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61. Computing People: John Atanasoff In 1940 Dr. Atanasoff attended a lecture given by Dr. john W. mauchly at UrsinusCollege, near Philadelphia. mauchly became very interested in Atanasoff s http://www.angelfire.com/ma/kilenm/2k03ppl.html | |
62. John W. Mauchly And The Development Of The ENIAC Computer - Www.library.upenn.ed History of the emergence of modern computing. From an exhibit at the Universityof Pennsylvania. http://www.joeant.com/DIR/info/get/211/16222 | |
63. John Mauchly dejohn William mauchly fa? ? ja?·?.This document uses material from the Wikipedia article john mauchly , http://78018.mallforeverything.com/ | |
64. Fine Art - Inventors By Ric Hornor john was unable to market the device, however, and mauchly along with john The Eckertmauchly patent was declared invalid in 1973, earning john V. http://www.fineartcenter.tv/inventors/Atanosoff.htm | |
65. Super Scientists - John William Mauchly Energy Quest is the California Energy Commission s energy and environmentaleducation site for students, parents and teachers. http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/scientists/mauchly.html | |
66. Super Scientists - John Presper Eckert Jr. Eckert, from Pennsylvania, worked with john mauchly to build the first generalpurposeelectronic digital computer, called ENIAC. ENIAC stood for Electronic http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/scientists/eckert.html | |
67. The Computing Revolution john mauchly was already a famous computer scientist when UNIVAC I was built.During World War II, he and his colleague Pres Eckert had built a computer for http://www.mos.org/exhibits/ComputingRevolution/univac/5a.html | |
68. BBC ICT Portal john mauchly received a PhD in Physics from john Hopkins University in 1932.He then taught physics at a number of different colleges, becoming interested http://www.open2.net/ictportal/timeline/halloffame/mauchly.htm | |
69. Findings:@Everything2.com Here s the stuff we found when you searched for john mauchly ; john Williammauchly john (user) If you Log in you could create a john mauchly node. http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=John Mauchly |
70. John W. Mauchly Translate this page john Williams mauchly había nacido en Cincinnati, Ohio (EE.UU.) el 30 de agostode 1907. Sus magnificas aptitudes como estudiante le valieron una beca para http://www-etsi2.ugr.es/alumnos/mlii/Mauchly.htm | |
71. Read About John Mauchly At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research John Mauchly And john mauchly. Everything you wanted to know about john mauchly but had no cluehow to find it.. Learn about john mauchly here! http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/John_Mauchly | |
72. John Mauchly Translate this page john W. mauchly (1907 - 1980). Aunque consiguió una beca para estudiar ingeniería,se dedicó a estudiar física obteniendo el doctorado en 1932. http://www.dma.eui.upm.es/historia_informatica/Doc/Personajes/JohnMauchly.htm | |
73. The Prototype In addition, the judge ruled that john mauchly and john Eckert, who had for over25 years been the recipients of recognition and admiration as coinventors http://tangra.bitex.com/eng/atanasoff/prototip.htm | |
74. The Trial He had also ruled that john mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, who had for more thantwentyfive years been feted, trumpeted, and honored as the co-inventors of http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/ABC/Trial.html | |
75. The First Stored Program Computer -- EDVAC In August 1994, mauchly and Eckert proposed the building of a new machine called the it s creators, john William mauchly and J. Presper Eckert Jr., http://www.maxmon.com/1946ad.htm | |
76. School Of Information Science - Hall Of Fame john mauchly grew up in Chevy Chase, Maryland. mauchly then collaborated withjohn Eckert in the construction of the Electronic Integrator and Computer http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~mbsclass/hall_of_fame/mauchly.html | |
77. History Of Computers A Report on the ENAIC (army.mil) ENAIC The Army Sponsored Revolution (army.mil)john W. mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer (upenn.edu) http://www.hitmill.com/computers/computerhx1.html | |
78. John Mauchly - Definition By Dict.die.net Definition john mauchly. Search dictionary for john mauchly person /jonW mok *lee/ (rhymes with broccoli ) Dr. john W. mauchly, http://dict.die.net/john mauchly/ | |
79. Mauchly - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for mauchly . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search Mauch·lyListen mäk l , john William 19071980. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/m/m0157650.html | |
80. Vonneumann's First Computer Program when john mauchly of Philadelphia and a colleague, J. Presper Eckert, Although mauchly, Eckert, and Von Neumann all contributed to its success, http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/exhibits/treasures/vonneuma.htm | |
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