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41. Mauchly, John William mauchly, john William (19071980) In 1949 mauchly and Eckert designed asmall-scale binary computer, BINAC, which was faster and cheaper to use. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/M/Mauchly/1.html | |
42. John Mauchly From FOLDOC person /jon W mok *lee/ (rhymes with broccoli ) Dr. john W. mauchly, one ofthe developers of ENIAC. (2002-10-06). Try this search on OneLook / Google http://foldoc.hld.c64.org/foldoc.cgi?Mauchly, John W. |
43. MSN Encarta - Mauchly, John William Translate this page mauchly, john William (1907-1980), spécialiste américain des ordinateurs, surtoutconnu Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher mauchly, john William http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_741528196/Mauchly_John_William.html | |
44. John Vincent Atanasoff - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Atanasoff meets mauchly. john Atanasoff met john mauchly at the December 1940 john mauchly, Presper Eckert, and their families never admitted any http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Vincent_Atanasoff | |
45. Honeywell, Inc., Honeywell Vs. Sperry Rand Records john mauchly visited Atanasoff in 1941 and was aware of the ABC, Box 43mauchly, john W. chronological event list and reference chronology, http://www.cbi.umn.edu/collections/inv/cbi00001.html | |
46. John Mauchly: The Computer And The Skateboard ENIAC-EDVAC-UNIVAC A video biography on john mauchly, inventor of the first electronic computer. http://www.blastoffmedia.com/mauchly/ | |
47. John Mauchly: The Computer And The Skateboard ENIAC-EDVAC-UNIVAC john mauchly and J. Presper Eckert were the inventors of ENIAC, widely consideredthe first electronic computer. With its grand unveiling in l946, http://www.blastoffmedia.com/mauchly/synop.htm | |
48. Inventor Of The Week: Archive john William mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the scientists credited with theinvention of the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/mauchly-eckert.html | |
49. Invent Now | Hall Of Fame | Search | Inventor Profile john mauchly coinvented the first practical electronic digital computer. ENIAC,the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, was initially meant to http://www.invent.org/hall_of_fame/182.html | |
50. Mauchly, John William - In 1949 mauchly and Eckert designed a smallscale binary computer, BINAC, mauchly, john William. US physicist and engineer who, in 1946, constructed the http://896.a.computerwords.info/ | |
51. ENIAC: Definition And Much More From Answers.com 525540); john W. mauchly, The ENIAC (in A History of Computing in the TwentiethCentury 389-399); J. Presper Eckert, john mauchly, Outline of plans for http://www.answers.com/topic/eniac | |
52. IEEEVM: John W. Mauchly mauchly Portrait. john W. mauchly. john mauchly was born 30 August 1907 inCincinnati, Ohio. His father was a physicist who encouraged his sons scientific http://www.ieee-virtual-museum.org/collection/people.php?id=1234639&lid=1 |
53. Computer Sweden - Sveriges IT-tidning - Dagliga Nyheter Om It, Internet, Datorer john mauchly räknas som tänkaren bakom Eniac medan Eckert var ingenjören. Då startade john mauchly konsultföretag och ägnade sig åt datorteknik, http://computersweden.idg.se/tjanster/sprakwebb/ord.asp?ord=Mauchly, John |
54. [JargonF - Dictionnaire Informatique] Définition De Mauchly, John john Williams mauchly (dont la fin du nom se prononce « li » en anglais), http://www.linux-france.org/prj/jargonf/M/Mauchly,_John.html | |
55. Lemelson Center Archives Computer Oral History Collection 92, mauchly, john (Colloquium), 2/23/73. McPherson, john C. 9/2/70 26,mauchly, john, 2/6/732/7/73 (5 7 ). 16, McPherson, john, 2/9/70 http://invention.smithsonian.org/resources/fa_comporalhist_list_005.aspx | |
56. Lemelson Center Archives Computer Oral History Collection 12, mauchly, john Transcript, 6/22/70. 13, mauchly, john, 1/10/73. 14, mauchly,john Transcript, 2/6/73. 15, mauchly, john (Colloquium) Transcript, 2/23/73 http://invention.smithsonian.org/resources/fa_comporalhist_list_001.aspx | |
57. John Atanasoff The American engineers john mauchly john Eckert In addition, the judgeruled that john mauchly and john Eckert, who had for over 25 years been the http://www.johnatanasoff.com/the_process.php | |
58. John Mauchly -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article john mauchly. Categories People from Ohio, Physicists, Computer designers john William mauchly (August 30, 1907 January 8, 1980) was an (A native or http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/j/jo/john_mauchly.htm | |
59. John Mauchly Biography / Biography Of John Mauchly Biographies john mauchly Biography profile biographies life history. http://www.bookrags.com/biography/john-mauchly/ | |
60. GTI - Glosario Terminología Informática john William mauchlyjohn William mauchly. Eckert, john Presper Estados Unidos, 1919 -. ENIAC ENIAC http://www.tugurium.com/gti/termino.asp?Tr=Mauchly, John William&Tp=P&Or=0 |
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