molekuly nemají stejnou rychlost, proto je difúze pomalá. Odvodil zákon rozdìlení rychlostí, pojmenovaný po nìm.

26. Maxwell James Clerk
AfficheBandeauHaut('../../','en/cct13/infos/maxwell.htm','N'); AfficheMenu('cct13','0','../../','N'); AfficheBandeauMilieu('cct13','../../'); Maxwell James Clerk Physicien écossais (Edimbourg, 1831 - Cambridge 1879) Brillant élève au collège, James Clerk Maxwell poursuit des études de mathématiques à l'université de Cambridge. Il obtient une chaire de philosophie naturelle à Aberdeen à l'âge de vingt-cinq ans. Puis, de 1860 à 1865, il occupe le poste de professeur au King's College de Londres. A la suite de ces cinq années d'enseignement, il décide de se retirer dans sa propriété de Glenair, en Ecosse. Il y restera cinq autres années qu'il emploiera à étudier. En 1871, Maxwell est nommé directeur du laboratoire Cavendish que vient de fonder le duc du Devonshire. Il n'aura alors de cesse de le développer afin qu'il devienne le centre de formation scientifique le plus illustre. Retour

27. James Clerk Maxwell Foundation Home Page
To promote, encourage, and advance the study of, research into, and the dissemination of knowledge of and relating to physics, chemistry and physical chemistry in all their aspects and in particular, but without prejudice to the foregoing generality, colloids and interfaces. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation was formed in Scotland in 1977 to honour Clerk Maxwell, one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived. In 1993 the Foundation acquired Clerk Maxwell's birthplace in Edinburgh. This elegant Georgian house after period restoration is now in active use as an internal centre for mathematical sciences. On display is a growing collection of heritage material associated with Clerk Maxwell, his associates and family circle. The Foundation's objectives are:- 1. To provide in the birthplace an attractive and stimulating environment for the mathematicians, scientists and engineers
from all over the world to meet in seminars, symposia, workshops and courses. 2. To advance the applications of mathematical sciences in science, industry and commerce through support in the
birthplace for the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS). ICMS was formed in 1990 by
Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities and works in collaboration with the worlds leading scientific societies. 3. To develop programmes to encourage young students to become mathematicians, scientists and engineers.

28. James Clerk Maxwell
The Scottish physicist james clerk maxwell (18311879) did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases.
James Clerk Maxwell
The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, b. Nov. 13, 1831, d. Nov. 5, 1879, did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. After graduating (1854) with a degree in mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge, he held professorships at Marischal College in Aberdeen (1856) and King's College in London (1860) and became the first Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge in 1871. Maxwell's most important achievement was his extension and mathematical formulation of Michael Faraday's theories of electricity and magnetic lines of force. In his research, conducted between 1864 and 1873, Maxwell showed that a few relatively simple mathematical equations could express the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interrelated nature; that is, an oscillating electric charge produces an electromagnetic field. These four partial differential equations first appeared in fully developed form in Electricity and Magnetism (1873). Since known as Maxwell's equations they are one of the great achievements of 19th-century physics. Maxwell also calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic field is approximately that of the speed of light. He proposed that the phenomenon of light is therefore an electromagnetic phenomenon. Because charges can oscillate with any frequency, Maxwell concluded that visible light forms only a small part of the entire spectrum of possible electromagnetic radiation.

29. BBC - Radio 4 In Our Time Presented By Melvyn Bragg - James Clerk Maxwell
BBC Radio 4 discussion on the life and work of this 19th century physicist.
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7 September 2005
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PROGRAMME FINDER: A-Z Directory Listen Again What's On Listings Presenters PROGRAMME GENRES: Arts and Drama Science History Factual TOP PROGRAMMES THIS WEEK: The Archers In Our Time Today Programme Woman's Hour ... Help Like this page? Send it to a friend! In Our Time MISSED A PROGRAMME? Go to the Listen Again page PROGRAMME INFO Thursday 9.00-9.45am repeated 9.30pm The big ideas which form the intellectual agenda of our age are illuminated by some of the best minds. Melvyn Bragg and three guests investigate the history of ideas and debate their application in modern life. LISTEN AGAIN Listen to this edition of In Our Time PRESENTER Melvyn Bragg BIOGRAPHY PROGRAMME DETAILS Thursday 2 October 2003 JAMES CLERK MAXWELL Read audience comments on this programme He took the first colour photograph, defined the nature of gases and with a few mathematical equations expressed all the fundamental laws of light, electricity and magnetism - and in doing so he provided the tools to create the technological age, from radar to radio and televisions to mobile phones. He is credited with fundamentally changing our view of reality, so much so that Albert Einstein said, “One scientific epoch ended and another began with James Clerk Maxwell”. But who was James Clerk Maxwell? What were his ideas, and does this nineteenth century ‘natural philosopher’ deserve a place alongside Newton and Einstein in the pantheon of science?

30. The Joint Astronomy Centre
Services and support to enable astronomers to undertake research using the james clerk maxwell Telescope and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope.
Joint Astronomy Centre Show document only JAC Home JCMT UKIRT ...
Infrared Telescope
Latest News: The Joint Astronomy Centre provides services and support to enable visiting and staff astronomers to undertake top-quality, front-line international-class research using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope; to develop these facilities in order to maintain their position as the most advanced of their kind in the world; to operate them in the most cost effective and efficient manner on behalf of the funding agencies; and to be responsive to the changing needs of the contributing organisations. Contact: JAC webmasters . Updated: Wed Jul 6 20:24:32 HST 2005
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31. James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
General information, facility description, applying for time, observing information, archive, user documentation, and developments.
Joint Astronomy Centre Show document only JAC Home JCMT UKIRT ... Legacy Surveys
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope With a diameter of 15m the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) is the largest astronomical telescope in the world designed specifically to operate in the submillimeter wavelength region of the spectrum. The JCMT is used to study our Solar System, interstellar dust and gas, and distant galaxies. It is situated close to the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, at an altitude of 4092m. JCMT is supported by PPARC, NRC and NWO; it is overseen by the JCMT Board Part of the RadioNet consortium Contact: Remo Tilanus . Updated: Tue Nov 30 16:02:07 HST 2004
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32. Maxwell
Biography of james clerk maxwell (18311879) james clerk maxwell was born at 14 India Street in Edinburgh, a house built by his parents in the 1820s,
James Clerk Maxwell
Born: 13 June 1831 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Died: 5 Nov 1879 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
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James Clerk Maxwell was born at 14 India Street in Edinburgh, a house built by his parents in the 1820s, but shortly afterwards his family moved to their home at Glenlair in Kirkcudbrightshire about 20 km from Dumfries. There he enjoyed a country upbringing and his natural curiosity displayed itself at an early age. In a letter written on 25 April 1834 when 'The Boy' was not yet three years old he is described as follows, see [5]:- He is a very happy man, and has improved much since the weather got moderate; he has great work with doors, locks, keys etc., and 'Show me how it doos' is never out of his mouth. He also investigates the hidden course of streams and bell-wires, the way the water gets from the pond through the wall and a pend or small bridge and down a drain ... When James was eight years old his mother died. His parents plan that they would educate him at home until he was 13 years old, and that he would then be able to go the Edinburgh University, fell through. A 16 year old boy was hired to act as tutor but the arrangement was not a successful one and it was decided that James should attend the Edinburgh Academy.

33. Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC1, Hawaii)
The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope and the james clerk maxwell Telescope.

34. Maxwell's House
The house where james clerk maxwell was born is at 14 India Street, james clerk maxwell s father, John clerk maxwell, had one brother and one sister.
A visit to James Clerk Maxwell's house
Scottish index History Topics Index
Version for printing

You can see a full biography of James Clerk Maxwell
On a grey November day we [JOC and EFR] made the 50 mile train journey from St Andrews to Edinburgh to visit James Clerk Maxwell's house. The house where James Clerk Maxwell was born is at 14 India Street, Edinburgh about a fifteen minute walk from the railway station which is in the centre of Edinburgh. The house is now owned by the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation who have restored it almost to its original state by removing partitions which had been erected by previous owners. The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences shares the building and organises mathematical meetings there. The Director of Development of the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation, Professor David S Ritchie, showed us the house and the historical documents and other items owned by the Foundation.
You can see a map of the area at the time Maxwell was there and a picture of the house as it is now and the sign outside marking it as Maxwell's birthplace.

35. Maxwell, James (1831-1879) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph
maxwell, JC The Scientific Letters and Papers of james clerk maxwell, Vol. 2 18621873. Cambridge, England Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Branch of Science Mathematicians Branch of Science Physicists ... Scottish
Maxwell, James (1831-1879)

Scottish mathematician and physicist who published physical and mathematical theories of the electromagnetic field When he first became interested in electricity, he wrote Kelvin asking how best to proceed. Kelvin recommended that Maxwell read the published works in the order Faraday Kelvin , and then the German physicists. Maxwell wanted to present electricity in its most simple form. He started out by writing a paper entitled "On Faraday's Lines of Force" (1856), in which he translated Faraday's theories into mathematical form, presenting the lines of force as imaginary tubes containing an incompressible fluid. He then published "On Physical Lines of Force" (1861) in which he treated the lines of force as real entities, based on the movement of iron filings in a magnetic field and using the analogy of an idle wheel. He also presented a derivation that light consists of transverse undulations of the same medium which is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena. Finally, he published a purely mathematical theory in "On a Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field" (1865). Maxwell's formulation of electricity and magnetism was published in A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873), which included the formulas today known as the

36. Adventures In CyberSound: Maxwell, James Clerk
An online, academic work that will research the history of radio and the related media services of telegraphy, telephony, facsimile, television,
A D V E N T U R E S in C Y B E R S O U N D
James Clerk Maxwell : 1831 - 1879 "...we should fittingly honour Maxwell as the great pioneer of radio communication, for he not only had the genius to forsee that electric waves must be produced, but had given (in 1864) the complete theory of their generation and propagation long before their existance had been suspected by science" Ernest Rutherford, The Times
The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell , (b. Nov. 13, 1831, d. Nov. 5, 1879), did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. After graduating (1854) with a degree in mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge, he held professorships at Marischal College in Aberdeen (1856) and at King's College in London (1860) and became the first Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge in 1871. Maxwell's first major contribution to science was a study of the planet Saturn's rings, the nature of which was much debated. Maxwell showed that stability could be achieved only if the rings consisted of numerous small solid particles, an explanation still accepted. Maxwell next considered molecules of gases in rapid motion. By treating them statistically he was able to formulate (1866), independently of Ludwig Boltzmann , the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases.

37. Glenlair Today
The original stewart mansion of the Scottish scientist, which was damaged by fire in 1929. Includes history, photographic description of the estate and contacts.
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38. James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), The Scottish Physicist, Did
james clerk maxwell (18311879), the Scottish physicist, did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases.
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), the Scottish physicist, did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. He formulated, independently of Ludwig Boltzmann, the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases. Maxwell showed that a few relatively simple mathematical equations could express the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interrelated nature. These four partial differential equations first appeared in fully developed form in Electricity and Magnetism (1873). Since known as Maxwell's equations they are one of the great achievements of 19th-century physics.

39. Web Site Moved: James Clerk Maxwell Foundation
The james clerk maxwell Foundation is aware of a number of unauthorised and unsolicited emails apparently written in the name of the Foundation,
The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation web site has moved. You may continue to the new web site or wait to be redirected in 20 seconds. WARNING
The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation is aware of a number of unauthorised and unsolicited emails apparently written in the name of the Foundation, indicating that the recipient has been selected by the Foundation to receive a substantial cash payment. The Foundation wishes to make clear that it has no connection with any such emails , which have been issued without the Foundation’s knowledge, authority or involvement. Relevant law enforcement agencies have been informed. If you receive such an email please forward it to

40. James Clerk Maxwell Foundation Redirection Page
The james clerk maxwell Foundation has a new website, please click on the link below.
The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation has a new website, please click on the link below:

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